Server started; please wait for map to refresh.
wes has connected.
Brian: There ya er
wes: yes i am
Brian: know where your token is? You start this session off with whatever you decide to do next.
wes: i do know where i am
wes: my character has now decided that elf god who's name i unspellable has lost favor in the order of lood
wes: *blood*
Brian: Corelon Lorethian is my cannonical spelling
Brian: copy-paste if needed
wes: so, he decides to go to local priest to try and gain favor with corlon lorthian
Devdan Vaxidor: Soveliss, i belief the order of blood has angered out god
Brian: Does it happen to be the guy from before, or are you finding a different church?
Devdan Vaxidor: i will seek out our god's wisdom to cerrect this
wes: ummmm
* wes rolls: 1d2 => 2
wes: new guy
Brian: any particular priest you are looking for?
Brian: kind of*
Brian: like, a big important one, one who knew you as a kid...
wes: i want a priest who thinks he/she speaks directly for corlon lorthian
Brian: That would be Glistar alone.
wes: ......isn't glistar hitler in this verse?
Brian: He's also the head of the church of Corelon Lorethian
wes: yeah im not into him
wes: i guess i go back to that priest i was talking to
wes: damn you railroading me
Brian: I let you chose whoever you wanted
wes: yeah but you make it so if i want to do something cool i have to agree with hitlet
wes: *hitler*
wes: anyways
wes: it's been one day since my last encounter with this cleric
wes: who definately needs a name
Brian: You arrive at the only time you know the man would be in church for sure: right before services.
wes: make that my new elf image
Brian: send via FB, the smily broke the link
wes: i'll just token tool
Brian: kk
Brian: feel free to just drop it down
wes: kk
Devdan Vaxidor: PRIEST
Devdan Vaxidor: I REQUIRE WORDS
elf noble: ...he's inside.
Brian: He nods to the inner chamber.
wes: i do the best subtle i can
* wes rolls: 1d20+2 => 1 + 2 = 3
wes: i knock over the sacrimental wine
* Brian rolls: 1d20+1 => 11 + 1 = 12
Brian: the cleric fails to catch it.
Cleric: What did you...
Cleric: Ahh, I remember you.
Devdan Vaxidor: i'm sorry
Devdan Vaxidor: and know i rarely say those words
Devdan Vaxidor: so i mean
Devdan Vaxidor: them
Cleric: It is far less important than that you are here. Sit.
Devdan Vaxidor: *sits*
Brian: After a brief wiping the serman begins. You have heard the preaching of a clergyman many times in your young life, and this time isn't much different, although recent events make you pay attention to the words more than normal.
wes: ok
Cleric: Alright, but enough of me yammering on, right? Let's eat.
wes: eat what?
Brian: You don't know.
Brian: But the crowd rises and starts to file out.
Devdan Vaxidor: sir
Devdan Vaxidor: the elf god doesn't have any "sacred food"
Devdan Vaxidor: what are we to eat?
Cleric: We are a tight-nit family here. On Moondays we normally get someone to prepare a feast.
Cleric: Not everything is about sacred rituals in life.
Devdan Vaxidor: a community
Devdan Vaxidor: that is what we need
Cleric: Why don't you join us?
Devdan Vaxidor: who said i wouldn't?
wes: i do join
Brian: You end up only walking across the street to the church-goers house, where much dining is had, after a prayer or two of course.
Brian: Even a human who is related to sombody somehow is joining in.
wes: kk
Cleric: So tell me, where in the city do you spend most of your time?
wes: is he asking me or others?
Brian: He has made a point to sit accross from you. There are no speeches going on now.
Devdan Vaxidor: I have tried to spend my time in the order of blood
Devdan Vaxidor: but.....
Devdan Vaxidor: i feel that our god has....decided that isn't the path for my life
Devdan Vaxidor: and maybe not the path for anyones life
Cleric: What makes you think this?
Devdan Vaxidor: As i was completing a mission for the order of blood, a silver winged eagle attacked me. I'm not the most devout follower of our God, but surely not one worthy of her scorn. I think she must find disfavor for the order i was serving
Cleric: *scowls* Hmm, that is a concerning sign.
