Server started; please wait for map to refresh.
Boretos has connected.
Brian: How do I know you're the real Adam?
Boretos: I am the Adam.
Brian: I still don't belive you
Brian: really? You got nothing?
Boretos: I got distracted by standup comedy.
Boretos: IPv6 didn't work, btw
Brian: doubted it would
Brian: The internet is good about not just switching over like that
Boretos: It feels like we were supposed to drop v4 like 10 years ago.
Brian: it's only 12 didgets, right?
Brian: We could break that one day
Boretos: the one you sent was 32.
Boretos: in base 16
Boretos: or hex or something
Brian: well that's the ipv6. That's gonna last foreva
Brian: anyhow, do you remember where we left off so long ago?
Boretos: I was lost in the woods.
Brian: pretty much. You are also now carrying the old dog around.
Boretos: Yeah.
Boretos: I think I just set up camp in the woods.
Boretos: after so many terrible rolls to get out.
Brian: Cool.
Brian: That night, you have a dream.
Brian: You are standing on a castle that looks similar to the Damrieli capital whose name I forget, looking out over a field full of orcs.
Brian: They are milling about, doing random things, then they all stop and look straight up at you.
Brian: You are allowed to take actions in this dream sequence, BTW
Sir Hastings: (( oh snap. i'm lucid ))
Sir Hastings: (( I wave at them. ))
Brian: They all grow angry, and start to shout in words you can't recognize.
Brian: Suddenly, an eagle flies over your head.
Brian: It soars past you to the west, and all the orcs charge after it into the distance.
Sir Hastings: (( I'll give chase, if I can. ))
Brian: Your feet are fused to the stone.
Brian: The dream ends at this point. You wake the following morning perfectly well rested.
Sir Hastings: Troubling...
Brian: the dog is out chewing on a stick
Sir Hastings: (( I'll give the dog a pat, and share my rations for breakfast. ))
Brian: Make a spot check
* Boretos rolls: 1d20+5 => 19 + 5 = 24
Brian: You observe two things:
Brian: First, there is a silver-winged eagle on the tree next to you. Just kind of staring.
Brian: Second, the dog's gums are bleeding horribly, and while it tries to eagerly chew some jerky, it seems to only be hurting itself more.
Sir Hastings: (( heal check to know what to do? ))
* Boretos rolls: 1d20+2 => 8 + 2 = 10
Brian: Well, not ripping the gums up with hard food might be a start...
Sir Hastings: (( I'll take the jerky from the dog. ))
Old Dog: *whines*
Sir Hastings: Easy, boy...
Brian: The old dog lays down
Sir Hastings: (( I'll chew up the jerky, and spit it in my hand for him. ))
Brian: The dog eats, and seems more content.
Sir Hastings: (( turning my attention to the hawk, I'll observe it for a moment to see what it's up to. ))
Brian: First off, silver-winged Eagle, patron bird of Correlon Lorethian.
Keenan has connected.
Brian: and it just kind of sits and watches you
Keenan: hello:)
Sir Hastings: (( I'll pull out another piece of jerky and offer it to the eagle. ))
Boretos: hi
Brian: As you approach the creature, it takes flight and circles overhead.
Keenan. has connected.
Sir Hastings: (( I'm going to listen ))
Keenan.: and back, hopefully this time map will work
Sir Hastings: (( to my surroundings. ))
Brian: roll it
* Boretos rolls: 1d20+2 => 15 + 2 = 17
Keenan.: great, now everyhting is typed twice:(
Keenan.: going to get off map explorer and reconnect
Keenan. is disconnected.
Keenan is disconnected.
Brian: You hear nothing but the normal morning sounds of the forrest.
Keenan has connected.
Brian: Suddenly, the eagle flies to the west.
Keenan: yay, everything is working well now:), those two problems were wierd
Sir Hastings: (( I'll follow that bird. I'll carrry the dog if I must. ))
Brian: You find it actually stops for you in order to allow you to follow it.
Sir Hastings: (( spooky ))
Brian: It leads you over the greater course of the day
Brian: eventually, it leads you to a familar face in the woods...
Sir Hastings: Soveliss! What a coincidence!
Soveliss Sindel: Oh, hello there hastings, what are you doing here?
