Server started; please wait for map to refresh.
Keenan has connected.
Keenan: het
Keenan: hey
Boretos has connected.
Brian: hello
Boretos: hi
Brian: I would rather talk to the two of you together
Keenan: k
Brian: I'm not really sure how to keep Goblin V going conviningly without Chris, given that he's in the story in the flesh now, but I'm open to ideas
Keenan: hopefully he'll be on soon, chris was the cleric right?
Brian: yeah
Keenan: well if you know his absic character, you can just npc him for a bit unless theres a really important character moment for him soon.
Boretos: I don't think npcing him is a good idea.
Keenan: that or theres always the pitfall into unconsciousness idea
Brian: Ehh..... that feels... cheap...
Keenan: yeah, we could have the gang around here try to poison us but only manage to poison him with something that knocks him out maybe?
Brian: Well that's the same thing. I feel like I would rather delay a convincing plot than find a contrivence that matches reality...
Keenan: ok, so we'll just wait for him then?
Boretos: My idea was to have a little flashback to our trip and to a little character building.
Keenan: oh, ok
Brian: Ok, given that you had an averageish trip given the setting, what moment do you want to go back to? I will play any NPC needed
Boretos: How long does it take to go between the capital and the village?
Brian: To this location, only three days time.
Keenan: im thinking adam is talking about our trip with his and my character
Boretos: yeah. session one.
Brian: Ohh
Brian: That was about a week's time each way
Boretos: that would be plenty of time to squeeze in a bit of diversion, no?
Brian: that's the spirit!
Brian: Give me one second of artist thinking time!
Boretos: take all the time you need.
Brian: meanwhile, put your tokens on one of the villages and tell me the corrdinates
Boretos is disconnected.
Boretos has connected.
Boretos: don't you have the campaign file?
Brian: do you not see it right now?
Boretos: oh wait. I'm retarded.
Brian: well duh
Brian: we all knew that
Boretos: where's my token going?
Keenan: wait see what right now?
Brian: the campaign map
Brian: with a bunch of stuff
Boretos: the one uncreatively titled "grassland"
Keenan: well yeah was already seeing that for a while
Keenan: oh
Boretos: oh sorrry "overmap"
Keenan: ok, thats just the one we've been n
Keenan: i thought you meant we were switching to something different
Brian: that's where you left off
Boretos: right.
Keenan: wait, where is where we left off, what portion of the map is the village we went too at?
Brian: 7446, -47847
Brian: if you really need it
Keenan: do we really need to move tokens anywhere though? cant we just talk?
Brian: The first village you went to was a little south or it
Brian: Hey, if you guys have an RP you want to do, I'm happy to follow along
Brian: I assumed you wanted me to lead this dance
Keenan: i thought we were just going to do a flashback to some random converstation on the way
Keenan: maybe? im not ure exactly
Boretos: there will be action mixed in, keenan.
Boretos: presumably.
Keenan: oh ok
Brian: yeah, I'm just hunting your tokens down and putting yo' bitch asses somewhere...
Keenan: ok
Boretos: you could use the map explorer.
Boretos: just sayin
Keenan: or just click on the token in players
Brian: that's how I explore
Brian: noob
Keenan: whats map explorer?
Boretos: it's a window.
Keenan: a window of what program?
Keenan: or am i misunderstanding
Boretos: maptool.
Keenan: ok
Boretos: you alright today, keenan?
Keenan: yeah, just not sure what you mean, if its just another window of map tool, then why call it map explorer?
Boretos: press alt+W
Brian: Ok, ready when you are...
Keenan: i use a mac
Boretos: Do you see the File Edit Map View Tool Window Help bar?
Boretos: emphasis on the WINDOW
Keenan: ok, I see that
Keenan: oh, its just that thing
Boretos: omg
Boretos: you're killing me, smalls.
Brian: make a will save
* Boretos rolls: 1d20-4 => 9 - 4 = 5
* Keenan rolls: d20+2 => 13 + 2 = 15
Brian: You give in to Keenan's animal attraction.
Boretos: More likely I fail to resist the urge to headdesk.
