Server started; please wait for map to refresh.
DM has connected.
DM: you on? Also, did you also save a transcript copy last time?
DM: I have all my transcripts just in case
Boretos: Yes. and yes.
DM: Alright.
DM: It has been a couple months since your fateful encounter with the owlbear. Summer has come, and the village is doing well. A new church is under construction in the west, where hopefully there will be less competition for pews. Ico has returned from whatever matters had taken him back to Damriel, and now he sees the people regularly.
DM: You didn't get too many invites from Taydrn to go on more scouting raids, but Thad has been a bit more accepting of you. Mostly though, they want you out of their way when they work.
DM: This afternoon, you are walking back to your home when you feel the urge to make a listen check.
You roll secretly to the GMs.
DM: you hear something inside.
Boretos: I sneak up to the door.
DM: roll it
* Boretos rolls: 1d20+6 => 6 + 6 = 12
DM: move silently?
Boretos: yeah
DM: alright, you are now at the door.
Boretos: I listen at the door.
You roll secretly to the GMs.
DM: you still hear shifting in there, but it doesn't sound like someone's talking...
Boretos: I open the door.
DM: You find Tamourne and Undren.
DM: Under the sheets.
Boretos: I back out slowly and shut the door.
Old Human 7: Everything alright?
DM: you see an old man was watching you listen to the door.
Torg: Mother needs privacy.
Old Human 7: Women tend to...
Old Human 7: Well, I got some water to fetch if ya need busy work, that I do...
Torg: *nods*
DM: He gives a content grin as he hands you one of his buckets.
DM: The two of you head to the creek, until you are far enough into the forrest to calm your nerves, but you still can't unsee your mother undressed...
Torg: (( Did they notice me? ))
DM: Yeah, they noticed you.
Torg: (( I'll thake the old man's other bucket. ))
Torg: (( take* ))
Old Human 7: My lucky day! Thanks lad!
Torg: Where to?
Old Human 7: I was just taking it back to my home I was.
Old Human 7: Don't have any servents to do this for me anymore, now do I?
Torg: Name's Torg.
Garim: Garim. Used to be Lord Garim. Son of Marton.
Garim: But it looks like our house picked the wrong side when the new king rose, didn't I?
Torg: No. We rise again.
Garim: No offence my lad, but there's a big difference between fetching some water and reclaiming a kingdom. Suppose that Uder is the rightful king. What is he going to do?
Garim: He has no army, only a little land, and nobody back home has any love for a half-orc anyway, sorry to tell ya.
Torg: Nerull provides. We train hard and grow much. There are things beyond understanding in this world. Nerull provides.
Garim: I belived that once boy. I thought I would be able to redeam my whole family's name on the back of that death god. Now look where it got me...
Garim: Well, I don't want to keep you holding those buckets too long, don't I?
Torg: If not on His back, then on my back. Hop up.
Garim: What?
Torg: Back home.
Torg: Want a ride?
Garim: You... you want to carry me?
Torg: You are old and weak. I am young and strong.
Garim: Yeah but... but you're a wee little, lad...
Torg: (( is he taller than me? ))
DM: by about a foot
Torg: (( dang I am one jacked shorty. I thought I was an adult by now. ))
Boretos: This part:
DM: but you are post puberty...
Boretos: "Half-orcs mature a little faster than humans and age noticeably faster. They reach adulthood at age 14, and few live longer than 75 years."
Boretos: -PHB
DM: Ohh. Nevermind then, you are a few inces above him.
Boretos: I mean, if you want me to be younger, given this information, that's fine.
DM: nope, not an issue
DM: do you insist on him hopping on?
Boretos: yep
DM: roll a strength check
Boretos: that seems... unnecessary.
Boretos: My medium load is 266lbs.
DM: fine.
He carries Garim back
Garim: Well thanks. I thought this was gonna be the worst part of my day.
Garim: If you ever need me to pay it back, I live on the northeast side.
Garim: When the sun rises, look left.
Torg: *nods*
Torg: (( I'll check the goings on at the church. ))
DM: Odran is handling the sermon today. It's one of the boring ones. It
DM: is the story of the path of life. How all life is is an animate form of nature. How we are given breath, and must use it to keep afloat our little patch of the world, and then we return our life to our lord death. It always seemed so depressing to you. Like there was no point to it all...
Torg: (( Nerull always knows how to cheer a guy up. ))
DM: he's the god of death, what do you want?