Cleric: How long have you been in the Order? My name's Aurest, by the way.
Devdan Vaxidor: Aurest, I had just joined the order when a holy beast of our godess attacked me
wes: the elf god is female right?
Brian: yes
wes: kk
wes: cool
Aurest: It sounds to me like you don't fully understand why.
Devdan Vaxidor: that....yes, i don't know why my godess felt to attack me, but i know i've never efiled her or opposed her. i know that the new order must be why she opposed me
Aurest: Has then happened often to this order?
Devdan Vaxidor: Aurest, i don't know about this order. But i know that i can be a true champion of our goddess
Devdan Vaxidor: I know that while i'm not the "ideal elf" i've done nothing to offend our goddess so much that she would attack me
Aurest: Then let me make you a deal.
Devdan Vaxidor: please, guide me
wes is disconnected.
wesley has connected.
wesley: please resume from " please guide me
Aurest: The church often sends men down to the south to spread the word to the wood-folk. Unfortunitely, more rough bands still exist, and we aren't always safe down there. Most of the time with someone like you I would suggest quiet prayer to ease your mind, but you strike me as a man of action.
Aurest: You escort me on my next trip. I will provide the provisions you need, and a chance to see the world our lord has made.
Aurest: Maybe figure out just what she wants out of you.
Devdan Vaxidor: thank you
Devdan Vaxidor: i am a man who can make quiet prayer. but i know action will bring me closer to my goddess
Devdan Vaxidor: and my ultimate goal
Aurest: Which is?
Devdan Vaxidor: my to provide elves with a secure future
Devdan Vaxidor: not one that relies on "slaves" and "lesser races:
Devdan Vaxidor: we can be supperior without fostering hatred
Aurest: How noble. We will have much to talk about on our trek.
Devdan Vaxidor: good
Aurest: But for now, enjoy the evening, and the kindness of your fellows.
Brian: Do you do anything of importance before the trip?
Devdan Vaxidor: thank you my lord. many elves think our superiority is "assured:
Devdan Vaxidor: ":
wesley: nah
wesley: maybe get some good booze
wesley: but nah
wesley: nothing important
Brian: Cool. Drawing southern village now
wesley: kk
Brian: You spend several weeks preaching to the wood-landers, often stopping to cure a few folks here and there.
Brian: The humans don't seem as resentful as you would have expected, but don't love the sermans like your kind do.
Brian: On this particular day, Aurest is speaking in public and gathering a small crowd, which includes a priest of Palor, the old god of the south.
Brian: When he sees you a bit behind Aurest, he quickly slinks off...
Brian: Do you do anything immediately?
wesley: i deep by aurest to protect him
Brian: You get a few suspicious eyes, but nobody does anything provocative.
wesley: kk
Brian: The serman ends, and the crowd disperses.
wesley: ok
Brian: you don't need to aknowlege everything. I'm just narrorating
wesley: kk
Aurest: They seem a bit gruff to you?
Devdan Vaxidor: they....don't undertsatnd
Devdan Vaxidor: *understand*
Devdan Vaxidor: once they do, they will be left less gruff
Aurest: Let us hope.
Aurest: I think we should try to find the local church of Palor around here and try to talk to the elders. Avoiding religious rifts are always a good thing, right?
Devdan Vaxidor: indeed
Devdan Vaxidor: let's try to talk peacfully with their god
Brian: After a while, you come to the church.
Brian: Aurest knocks and the priest answers.
Aurest: Good evening!
Priest of Palor: *eyes the two of you* Evening.
Aurest: May we come in? I had hoped we could pray together.
Devdan Vaxidor: please sir
Devdan Vaxidor: we have more similarities than diferences
Priest of Palor: You don't need knights to pray, do ya?
Aurest: I'm sorry?
Priest of Palor: I don't know how you do it in the city, but we don't normally allow arms and armor in temples, and I would prefer you come inside alone anyway.
Priest of Palor: Please understand.
Devdan Vaxidor: let me go sir
Aurest: Agreed. Have the night off. Mingle with the townsfolk; I'm sure you'll learn a thing or two...
Brian: they step inside.