Brian: This is MY sex fantasy, my rules!
Brian: again, I'm as ready as I'll ever be
Keenan: k, ready
Brian: You are on your return from your pretty borning trip to that village, when you visit this village in the urban area of Damriel midway back.
Brian: You hear rumors about a fortune teller here, and one of you two decides to at least check it out.
Brian: The dominant faiths don't ban this stuff
Sir Hastings: Oh, this sounds excellent!
Keenan: theres no way it'll be me
Keenan: that works
Human: I'll tell ya, sheessss....
Human: Shess the best
Human: Tell yer fortune.
Sir Hastings: Whereabout is this seer, my good man?
Human: Just in there.
Keenan: sence motive
* Keenan rolls: d20+6 => 18 + 6 = 24
Brian: He seems... sincere, but at the same time he seems drunk
* Boretos rolls: 1d20+9 => 15 + 9 = 24
Keenan: ok, was thinking it was a trap
Brian: he's pointing to the door to the lower left BTW
Sir Hastings: I thank you for your wisdom. Good health to you.
Human: I love you.
Soveliss Sindel: Well I suppose a bit a entertainment wouldnt be a bad thing
Sir Hastings: Hah hah hah!
Soveliss Sindel: oh, ok then
Sir Hastings: Did you want to go first?
Soveliss Sindel: how about you first friend
Sir Hastings: If you insist!
Sir Hastings: Hello?
Brian: As you enter, you notice the smell of incense in the room.
Brian: A woman stands in the corner, chewing on some jerky, while an older man sits cross-legged in the corner
Sir Hastings: Mm... Is that lavander?
Elf Fortune Teller: Hmm, you are a wise one...
Brian: she walks up, and hands you a candle
Elf Fortune Teller: Take one, just for being such a cleaver man...
Sir Hastings: I have been around a time two, milady. (I take the candle with a bow)
Sir Hastings: (( the japanese kind of bow. not the stage kind. ))
Brian: kk
Elf Fortune Teller: So, what brings you here? I rarely see knights...
Soveliss Sindel: We're just traveling at the moment
Sir Hastings: Yes, and we heard tell of a mystical seer in town. I would be a fool to not jump at the chance.
Soveliss Sindel: Yep, a fool.
Elf Fortune Teller: Indeed you would be.
Elf Fortune Teller: As you may know, fortune telling is a complicated art. To hone down what you need from me, first I need to know what is troubling you today, my lord.
Keenan: im not sure anythign troubles you
Sir Hastings: Today? Why I'm not a man with a worry in the world!
* Boretos rolls: 1d20+1 => 20 + 1 = 21
Keenan: what is that roll for?
Elf Fortune Teller: Such... a truely happy man.
Sir Hastings: (( bluff ))
Elf Fortune Teller: Then why did you come in here?
Sir Hastings: In my travels, I have met many peoples and encountered many customs. I would like to experience more.
Elf Fortune Teller: You think I'm some kind of local superstition?
Brian: She glares at you with disgust
Sir Hastings: Not one bit, my lady! I respect your work deeply.
Elf Fortune Teller: Then you need to trust me.
Sir Hastings: I am yours to command.
Elf Fortune Teller: You are a brave knight, but you hide dark secrets. Here, drink this...
Brian: she hands you a coconut full some some fluid
Sir Hastings: (( I take and drink. ))
Soveliss Sindel: Uh, Sir Hastings, i don't believe it would be a good idea to drink this
Elf Fortune Teller: 3 silvers.
Sir Hastings: (( I fish out the coin too. ))
Brian: kk
Sir Hastings: (( that will mean I give the other guy 3 less silver. ))
Keenan: i just sigh and keep watching
Brian: poor bandit man
Brian: You feel no effects, although the drink is sour
Sir Hastings: Hm. Tart.
Elf Fortune Teller: Now tell me, did you always want to be a knight?
Sir Hastings: I suppose I did. Since I was a boy.
Sir Hastings: What young boy doesn't dream of crossing blades with the enemy?
Elf Fortune Teller: Many young boys dream of a nice simple life, with no danger.