Sir Hastings: I'm just following this eagle. Magnificent beast. What happened to you? You look absolutely thrashed!
Keenan: i dont think i am, i never got into combat
Sir Hastings: (( your token says otherwise. ))
Brian: You had low alcohol content beer poured on you yesterday...
Soveliss Sindel: Ah, sorry about my messy appearence, but yesterday i had some beer poured on me by the hunters as a joke after meeting them and confessing that I may have accidently harmed one through my lack of knowledge of their lack of knowledge of alcohol
Soveliss Sindel: by one i mean a young orc I sold some wine too
Keenan: change beer to wine
Sir Hastings: Is that why you've run out here into the woods? We are supposed to be making friends.
Soveliss Sindel: Oh I know, I'm currently looking for the hunters feasting hall to see if I can join them while we are here, to learn more about these people, and also to help make amends for the damage I have accidently caused
Soveliss Sindel: Are you following that eagle?
Sir Hastings: Yes. I had a dream last night about an eagle being chased by angry orcs, and this eagle seems to want me to follow it. Sounds like the will of Correllon to me.
Soveliss Sindel: Huh, well, it's not like theres any time limit on finding the feasting hall, and this may be important in some way. I think I'll follow as well.
Brian: The Eagle just sits in the tree. It almost seems... agitated.
Brian: Like it's having an argument in it's head.
Sir Hastings: Let's not keep her waiting...
Keenan: as i approach does it still look agitated?
Brian: it does
Soveliss Sindel: Huh, this might just be for you Hastings, I wouldn't want to interfere with the will of the goddess, I think I'll continue on with my search instead.
Brian: Suddenly, the creature flies off high into the sky, dissapearing beyond a cloud
Sir Hastings: Blast.
Sir Hastings: I guess the search for the scout's hall is back on track.
Sir Hastings: You said you were going there as well?
Soveliss Sindel: very well, I got a riddle from one that is supposed to help guide me towards the feasting hall as my only clue. THey said Chase the moon, but see not the crane
Keenan: the moon sets in the east right? i can never remember
Sir Hastings: (( knowledge nature? ))
Keenan: i guess maybe?
Brian: roll it
* Keenan rolls: d20+3 => 19 + 3 = 22
Sir Hastings: (( I would, but I have no ranks. ))
Brian: The moon definitely rises in the east and sets in the west.
Sir Hastings: (( survival check to find north. ))
* Boretos rolls: 1d20+2 => 8 + 2 = 10
Brian: You think you know the direction of north
Brian: you think
Keenan: i guess I'll roll as well
* Keenan rolls: d20+2 => 12 + 2 = 14
Sir Hastings: I think north is... that way.
Keenan: do i know any better?
Brian: Your intuition agrees with hastings, for what that matters
Brian: If only you guys were real scouts...
Keenan: yeah
Soveliss Sindel: I believe you're right hastings
Sir Hastings: Shall we?
Soveliss Sindel: Yes, and I think the riddle mgiht mean to go west from the town maybe, but I don't know what the crane is about. If they were talking about going east then i would suppose that the crane represented the lake
Keenan: or wait, is that not what we think north is? where do we think north is relative to us?
Brian: That way
Keenan: which way?
Brian: That way. Over there.
Sir Hastings: All those books ought to make a riddle like this a breeze for you.
Keenan: was something supposed to pop up as you said that?
Brian: nope
Brian: The point is, you are in the woods, and you both have a direction you think is north.
Sir Hastings: Go west, young man.
Brian: If you pick other directions, I will use your north, right or wrong, as a refrence point.
Keenan: ah, then can you just tell me where i think north is relative to gorewoood since you cant show me where north it
Keenan: ah, ok
Brian: Well the actuall player map uses up as north
Brian: so that would be cheating kind of.
Brian: I will move you guys to a new region if you leave this area of forrest
Keenan: hope my 14 isn't far off from actual north
Keenan: ah
Brian: so you head west?