Brian: What do you do to pass the time?
wesley: i mingle
Brian: There is a very nice inn in the east of town...
wesley: kk
wesley: i go there
Brian: Some tables and such exist, but most folks are at the bar itself. The Inkeep nods your way when he sees you walk in.
wesley: i nod back
Inkeep: Well you're a new face. Where you from boy?
Devdan Vaxidor: Me?
Devdan Vaxidor: i'm devdan vaxidor
Devdan Vaxidor: surely you know me
Human 30: Surely you...don't think you're better than
Inkeep: Ignore him. Are you a big noble?
Devdan Vaxidor: I am a noble
Devdan Vaxidor: don't you recognize my name?
Elf 3: Nobody knows who you are buddy!
Devdan Vaxidor: the vaxidor name is not an unkown name
Human 30: And you really...think we care?
Devdan Vaxidor: of course
Devdan Vaxidor: vaxidor
Devdan Vaxidor: it is a name of strength
Human 30: There's only one thing that means strength. And elves...elves don't got em.
Brian: he flexes his bicep.
wesley: i flex back
Brian: The elf at the bar eyes you with interest, but the drunk you were talking to stands up and growls. Roll init.
* Brian rolls: 1d20-3 => 5 - 3 = 2
* wesley rolls: 1d20+4 => 14 + 4 = 18
Brian: your move
Brian: ...
wesley: can i draw?
wesley: how many bitches am i fighting?
Brian: it provokes at this range, but he is drunk. And you don't really know.
wesley: kk i draw
wesley: take aoo
* Brian rolls: 1d20-2 => 18 - 2 = 16
wesley: nope
* wesley rolls: 1d20+7 => 7 + 7 = 14
Inkeep: Woah woah keep it together guys!
Brian: that hits.
* wesley rolls: 2d6+5 => 6 + 5 = 11
wesley: go
Brian: how non-lethal was that?
Brian: Two of the men in the corner draw swords, while one draws a bow.
Human 24: We aren't that easy pickings, elf.
wesley: umm
wesley: i guess it's toally letha
Brian: ok
* Brian rolls: 1d10 => 3
Devdan Vaxidor: SAVE HIM
Devdan Vaxidor: OR HE WILLL DIE
Inkeep: BACK. AWAY.
Human 25: He's a goddamn murder! Get him!
wesley: on my nextt turn i move torward the dor
Brian: ok, it's your move.
wesley: 5 ft move torward the door
Devdan Vaxidor: HEAL YOUR FRIEND
wesley: i slap the bitch
wesley: the one i can]
* wesley rolls: 1d20+7 => 12 + 7 = 19
Brian: that's a hit.
* wesley rolls: 2d6+5 => 9 + 5 = 14
Brian: by slap, this is a blade-on sword blow, no?
wesley: ?
Brian: you didn't use your hand, right?
wesley: yes
Brian: ok
wesley: i used my blade
Brian: the inkeep still tries first aid.
* Brian rolls: 1d20+2 => 5 + 2 = 7
* Brian rolls: 1d10 => 1
Brian: The man with a bow shoots
* Brian rolls: 1d20+3 => 6 + 3 = 9
Devdan Vaxidor: STOP SHOOTING ME
Devdan Vaxidor: SAVE YOUR FRIEND
Brian: The man with a sword attacks.
* Brian rolls: 1d20+2 => 5 + 2 = 7
wesley: no
Brian: your turn.
wesley: which guy is closer to death?
Brian: I suppose the one you killed
wesley: woah woah woah
wesley: neither or them is dead
Brian: 14 damage one hits a commoner
Brian: your turn?
wesley: i save who i can
wesley: that's grey x right?
Brian: That guy is on the other side of an angry pesant with a blade, but you are correct he's the dieing one.
wesley: i take the aoo
* Brian rolls: 1d20+2 => 16 + 2 = 18
wesley: hit
* Brian rolls: 1d6+1 => 1 + 1 = 2
* wesley rolls: 1d20+6 => 13 + 6 = 19
wesley: saved
Brian: Nicely done.
* Brian rolls: 1d20 => 1
* Brian rolls: 1d20 => 9
* Brian rolls: 1d20-2 => 1 - 2 = -1
* Brian rolls: 1d20+2 => 11 + 2 = 13
Devdan Vaxidor: STOP!!!!!