Elf Fortune Teller: And ladies and fortune.
Brian: make a spot check
* Boretos rolls: 1d20+5 => 12 + 5 = 17
* Keenan rolls: d20+7 => 2 + 7 = 9
Brian: Hastings, you notice that the old man, once sitting in his own world, is now actively watching you.
Sir Hastings: (( chilling. ))
Keenan: do you respond to what the lady said? or is she still talking?
Sir Hastings: (( I listen. ))
Brian: no, her statement stands
Sir Hastings: (( I do nod, though ))
Brian: but you can not respond if you so desire
Keenan: seems like thats what hes doing with just nodding along
Keenan: might want to continue brian
Brian: Keenan, do not doubt my skill...
Keenan: k:)
Elf Fortune Teller: Have you never doubted your path, young knight?
Sir Hastings: The road to knighthood is difficult. Among many other things, it takes patience. Youth and patience don't mix often.
Elf Fortune Teller: You feel your youth was stolen?
* Boretos rolls: 1d20+3 => 3 + 3 = 6
Sir Hastings: Aye. There was much laughter I missed out on as I grew.
Elf Fortune Teller: And now you want to know if you will ever get a chance to get it back.
* Boretos rolls: 1d20+3 => 2 + 3 = 5
Elf Fortune Teller: To play as a child. to experience youthful love?
Sir Hastings: It... would be nice, yes.
Old Man: Excuse me.
Old Man: Are you from a knightly order?
Sir Hastings: The Order of Blood! Proudly.
Old Man: And you are here with a heritic?
Soveliss Sindel: What?
Sir Hastings: A heretic? He certainly doesn't seem like the religious type, but I don't know about heretic.
Brian: both of you make a listen check
* Boretos rolls: 1d20+2 => 11 + 2 = 13
* Keenan rolls: d20+7 => 17 + 7 = 24
Sir Hastings: (( yeah... PM time. ))
Brian: the old man pushes past Soveless, and seems to give him a look as he walks out.
Soveliss Sindel: Well... that was odd
Sir Hastings: (( I raise an eyebrow to the lady. ))
Elf Fortune Teller: I... don't know what's going on.
Sir Hastings: (( I bite my tongue. ))
Elf Fortune Teller: Please, just get out. You don't need my service
Sir Hastings: I'm sorry?
Elf Fortune Teller: He's... just get out!
Soveliss Sindel: COuld we perhavps get the 3 silver back?
Brian: make either a diplo or indimidate check
* Keenan rolls: d20+9 => 19 + 9 = 28
Elf Fortune Teller: Fine! Just take it!
Brian: she tosses 5sp at you
Sir Hastings: (( I toss 3 sp back at her. ))
Soveliss Sindel: Well, that certainly was unexpected
Soveliss Sindel: atleast you got refunded your 3 silver
Sir Hastings: (( Indeed. I can't say I'm not disappointed. ))
Sir Hastings: Indeed. I can't say I'm not disappointed.
Sir Hastings: I suppose you won't be getting yours read.
Keenan. has connected.
Brian: You guys take any actions from here?
Keenan.: wonder hwy i dced
Keenan is disconnected.
Keenan.: did you guys see my last message about reading?
Sir Hastings: (( no ))
Brian: nope
Keenan.: I dont think I could anymore if i wanted to, I don't think she would enjoy seeing either of our faces again soon, for whatever reason.
Keenan.: I suppose I might return to the inn and read some.
Keenan.: except soveliss said those
Keenan.: after adam ssaid "i suppose you wont be getting your's read
Keenan.: did i miss anything?
Brian: not really
Sir Hastings: (( no ))
Brian: So do you just go back to the inn and read?
Sir Hastings: Very well, I suppose we should check in.
Keenan.: yep
Keenan.: I get supper at some point too
Sir Hastings: What is it you're reading, anyway?
Keenan.: assuming this is later in afternoon
Brian: yeah
Soveliss Sindel: Just a novel detailing the changes in painting methods and some of the best examples of them over the last 100 years
Soveliss Sindel: I enjoy reading of the arts
Sir Hastings: Really? It actually has paintings included?