Keenan: and i guess we go west somehwat
Keenan: searching for any tracks or clues as we go
Brian: roll it
Keenan: spot, listen, search, or survival
* Boretos rolls: 1d20+2 => 1 + 2 = 3
Brian: either search or survival
Keenan: nice:)
Sir Hastings: (( survival. I'm just enjoying the atmosphere ))
* Keenan rolls: 20+11 => 20 + 11 = 31
Brian: you notice a dog on your shoulders
Keenan: oops
* Keenan rolls: d20+11 => 20 + 11 = 31
Keenan: huh, still got 20
Brian: lol
Brian: pwnzors
Brian: Sovless notices that the trees begin to space out in this direction, and the ground becomes notibly drier as the miles go on, particularly to the north and west.
Brian: marshy skunk-weed starts to give way to hardier bushes pretty quickly.
Brian: you also notice what looks like a faint path
Brian: mostly just broken brances
Soveliss Sindel: I believe I have found a path Hastings
Sir Hastings: Huh? What? Oh. Oh yes, the hall. Good work. I was just admiring the beauty of nature.
Soveliss Sindel: Well, lets try and follow it
Sir Hastings: Good call.
Soveliss Sindel: also, may I ask where you found that dog, and why its on your shoulders
Brian: roll survival when you're done
* Keenan rolls: d20+1 => 13 + 1 = 14
Keenan: reasonable
Sir Hastings: I found the hungry old pooch in town. Gave him some snacks, an dhe hasn't left my side since.
* Boretos rolls: 1d20+2 => 14 + 2 = 16
Soveliss Sindel: Ah
Brian: You follow it for a little bit, but it soon becomes untraceable
Keenan: does it look like the path ended? or just that we somehow cant find where it continues
Brian: The very subtle clues just run out after a while
Brian: But, you do hear a call from the distance
Keenan: can we make out what there saying wiht a listen check?
Brian: sure
Sir Hastings: (( or at least where it comes from ))
* Keenan rolls: d20+7 => 12 + 7 = 19
* Boretos rolls: 1d20+2 => 4 + 2 = 6
Scout: Ewe goes ther!
Soveliss Sindel: Hello there, just some prospective hunters, looking for the feasting hall.
Keenan: do i know him already?
Brian: doesn't seem familiar...
Scout: You an elf?
Soveliss Sindel: Yes, my name is Soveliss, may I ask yours?
Scout: Eunshan risn't.
Keenan: wait was the risn't part of the name and you just forgot to capitalize it? or is that just a really thick accent?
Brian: you're not sure
Soveliss Sindel: Well nice to meet you Eunshan, we were following a path to what we hoped was the feasting hall, but we seem to have lost it. I don't suppose we could get any more hints?
Soveliss Sindel: (i said that with a smile to show that I don't actually expect any)
Sir Hastings: Come now, Soveliss. You don't think we deserve any more help, do you?
Soveliss Sindel: Just joking around hastings
Eunshan: Perhaps our lord needs a hand in skinning the beast.
Eunshan: Although you seem to be handling the salting pretty good yourselves...
Keenan: wait, did he say that as if it was a riddle? or just some really wierd saying?
Sir Hastings: A beast, you say? Now, that sounds like my kind of action!
Brian: The scouts laugh at you.
Keenan: and i don't remember the hunters saying anyhting about a lord right?
Brian: You have heard the term lord refer to Nerull before...
Brian: but no mortal lord of hunters no
Soveliss Sindel: UM sorry, but as you can probably tell, we're not from around here, can you maybe clarify what you just said? is it some saying in your town?
Eunshan: Your life, stranger.
Eunshan: It's gonna be over soon, and I'm sure Nerull wanted it that way. But it would be a shame if you had a dumb death like this, so I'm gonna help you out.
Eunshan: You two are going the exact oppisite way you need to be going to join the hunters. And why are you making that poor dog go with you?
Soveliss Sindel: I had a feeling that migh be the case, though why do you believe we will die soon? also, that dog started following hastings here after he gave it some food.
Eunshan: You talk alot, don't ya?
Soveliss Sindel: I suppose
Sir Hastings: Are you looking to adopt?
Sir Hastings: Old boy could use a good home.
Eunshan: The last thing I would want to do is enslave a beast at the end of ur days.
Eunshan: At least you fools will die with your feet on the soil where they belong.
Eunshan: You two written a good story?
Sir Hastings: (( I'm going to set the dog down. ))
Soveliss Sindel: Ok, seripously now, can you tell us why you think we'll die, and if by story you mean life, then im sorry, but I don't believe I have gone much farther then the first act yet, and I plan for the tale to go on much longer.