Brian: Do you want to make a skill check with that?
wesley: hell yes
* wesley rolls: 1d20+6 => 14 + 6 = 20
Inkeep: Enough! Fighting isn't going to help anything!
Human 24: Damn elf thinks he can just kill whoever he wants!
Brian: Just then, you hear a scream from outside.
Devdan Vaxidor: STOP
Devdan Vaxidor: I
Devdan Vaxidor: I don't want to hurt
Devdan Vaxidor: you
Devdan Vaxidor: I want us to be able to help eachother
Human 32: I heard it too.
* wesley rolls: 1d20+8 => 5 + 8 = 13
Brian: ?
wesley: listen?
Brian: ahh.
Brian: You hear little to nothing.
wesley: kk
Human 24: Well you're the knight. You go deal with it.
Devdan Vaxidor: FINE
Devdan Vaxidor: HEAL THIS MAN
wesley: i go to deal with i
wesley: it
Brian: As you step out into the village proper, you see shambling, half-rotted corpes stumbling about.
Brian: Some are pounding on doors.
wesley: imma ned battle map
Brian: Note that Zombies haven't been seen in decades. Make a wisdom check to even know about these things
* wesley rolls: 1d20+2 => 11 + 2 = 13
Brian: ok, you have heard of these things
wesley: kk
wesley: HUZZAH
Brian: your turn
wesley: i attack the nearest zombie
wesley: huzzah i don't need to charge
* wesley rolls: 1d20+7 => 9 + 7 = 16
Brian: hits a zob
* wesley rolls: 2d6+5 => 6 + 5 = 11
Brian: Three zombies come after you
Devdan Vaxidor: HELP ME
* Brian rolls: 1d20+2 => 16 + 2 = 18
Devdan Vaxidor: IF WE DEFEAT THEM
* Brian rolls: 1d6+1 => 1 + 1 = 2
wesley: one hit
Brian: 2 damage
wesley: kk\
Brian: your turn.
wesley: i hit the damaged bitched
* wesley rolls: 1d20+7 => 17 + 7 = 24
Brian: hit
* wesley rolls: 2d6+5 => 6 + 5 = 11
Brian: one dead zombie
Brian: The zombie down the street shoves open the door.
Brian: the other two attack./
* Brian rolls: 1d20+2 => 8 + 2 = 10
* Brian rolls: 1d20+2 => 12 + 2 = 14
Brian: no hits
wesley: nope
Brian: still no movement from the inn
Brian: your turn
Devdan Vaxidor: WILL NO ELVES HELP!!!!!
Devdan Vaxidor: WAAAAGH
wesley: i rage
* wesley rolls: 1d20+9 => 6 + 9 = 15
Brian: hit
Brian: AC 11 fyi
* wesley rolls: 2d6+8 => 11 + 8 = 19
Brian: one zombie attacks you
* Brian rolls: 1d20+2 => 2 + 2 = 4
wesley: nope
Brian: and another pops around the corner.
Brian: your turn
* wesley rolls: 1d20+9 => 3 + 9 = 12
Brian: still manages to hit
* wesley rolls: 2d6+8 => 11 + 8 = 19
Devdan Vaxidor: HELP ME HUMANS\
Brian: One pops his head out, and seems to debate doing something.
Brian: A Zombie makes a partial charge.
* Brian rolls: 1d20+2 => 19 + 2 = 21
wesley: hit
* Brian rolls: 1d6+1 => 6 + 1 = 7
wesley: bitch
Brian: your turn
* wesley rolls: 1d20+9 => 8 + 9 = 17
Brian: hit
* wesley rolls: 2d6+8 => 6 + 8 = 14
Devdan Vaxidor: HELP ME HUMAN
Brian: Three humans run out of the inn, and go the other way around the building
Brian: You hear some shrieking from the building you saw that zombie go inside.
wesley: ok
Brian: Zombies turn
* Brian rolls: 1d20+2 => 18 + 2 = 20
* Brian rolls: 1d6+1 => 3 + 1 = 4
Brian: your turn
wesley: rage
Brian: didn't you already do that?
wesley: nope
Brian: "wesley: i rage"
wesley: kk
wesley: well then i haven't been doing rage dmage
* wesley rolls: 1d20+8 => 19 + 8 = 27
Brian: Hot damn
* wesley rolls: 2d6+9 => 6 + 9 = 15
Brian: you can go for sweet sweet crit if you really want...
wesley: I slice the head clean off
Brian: Awesome. That turn for you?