Soveliss Sindel: Ah, sorry, to make minatrures of such pieces of art in these books would be far too expensive, no, these just describe them and where they currently are, sadly unless you get the opprotunity to see them yourself, you often have to imagine them in your head based on other works. I have heard that a art gallery is being made in the city though for those nobles who do not have large collections for themselves to enjoy though, which is rather nice.
Sir Hastings: I hadn't heard of such construction. I will have to stop by when it is completed. Perhaps I will see you there?
Soveliss Sindel: I imagine there will be a fair chance at that, especially in it's opening days.
Inkeep: Aye, whatcha need?
Child: Hello, is the knight here?
Keenan.: does the food look at all appetizing here?
Brian: yeah, it does
Brian: I will totally delay this scene if you had more to do
Keenan.: nope
Keenan.: unless adam did
Sir Hastings: (( does this kid actually look just like keenan? ))
Brian: no
Brian: I just don't have many tokens
Sir Hastings: (( is it a boy or girl? ))
Brian: your choice
Keenan.: im now imagining a mini soveliss
Tokens dropped onto map 'Overmap' by player Boretos (Player)
Keenan.: i just find that image hilarious
Sir Hastings: (( What sort of knight is it you're looking for, little lady? ))
Sir Hastings: What sort of knight is it you're looking for, little lady?
Child: Well, did you look for the fortune teller?
Brian: you are in armor still...
Keenan.: oh, thats a better image
Sir Hastings: (( yeah, but there could be more than one knight here. ))
Sir Hastings: I did. I don't suppose she sent you, did she?
Child: What? No!
Child: I don't stay near those people.
Sir Hastings: Why is that?
Child: Well, they, uhh...
Brian: She seems to regret starting this conversation
Soveliss Sindel: Speak child, you are in no danger here.
Sir Hastings: They don't eat little girls, do they?
Child: No but... the curse.
Keenan.: i raise an eyebrow
Sir Hastings: What curse?
Inkeep: Young lady, we have reputible customers in here. Do not bring up this rubbish.
Child: Sorry
Sir Hastings: You know what she speaks of?
Inkeep: It's superstision
Sir Hastings: Humor me, then. How goes the tale?
Keenan.: i just nod as that makes sence
Child: The goblin blight. You know of it, right?
Sir Hastings: (( do I? ))
Brian: You know vaguely about it
Keenan.: assuming its just people turning into goblins, i assume everyone does
Brian: You know that before Glistar, people turned into goblins and it started long ago when a wave of them came in from parts unknown.
Keenan.: ok
Sir Hastings: I know bits and pieces. What of it?
Child: Well they say... the immoral sinners were those who turned. And you went to her.
Sir Hastings: Does that make me an immoral sinner?
Child: Well, the preacher doesn't think much of her.
Child: I'm sorry. This is none of my buisness.
Sir Hastings: Hah hah! Who dared teach a thing as young as you manners?
Child: I... I'm a young lady.
Sir Hastings: Oh, right you are, my lady. Right you are. (I bow deeply) Forgive my impudence.
Brian: She looks around nervusly
Brian: unsure if it's a good time to leave and avoid trouble
Sir Hastings: Was there anything else I could do for you, young lady? You seemed quite eager to find me.
Child: No, I'm sorry. I'm stupid.
Inkeep: Good, now get out. You are scaring the customers.
Sir Hastings: Let me walk you home, my lady.
Child: Uhh, ok
Sir Hastings: We wouldn't want the goblins to getcha. Hah hah hah!
Brian: Ok, so you walk her home?
Soveliss Sindel: I suppose I'll just stay here then, what do yuo serve?
Keenan.: the second part was to the inkeep
Sir Hastings: (( yeah. and glean directions the preacher. ))
Inkeep: Well my wife made this mincemeat pie...
Brian: meanwhile, you take the girl home. It seems to be a normal house. Do you do anything once there?
Soveliss Sindel: If thats on the menu, then thats sounds good for me.
Inkeep: 6 copper for a slice
Keenan.: is that really high?