Brian: The creature seems sore just from being carried, takes a pee, and lays down
Eunshan: The lord will end your story as he pleases, and it tends to end faster in these woods, elf.
Sir Hastings: We are a bit out of our element, Soveliss.
Soveliss Sindel: I'm aware, and thanks for your assistance in telling us that this is the wrong way. I believe we'll be going now.
Brian: They walk by without another word
Keenan: I guess we go back along the path in the opposite way
Brian: ok
Keenan: brb
Brian: What are you guys doing to try and find the hall while this is going on?
Sir Hastings: (( look for worn scouting paths, for one. ))
Keenan: yeah, basically any other paths we can find, that or any calls or evidence of non animal actificy I suppose
Keenan: do we need another search/survival check?
Brian: sure. Roll it
* Keenan rolls: d20+11 => 3 + 11 = 14
Keenan: damn
* Boretos rolls: 1d20+2 => 3 + 2 = 5
Brian: you both find nothing of the sort
Sir Hastings: (( we are going to die in these woods. ))
Keenan: i guess we just continue going back along the path
Brian: I mean, it would be a tidy end to the campaign
Brian: I got to introduce Gorwood culture
Sir Hastings: (( if there's any sign of Gorwood, I'll keep an eye out too ))
Keenan: well we know that we'll see gorewood along the ath since part of it was pretty close
Brian: ohh yeah, you both used another day of rations
Keenan: we can probaly recognize when we get to around that part again
Keenan: wait that wasa awhole day?
Brian: at this point it's been a full day
Keenan: huh, thats longer then expected, have we already passed the part of the path we started on on our way back?
Brian: You didn't really do anything to blaze a trail, but I will let you roll survival checks to try and retrace your steps
Keenan: by retrace our steps do you mean just find the point in the path where we got on it, because i imagine were already retracing our steps somewhat since were just going back along the path
* Boretos rolls: 1d20+2 => 6 + 2 = 8
* Keenan rolls: d20+1 => 10 + 1 = 11
Brian: ohh, you mean the pat you found?
Keenan: yeah
Keenan: thats what i was talking about, we were walking down it in the opposite direction
Brian: Right, sorry, you can do that no problem
Keenan: i figured that at the point we found it it was in the middle of the path, and since he said go in the opposite direction, we may as well just go back on the path in the opposite way
Keenan: ok, thanks
Brian: ok, you are back to where you found the path. Now what?
Keenan: I forget, there was nothing we neccesarily needed to do in the town right, and did you say how many rations we have left?
Brian: Did you pack any rations with you? I know hastings has some
Sir Hastings: (( I left my horse in town. I've got 8 days rations left. ))
Keenan: well i was going off into the woods, so i would have brought some, I just figured I would take some from the rations we were given for traveling
Brian: you know, that's a good point.
Brian: You both have 10 more days of rations
Keenan: I guess we then continue going what we think east is along the path since that guy said we were going the opposite way.
Brian: the path is more north/south
Soveliss Sindel: You know, i really hope that man was being honest, and all of his talk about how we were about to die was wierding me out
Keenan: oh, really, huh, well, when we met the guy, was that far to the west, or was that just along the path which i guess would have been north then since south would have just ran through the town.
Sir Hastings: These folk are followers of Nerull. That makes them quirky to say the least.
Soveliss Sindel: fair enough but the other hunters didn't seem so obsessed with death.
Brian: You had traveled west, then found the path, then you either went north or south (you didn't specify)
Sir Hastings: I'm sure we haven't scratched the surface.
Soveliss Sindel: true
Keenan: were we mroe west then north or south of the town? or vice versa, trying to guess if by opposite way, he meant opposite way of the path, or opposite way as in were supposed to go east
Brian: You were probable more to the west
Brian: but you are still banking on your guess of direction
Keenan: yeah, i guess we will try going along the opposite direction of the path some more before giving up on this path, or giving up sooner if it looks like it just stops
Keenan: once we give up on that then I suppose we would try to go east
Brian: cool, so you are heading east?
Keenan: oh, so there was ntohing further along the opposite way of the path then? i guess so since we have no other clue
Brian: Alright, looking for any clues along the way?