Torg: (( 72 virgins ))
Torg: (( what happened to my father, anyway? ))
DM: you just know he didn't stick around. Your mother always said she would tell you when she's older.
Torg returns to his home.
Torg: *knock knock*
Undren: Who is it?
Torg: Torg.
Undren: Come in, honey...
DM: She is dressed now, and sitting on the bed with a "gonna have a talk with my son" kind of face.
Torg: (( I sit on my bed and wait for it. ))
Boretos: Why wouldn't you lock the door?
DM: How do you make a lock with no iron?
Boretos: bar the door
DM: Maybe they just weren't careful?
DM: I don't think this is the worst plot hole so far...
Undren: Torg, did you come home early this afternoon?
Torg: Not been too busy recently.
Undren: Well you seemed a little scared when you did. Is there something you want to talk about?
Torg: I didn't know about you and Tamourne.
Torg: It is not good to keep secrets.
Torg: More. Secrets.
Undren: Torg-
Undren: I... what did you want me to say? I'm sorry, but even mommies do bad things sometimes. I... you know that it's forbidden for the priest to...
Torg: Did you force him?
Undren: What?
Torg: Why would Tamourne break his rules?
Torg: Why would you betray father?
Torg: Why wouldn't you tell me?
Undren: Torg...
Undren: Torg, he IS your father.
Torg: *eyes go wide*
Undren: I didn't tell you to protect all of us. At the time, I was just another half-orc living in the capital's slums, and he was a good man, making a real difference.
Undren: If I revealed it, his priesthood would be ruined. And who knows what would have happened to us?
Undren: I thought... I thought it would be better if you just didn't know.
Undren: And it stopped for years before we came out here.
Torg: You would keep it a secret forever?
Undren: I... I really thought it would work. That he would go on leading us, and I would find a new life here, and we would all put our mistakes behind us and move on with life.
Undren: I just didn't want to hurt you.
Undren: I'm sorry it came out this way, Torg.
Torg: This town needs leader.
Torg: We cannot lose our priest.
Torg: You would have been found sooner or later.
Undren: Son, I swear this is not going to happen again.
Torg: Nerull sees all, mother.
Torg: He can see through lies.
Torg: (( BAD mommy. ))
DM: do you dramatically leave?
Torg: (( yes. ))
Torg: (( in a huff. ))
DM: make a listen check
* You roll to the GMs: 1d20+6 => 9 + 6 = 15
DM: You hear your mother weap
Boretos: hmm...
DM: If you do anything shortly after this, go ahead, otherwise that's session.
Boretos: I'd like to roll a have a heart check.
DM: Go ahead. I don't know what modifiers you want to use...
Unknown command: "roll1d20-1". Try /help for a list of commands.
* Boretos rolls: 1d20-1 => 13 - 1 = 12
Boretos: pass
Boretos: I calmly return.
DM: She notices, but doesn't seem to react
Torg: I overreacted.
Torg: You are having hard time.
Torg: I'm sorry.
Undren: I, I know you didn't mean to hurt me. I know what it's like to have someone lie to you for so long when you thought you knew them.
Undren: I love you, Torg.
Torg: I love you too.
Torg: Where is Tomourne?
Undren: He left. I don't know where he went off to...
Keenan has connected.
Torg: (( gather info on where Tamourne is. ))
DM: roll it
* Boretos rolls: 1d20-1 => 6 - 1 = 5
DM: you get not shit
Keenan is disconnected.
Torg: (( fine. I'll do it the old fashioned way. ))
Torg: (( I'll ask odran, when he has a free second. ))
Keenan has connected.
DM: Odran's sermen on the circle of life, one of his first alone, has just finished.
DM: you spot Torg in the crowd
Odran: Hello, Torg, how have you been doing
Torg: fine.
Torg: Tell me where Tamourne is.
Keenan: do i know, or not?
DM: you gotta hunch
Odran: Hm, I don't know for sure, but often around this time, he is talking to Uder in the central building, why are you searching for him?
Torg: I need to know about Priest duties.
Torg: The priest... code of conduct.
Odran: Well I can tell you all you need to know about that, what for just wondering?
Torg: Tell me the rules of the code of conduct.
Odran: Well, A priest is ever owed to death, A priest must never own that which is not needed, take that which is not given, or harm that which does not disturb the path of life, A priest takes no love of this world, and avoids drink, woman, and revelry, A priest is a servant of al those who follow the path of life, and the enemy of those who resist it. We have all sworn to this oath, in addition, we must listen to our superiors, not lie to them, and never steal church property.