Keenan.: i suppose meat is fairly expensive, so not really
Brian: That's pretty much negligable for a man of your standing
Keenan.: true
Brian: slightly high for a meat dish though
Soveliss Sindel: Very well then(then i just ahdn him the coin, eat, and head back to my room, unless i ehar soemthing interesting in the bar)
Sir Hastings: Looks like we made it in one piece. It was a pleasure meeting you, my lady. You will grow into a fine woman. It doesn't take a fortune teller to know that.
Brian: There's really noone at the bar tonight.
Soveliss Sindel: k
Child: Thanks sir!
Brian: She runs inside.
Inkeep: So sorry about that...
Sir Hastings: No trouble at all. If there is evil afoot it's my duty as a knight of the Order of Blood to see it vanquished.
Inkeep: What, exactly, is this order of blood?
Sir Hastings: We are an organization of the nation's greatest warriors dedicated to the singular purpose of eradicating evil wherever it lies. If there is any truth to this curse, I would be remiss to ignore it.
Inkeep: What curse? That immoral elves are going to turn into monsters when the plot demands it?
Sir Hastings: What is it that's so immoral about these elves? Their fortune telling?
Inkeep: Well, some people don't think fortune tellers are good people.
Inkeep: They, consort with evil sprits or something.
Keenan.: brb, you can keep going without me unless you need me
Inkeep: But I'm sure you didn't, and elves are immune anyway.
Sir Hastings: Are you saying that any regular folk that visit them end up as goblins?
Inkeep: I
Inkeep: I've never seen it once in my life.
Sir Hastings: Has anyone else?
Inkeep: Well, there was the last time. When the king came to the throne and the cult of Nerull made a mess of things...
Sir Hastings: (( is this something I would've heard about? ))
Brian: Yeah, some goblins showed up like 20 some years ago, but it wasn't a big deal
Brian: you never heard the church of Nerull did it though...
Sir Hastings: You said the followers of Nerull were responsible?
Inkeep: Well it was the last thing they did before they left. It only makes sense.
Sir Hastings: And I suppose the elves are the most evil thing that has come to town since then. Is that right?
Inkeep: What? No!
Inkeep: The elves brought order to the sects!
Sir Hastings: Easy. I meant the fortune telling ones.
Inkeep: Honestly, I think they are harmless. They give people a drug juice or something and say vague things and pretend they see the future.
Inkeep: Who cares?
Sir Hastings: I only got as far as them saying vague things before the old man got up and ran out the door.
Inkeep: Well, I'm sure he was on Bruneberry juice. What did you expect?
Sir Hastings: I guess the preacher doesn't think they're harmless.
Inkeep: Well that's preachers for ya. Me? I deal with what's in front of me.
Inkeep: Anything you want to eat?
Sir Hastings: Serve me up whatever's hot.
Sir Hastings: Please.
Inkeep: Well I do got this mincemeat pie...
Brian: You get it for free
Sir Hastings: :O
Sir Hastings: Smells delicious.
Brian: altough the room for the night still costs you a negligable fee
Brian: You guys do anything else this evening?
Sir Hastings: (( No. I don't think so. ))
Brian: Alright. Then do you do anthing else out of the ordinary before you merge with the main plot again?
Brian: Otherwise I might just give you two your evening back
Sir Hastings: I might do a bit of RPing with keenan, but he ain't back yet.
Keenan.: yes i am
Sir Hastings: (( oh hi ))
Keenan.: would ahve said but it would have interupted
Sir Hastings: So what is it you do, Mr. Sindel?
Soveliss Sindel: Largely I just do odd jobs for those higher up in the heirarchy, I'm not exactly some powerful noble so it helps to always get your name out there with those who are, and its nice to be trusted by them.
Sir Hastings: odd jobs? So you don't have a trade or skill?
Soveliss Sindel: I'm often just good at getting around, and im just someone they happen to trust whose not too busy, so they have me deliver messages and similar things.
Soveliss Sindel: nothing too important, but its a job that I'm glad to do.
Soveliss Sindel: everyone in society has to play their part after all, someone who just sits doing nothing thier whole life doesnt deserve to be a part of it.