Keenan: yep
* Keenan rolls: d20+11 => 14 + 11 = 25
Brian: anything in particular you are looking for?
Keenan: other paths or signs of where the feasting ahll might be
Keenan: basically anyhting to give us a lead
Sir Hastings: (( maybe that eagle will come back ))
Brian: You don't observe anything
Keenan: damn, even with a 25
* Boretos rolls: 1d20+5 => 18 + 5 = 23
Sir Hastings: (( to spot the bird ))
Soveliss Sindel: Huh, I'm stumped Hastings, where could the feasting hall be, the clue hasn't really helped mcuh since we havent found anyhtign that mgiht represent a crane, and we've already headed a good distance west, and east
Brian: You don't spot no bird
Sir Hastings: Perhaps this is all a practical joke they like to play on foreigners. It wouldn't be my first snipe hunt.
Soveliss Sindel: huh, i suppose so
Sir Hastings: Perhaps we should just go back to town.
Soveliss Sindel: Maybe we should just try and learn more about the town farther down the river before returning. It certainly doesnt seem like they ahve any plans to attack us even though Ico was fairly hostile
Soveliss Sindel: Yes, lets
Keenan: by returning i meant returning to the capital, not to gorwood
Brian: Ok, but yall are still in the woods. What direction do you go?
Keenan: well back to the village i suppose
* Boretos rolls: 1d8 => 7
Keenan: or do you mean we're too lost to be able to know where that is
Brian: So, is that northwest?
Brian: I feel like that's a bad tactic here
Keenan: yeah, rollling to choose direction probably wouldnt be a good idea:), or do you mean going abck to the village is a abd tactic?
Brian: random walking
Brian: not wise
Sir Hastings: (( thats due east ))
Keenan: yeah, so, do we know how to get back to the village then?
Brian: You haven't picked up any direct evidence so far.
Keenan: would we be able to head back to the oath and then follow that to the point near the village and then find the village from there, or are we too lost for that?
Brian: the oath?
Keenan: oath?
Sir Hastings: oath?
Old Dog: Oath?
Child: oath?
Keenan: i assume i wasn't supposed to hear the oath part?
Sir Hastings: (( what oath are you talking about, keenan? ))
Keenan: brians mention of some oath, anyway, could you awnser on whether were too lost for that brain
Brian: You asked if you were two lost to return to the oath.
Brian: I don't know what the oath is, so I don't know the answer.
Keenan: oh, path
Keenan: oops
Brian: Although I am totally naming a landmark or city "the Oath" in the future
Brian: totally badass
Brian: And sure, I will let you go back to that path as often as you want
Keenan: didn't even realize i said that:) and yeah, that is a great name
Soveliss Sindel: I think we should head back to the path and then find the point where we found it to get to the village from there since we know more about where we were there
Soveliss Sindel: so, do you agree with heading to the village down the river after we reutrn to gor wood before then returning home?
Sir Hastings: I'll admit I was lost long before I ran into you. Perhaps it would be quicker to see if we can find the scout again. He might point us to Gorwood.
Sir Hastings: What village?
Keenan: gorwood
Keenan: oh wait, i forgot you werent there
Soveliss Sindel: Ah yes, in talking with a merchant within gorwood, I learned that there was another town down the river that we might want to check out before returning home.
Keenan: the merchant told me it was a mining place right?
Brian: yup
Sir Hastings: Hm. Sounds worth a visit. We are here to familarize ourselves with the area, no?
Soveliss Sindel: He told me it was a mining town, so looking there might be interesting.
Soveliss Sindel: exactly
Soveliss Sindel: just glad that it seems like no one is gearing up for war, or atleast no one we've found yet, we still don't know where that orc with the sword came from.
Sir Hastings: I doubt we will find any answers meandering in the woods.
Keenan: guess we head back then
Keenan: still might look for anything of interest on the way,but if it was taking a significant amount of time previously, we do not spend as much time on it anymore
Keenan: or we jsut get here, that works
Brian: Fine, after a few days wandering you eventually show up in town again
Keenan: too bad that didn't pan out
Keenan: anyway, i guess we go get our horses and wagon and what not, then go and tell Ico that we are planning on going on to the other village before returning home, that sound good adam, or am i forgetting something?