Keenan: the priest life doesnt seem like much fun, or the type to get alot of cool gear, oh well
Torg: Tell me what happens when a priest breaks this oath.
Odran: Um, well, I don't know, I've never seen this happen or heard of it occuring, I have only joined the priesthood recently.
Torg: You should have known what you got yourself into.
Odran: what do you mean?
Odran: I do know what i have gotten into, I am a priest for Neull, while it may not be the most fun job, it is a very fulfilling one, and i am happy performing my duties.
Torg: You do not know what happens to those who break the rules. When you do or your underlings do, you will look like fool.
Torg: Take no offense.
Odran: I don't have underlings? and I don't plan on breaking my oath.(getting a bit annoyed by the fact that you are pretty much insulting my oath, but trying not to show it)
Torg: Someday you will rise in power and then have underlings.
Torg: Nerull willing.
Odran: Well sure then, But I still won't ever regret my oath, and while if I do one day have those who work for me, as i now work for my superiors, I would see it as a shame, if some strayed from the oath, but I would never be ashamed of the oath itself, or consider myself a fool for taking it.
Torg: Never feel shame of the path you take. It's the only one you've got.
Odran: Yes, I know
Torg: I must find Tamourne.
Odran: Well, good luck with that, as i have said, he is likely talking to Uder in the central building.
DM: Do you need Keenan, or are you just gonna bug Tamourne now?
Torg: (( the latter. ))
Keenan: guess ill get off now, message me again if you need me again.
DM: thanks for hoping on
DM: in such short notcice
Keenan: no worries
Keenan is disconnected.
Boretos: I'll head to the central building and knock on the door.
DM: Tamourne opens.
DM: He looks at you with a blank face.
Joeseph Tamourne: Evening.
Torg: I seek Ico.
Joeseph Tamourne: Your master is out seeking some stones for the new church. He seems to want it to make an impression.
Joeseph Tamourne: He said he would be back in two days' time.
Torg: Tell me what happens when a priest breaks his oath.
DM: He opens the door wider, and beckons you inside.
Torg comes in, and the two sit down in a tense silence. Tamourne takes a stiff breath and begins...
Joeseph Tamourne: That priest, if he is a minor, will be expelled, because rules are meaningless if we don't follow them.
Joeseph Tamourne: But if he happens to be one of the leaders of a young, fragile, community...
Joeseph Tamourne: Then I don't know what happens. Maybe what happens is that Ico does a great job on his own. Maybe chaos happens.
Joeseph Tamourne: I'm sorry you had to see that Torg, but this is bigger than just my mistakes.
Torg: Yes. It is about 6'4
Torg: and weighs 275lbs
Joeseph Tamourne: Are you threatening me?
Torg: No.
Torg: You must bring this town to strength.
Torg: We must take back what is ours.
Joeseph Tamourne: Damriel?
Torg: Mm.
Joeseph Tamourne: I remember serving Nerull there. I was a happy man back then. A lot less responibility back before everyone's lives were in danger from crazy woodland spirits. Back when I thought all you had to do was pray and the gods would solve all our problems.
Joeseph Tamourne: What do you remember of our old home?
Torg: Hatred.
Torg: Anger.
Joeseph Tamourne: You aren't wrong, I will tell you that.
Torg: The wood holds a weapon. It should be looked into.
Tamourne remains silent.
Torg: If we were to wield that weapon...
Torg: There are unknown powers in this world.
Joeseph Tamourne: What in the four winds are you speaking of?
Torg: The magics that are in the wood may prove useful to us.
Torg: if we can control them.
Joeseph Tamourne: NO. That is not going to happen on my watch, do you hear?
Joeseph Tamourne: It's too damn dangerous.
Torg: not on your watch. That can be arranged.
Joeseph Tamourne: What? You're going to expose me? Then what, everyone follows the bastard? You get a magic sword from the forrest, then lead an army back home?
Joeseph Tamourne: Do you really belive the world works like that, boy?
Torg: Not with that attitude.
Joeseph Tamourne: And you won't live long with yours.
Torg rises.
Torg: Praise Nerull.
Joeseph Tamourne: Don't go searching for artifacts kid. You will only find trouble, and if that's not enough for us you might start bringing other powers to our doorstep...
Torg: I will capture them as well. Our might will be beyond Damriel a thousand fold.
Torg heads for the door.
Joeseph Tamourne: Who do you think you are?
Torg: Not you.
DM is disconnected.