Devdan Vaxidor: SURRENDER
Devdan Vaxidor: !!!!
Brian: You hear fighting on the other side of the building you are next to, but you can't see what's going on.
wesley: i enter
Brian: Where are you going?
wesley: there is only one door
Brian: the building you are next too?
wesley: yes
Brian: An elderly couple is inside.
Brian: anything else for your turn?
Devdan Vaxidor: STAND DOWN
Brian: They throw their hands up immediately.
wesley: i take them with me
Brian: Which direction do you go?
wesley: ummm.....east torwards the soldiers?
wesley: either way, i go last and attempt to protect them
Brian: You haven't seen any soldiers here yet. East would just be the inn
wesley: i send them east
Brian: You see one more zombie to the north-east, and it's your turn again.
wesley: i charge it
wesley: does that effect attack or damage
Brian: I think it's both
Brian: go for it. I'm feeling nic
Brian: that would require rolling though...
* wesley rolls: 1d20+11 => 11 + 11 = 22
Brian: hit obs
* wesley rolls: 2d6+10 => 5 + 10 = 15
Devdan Vaxidor: DIE
zombie 5: Graww
* Brian rolls: 1d20+2 => 12 + 2 = 14
Brian: now the other two zombies...
* Brian rolls: 1d20+2 => 11 + 2 = 13
* Brian rolls: 1d20+2 => 16 + 2 = 18
* Brian rolls: 2d6+2 => 7 + 2 = 9
Brian: The commoners go
* Brian rolls: 1d20+4 => 2 + 4 = 6
Brian: Ok, your turn.
wesley: charge towards the next zombie
* wesley rolls: 1d20+11 => 7 + 11 = 18
* wesley rolls: 2d6+10 => 7 + 10 = 17
* Brian rolls: 1d20+2 => 18 + 2 = 20
Brian: that was on you
* Brian rolls: 1d6+1 => 3 + 1 = 4
wesley: kk
* Brian rolls: 1d20+4 => 20 + 4 = 24
* Brian rolls: 1d20+4 => 14 + 4 = 18
Brian: a crit for what it counts
Brian: your turn.
* Brian rolls: 1d10 => 5
* wesley rolls: 1d20+11 => 11 + 11 = 22
* wesley rolls: 2d6+10 => 7 + 10 = 17
Devdan Vaxidor: DIE
Inkeep: I'll deal with the wounded. Get the priest!
* Brian rolls: 1d20+2 => 6 + 2 = 8
* Brian rolls: 1d10 => 8
Brian: your turn.
wesley: ummm...what priest????
Brian: The town priest probably.
wesley: I run towards aurest
wesley: how do i make a point i stop at befor emoving onward?
Brian: Yeah, they seem to have disabled that for no reason
wesley: uggg what?
Brian: just like they got rid of cntrl-z
Brian: they just randomly remove features every version
wesley: fine
wesley: i'll
Brian: also that
wesley: or he comes to 40
wesley: fuck him
* wesley rolls: 1d20+11 => 9 + 11 = 20
Brian: hit obs
* wesley rolls: 2d6+10 => 3 + 10 = 13
Brian: two attacks
* Brian rolls: 1d20-2 => 13 - 2 = 11
* Brian rolls: 1d20+2 => 19 + 2 = 21
* Brian rolls: 1d6+1 => 4 + 1 = 5
Brian: trying to heal
* Brian rolls: 1d20+2 => 12 + 2 = 14
Devdan Vaxidor: HUMAN
Brian: and a bowshot
Devdan Vaxidor: HELP
* Brian rolls: 1d20+4 => 13 + 4 = 17
* Brian rolls: 1d8+1 => 7 + 1 = 8
wesley: help
Brian: ok, your turn.