Sir Hastings: Is this the first time you've required an escort?
Soveliss Sindel: Yes, normally i just stay within or near the capital, this job requires a fair bit more travel then most, which is why I assume the lady requested for you to join me, but with how it's been so far, it doesnt seem like there was much need, though i do hope it'll stay that way.
Soveliss Sindel: After all, i would want to be in a situation where i would need a great knight like you to protect me
Keenan.: wooudlnt
Keenan.: not would
Keenan.: wouldn't
Sir Hastings: Oh, "great" may be a bit of an exaggeration., but I'm always happy to serve.
Soveliss Sindel: You defintely have the temperment of a great knight, I have seen few more noble then you.
Soveliss Sindel: Tell me, have you had any great adventures or battles in your career yet? I've always wondered what a knights life would have been like?, well, besides all the training that i suppose takes up most of it
Sir Hastings: Nothing extaordinary. These days I spend most of my time at my station and train my squire. In my youth, I did meet many people and learn a thing or two from them. Battle is not the chief responsibility of a knight in my opinion.
Soveliss Sindel: I suppose so, especially in relatively peaceful times such as these.
Keenan.: by the way how old does your gu look around
Sir Hastings: (( his thirties. ))
Keenan.: so like 60s or 70s i guess as an elf
Sir Hastings: (( I totally forgot I was an elf. haha ))
Brian: Elves live to like 500 max in this setting if that makes a differnce
Keenan.: wait, i thought it was like 200 max? that they only lived like twice as log
Brian: I... I forget what I said before...
Brian: crud...
Keenan.: you said they aged twice as slow i think
Sir Hastings: (( I'm slightly below middle aged, whatever it is. ))
Keenan.: and that half-orcs aged around twice as fast, or a bit slower then that
Keenan.: thats probably like 70-75
Brian: Fine, let's go with that
Keenan.: how late is it around?
Keenan.: i assume like 7-8
Brian: The border between afternoon and evening
Keenan.: oh, nvm then
Brian: a good time to get to bed for those who need to rise early
Keenan.: i assumed what we just ate was supper
Keenan.: oh, ok
Keenan.: i think i misunderstood what you meant by border between afternoon and evening
Keenan.: i guess we go to bed then, after i read for a bit more
Sir Hastings: (( it's whatever time you need it to be ))
Brian: that too. Waiting is a thing
Sir Hastings: (( I'll polish my gear before turning in. ))
Brian: understood. Is anyone else doing something special in the morning or afterwards?
Keenan.: nope
Sir Hastings: (( nope. ))
Brian: Alright, then I might just let you go for the evening. I'm reluctant to poke the bear much further while we have timelines to maintain.
Keenan.: ok, wonder why chris never showed
Brian: me too
Boretos: cuz he's a loser.
Brian: ohh ok
Brian: Now I know
Boretos: spread the word.
Keenan.: it all makes sence now
Keenan.: I understand everything
Brian: Mind=blown
Boretos: xp all around?
Keenan.: anyway, see you guys later
Brian: I haven't been tracking xp this whole game.
Brian: You certainly don't level
Keenan.: oh well, my high but slim hopes have been dashed
Keenan.: will i ever reach the coveted level 4, only time will tell
Boretos: you really led that fortune telling to be something cool.
Brian: I am one the fence about doing a campaign with real xp tracking...
Brian: The fortune telling was supposed to be cool, but it didn't end up going anywhere, because you didn't have any questions.
Brian: I can only do so much in monolouge
Boretos: I did have one question.
Boretos: mainly "what's my future"
Brian: Yeah, I probably should have done that speech. But that old man was actually important.
Brian: 80% sure it will come up again.
Keenan.: cool
Keenan.: and i am still utterly clueless as to what that was about
Boretos: time will tell, i guess.
Brian: You have your clues...
Brian: This isn't Goblin IV. Things are a little more subtle this time.
Keenan.: yeah, I got that, anyway, I guess see you guys later:). hoepfully next time with chris
Boretos: bye bye
Keenan. is disconnected.
You have disconnected.