Devdan Vaxidor: HUMANS HELP
* wesley rolls: 1d20+11 => 7 + 11 = 18
Brian: you are running out of nearby humans...
Brian: hit though
Brian: on who?
* wesley rolls: 2d6+10 => 9 + 10 = 19
wesley: anyone. fuck thek
wesley: guess whole life bitch
wesley: seriously though
Brian: gives max efficiency from damage
wesley: the humans haven't done shit for me
Brian: best of luck...
* Brian rolls: 1d20+4 => 4 + 4 = 8
* Brian rolls: 1d20+4 => 6 + 4 = 10
wesley: HA
Brian: and a bowshot
* Brian rolls: 1d20+4 => 12 + 4 = 16
* Brian rolls: 1d8+1 => 3 + 1 = 4
wesley: no
wesley: where is that bow shot coming from
Brian: Human 31
wesley: WTF
wesley: why is he ATTACKING ME
Brian: he's been shooting the Zombie behind you
Brian: how do you think it got to 25% HP?
Brian: and healing
* Brian rolls: 1d20+2 => 20 + 2 = 22
Brian: your turn
wesley: can i whirlwind attack?
Brian: do you have that feat track?
wesley: no
* wesley rolls: 1d20+11 => 3 + 11 = 14
wesley: i hit a bitch
Brian: roll damage
* wesley rolls: 2d6_10 => 2
* wesley rolls: 2d6+10\ => Invalid expression: 2d6+10\.
* wesley rolls: 2d6+10 => 9 + 10 = 19
* Brian rolls: 1d20+2 => 10 + 2 = 12
* Brian rolls: 1d20+4 => 10 + 4 = 14
wesley: nope
Brian: I am going to say the guy had precise shot and be nice.
* Brian rolls: 1d8+1 => 5 + 1 = 6
wesley: i told him to melee
Brian: He didn't do it.
wesley: fine
Devdan Vaxidor: FOLLOW ME
Brian: your turn. Do you rush or wait?
wesley: bitch i rush
Brian: go fer it
wesley: i rush to augrests side
Devdan Vaxidor: AUREST HEAL ME
Brian: You burst into the church, and there is one dead zombie on the ground and the two clerics are pointing staves at each other.
Priest of Palor: I SAID NO WEAPONS!
Aurest: What the hell is going on Devdan?
Devdan Vaxidor: I tried to rally the humans
Devdan Vaxidor: but mostly i've been fighting them myself
Aurest: *Looks to the other priest* Just let us leave.
Priest of Palor: That seems best.
Brian: He signals for the door.
Devdan Vaxidor: WHO SUMMENED THE DAMNED?????
Brian: Aurest only points you to the door.
Devdan Vaxidor: ANSWER
Aurest: We don't have time for this right now...
Devdan Vaxidor: ....fine
wesley: i follow
Brian: He takes you to the side and casts a spell.
Brian: Your wounds begin to heal
* Brian rolls: 2d8+2 => 13 + 2 = 15
Brian: Suddenly, you observe the other priest dashing out the door
Devdan Vaxidor: BACK
Brian: you get no response.
Devdan Vaxidor: ....
Devdan Vaxidor: RALLY TO ME
Aurest: Are there any more of these creatures? Where are they?
Devdan Vaxidor: WE CAN DEFEAT THEM
Brian: A couple villagers poke their heads out of the hovels they were hiding in.
Human 34: What's the plan?
Devdan Vaxidor: Follow us
Devdan Vaxidor: We will cut a path out
Brian: What do you do?
wesley: what does aurest intend to do
wesley: escape or rescue people?
Brian: he's more in favor of the rescue plan.
Brian: You observe the majority of the town doesn't seem overrun...
Brian: In fact, I will tell you now that there weren't many extra zombies. They only seemed to attack from that corner, and do not seem organized.
Brian: You smack the last one in no time.
Aurest: Do you know where these things came from?
Devdan Vaxidor: no idea sir
Aurest: Well the town priest thinks they were sent to assasinate him. He's a paranoid fellow...
Aurest: I advise we do our duty as elves and stay the night in the town square. You hear anything alert me.
Brian: So I assume you stand watch?
wesley: indeed
Brian: The night passes in silence. Nobody dares leave wherever they holed up, but you can still sense the horror, and can hear children crying from time to time.
Brian: Eventually, dawn comes, and the villagers come shambling out to the town square.
Brian: The priest is nowhere to be seen.
Old Woman: What happened last night?
Aurest: I don't know, but we are here to protect you as long as needed.
Devdan Vaxidor: We will protect you
Devdan Vaxidor: no matter the circumstances
Human 31: You killed a man in cold blood last night!
Devdan Vaxidor: A man tried to kill me
Devdan Vaxidor: i only defneded myself
Inkeep: You sliced a drunk man through the chest, and then killed a completely different one where he stood.
Aurest: Is this true, boy?
Devdan Vaxidor: They attacked me
Devdan Vaxidor: i had no choice but to defend myself
Human 31: Lies!
Devdan Vaxidor: YOU LIE
Old Woman: Elves just come down here and think they can get away with anything!
Devdan Vaxidor: I SAVED MANY A HUMAN
Inkeep: You mean the monsters you summoned?
Inkeep: Why else would they come on the night of your arrival?
Human 29: I heard that he left a whole house to die while he went after Gremit.
Devdan Vaxidor: You can't be serious
Devdan Vaxidor: i almost died killing those beasts
Brian: Human 31 almost says something, but a few other general insults by the crowd cut him off.
Aurest: There's no point trying to debate a mob. I think we need to go...
Devdan Vaxidor: ...fine
Devdan Vaxidor: lead the way sire
Devdan Vaxidor: sir?
Devdan Vaxidor: i need to ask sometihhg?
Aurest: Anything.
Devdan Vaxidor: the order of blood
Devdan Vaxidor: they must....they must be doing something to anger the goddess
Devdan Vaxidor: i need to stop it
Devdan Vaxidor: what am i doing to stop it now?\
Aurest: Apparently, you're causing diplomatic nightmares, that's what.
Devdan Vaxidor: don't joke with em
Devdan Vaxidor: i'm trying my best.
Aurest: Are you, or are you trying your hardest?
Aurest: Please, tell me the truth: were you in a bar fight last night?
Devdan Vaxidor: I did fight
Devdan Vaxidor: but only to defend myself
Aurest: Did you draw your sword on them?
Devdan Vaxidor: after they threatened me
Aurest: And then you killed a man.
Devdan Vaxidor: after he attacked me
Devdan Vaxidor: and i gave his allies the chance to rescue him
Devdan Vaxidor: they chose to attack me instead
Aurest: Like anyone concerned for thier life would, Devdan. Don't you see what this looks like?
Aurest: A big tough city elf walks into town and bullys whoever he feels like, right when everyone's paranoid the church of Palor is being hunted down?
Devdan Vaxidor: they attacked me
Devdan Vaxidor: i only defended myself
Devdan Vaxidor: they chose to let their ally die
Brian: He sighs and shakes his head.
Aurest: We can't fix that now. What we can do is find out where these beasts came from.
Devdan Vaxidor: this sounds just
Aurest: We haven't seen summonings of the undead since the church of Nerull was banished.
Devdan Vaxidor: indeed
Aurest: Perhaps some of them are out for revenge?
Devdan Vaxidor: ....
Devdan Vaxidor: i don't think so
Devdan Vaxidor: the church or nerull is on the run
Devdan Vaxidor: i think someone else is behind this
Aurest: But who?
Devdan Vaxidor: The world is endless
Devdan Vaxidor: it coudl by anyone
Devdan Vaxidor: Any uncontrollable force
Aurest: Well I think that is our new quest. But this time, we play it safe. I don't want to start a rebellion.
Devdan Vaxidor: Indeed
Devdan Vaxidor: So where to now?
Brian: And so you wander the countryside, in search of more clues to this monstrosity. Months, then a year pass, and while you find more undead, you never get closer to the truth. And all the while, Aurest never trusts you as he did before. Never lets you out of his sight.
Brian: You do level though.
Brian: This catches you up to everybody else in time.
wesley: kk
wesley: next campaign date?