Sir Hastings: (( the dog followed me the whole time? ))
Sir Hastings: (( sounds good, keenan. ))
Brian: increasingly reluctantly.
Keenan: i have a good idea on the layout of the town now right?
Keenan: since i have gone through much of it previously
Brian: the beast is very tired
Brian: yeah, you have a pretty good idea
Keenan: ok, and our mission was just to a. check if they might be going to war, and b. get info on them, and the area, right
Brian: just generally spy on them.
Keenan: sorr,y its been a while
Brian: Try to figure out what was behind the orc with the special sword
Sir Hastings: (( we are terrible spies. ))
Keenan: guess we might just ask Ico about that directly, and I mean, we kinda stick out, and we have no diea about anyhting here, so it's to be expected
Keenan: we did the best we could with the limited amount of information available to us without doing anyhting that might risk seriosu anger.
Sir Hastings: (( I'll follow your lead. I'm just the bodyguard. ))
Brian: alright then, what are ya up to?
Keenan whispers: you see my message
Keenan whispers: on facebook?
Sir Hastings: (( I'd like to saddle up. ))
Brian: I honestly forget: where did you guys leave your horses?
Keenan: i dont remember
Sir Hastings: (( looks like they're in a stable to the north east ))
Brian: huh, ok
Brian: so you head there?
Sir Hastings: (( yeah ))
Scout Servent: Welcome back old buddy.
Soveliss Sindel: Hello
Scout Servent: Are you a scout now?
Soveliss Sindel: Nah, honestly, part of me is thinking it mgiht just have been a friendly bit of hazing like the rest was since I doubt it would be that easy to become a scout. That, adn based on how easy I'm thinking we got lost out there, it doesn't seem like I or my friend would be too good of one.
Scout Servent: Pretty sure I warned you.
Keenan: wait, he warned me that it was just hazing?
Keenan: or did he warn me that i wouldnt be a good hunter?
Keenan: i forget
Brian: that you wouldn't find the hall
Soveliss Sindel: Heh, I suppose you were right, and I'm guessing that the rest of the village won't appreciate the presence of me or my friend to much due to the alcohol problem, so we're thinking about maybe checking out the village down the river before posisbly heading back.
Scout Servent: Well not everybody hates you yet. Ico even personally made sure your cart got returned.
Sir Hastings: Best news I've heard all day.
Soveliss Sindel: oh well thats nice of him, I guess he would understand the problem since he used to live in the capital as well. we may stay a bit longer when we return here on our way back, adn its nice that not everyone hates us.
Soveliss Sindel: By the way, would you have any idea why an orc might venture to an old abandoned elven city? I had forgotten to ask previously, but we were asked to find out why soldiers found one dead in one of our old cities? Do you think it might ahve just been some random orc?
Keenan: really hope askinthat wont bite back, but i see no reason why it would
Scout Servent: I...uhh...I have no idea.
Keenan: sence motive?
Keenan: or no need
Brian: roll it
* Keenan rolls: d20+6 => 5 + 6 = 11
* Boretos rolls: 1d20+9 => 13 + 9 = 22
Keenan: damn
Brian: no bluffs detected
Keenan: that is a nice roll hastings
Scout Servent: Was it near the border?
Scout Servent: Maybe he was lost?
Keenan: was the city near the border?, is there a border?
Brian: kind of, and kind of
Soveliss Sindel: perhaps, while it wasn't to close, it wasn't exactly that far from the border either.
Keenan: anyways, i guess we'll go off to talk to Ico now
Sir Hastings: (( Ico would probably know more anyway ))
Keenan: yeah, just thought i would ask
Brian: do you take the horses?
Keenan: i suppose
Sir Hastings: (( I'll certainly take mine. ))
Keenan: do you take the dog? like in the wagon?
Keenan: does the dog get in?
Sir Hastings: (( that's up to the dog. ))
Brian: it doesn't seem to want to
Sir Hastings: (( I won't wait up. ))
Keenan: are you going to have an emotional breakup scene with the dog ?
Keenan: aw
Sir Hastings: (( soz ))
Brian: if you don't stop it, the creature wanders off and finds a bone to chew on.
Sir Hastings: (( I dont. ))
Brian: Then do you hunt down Ico sans one dog?
Sir Hastings: (( yep ))
Keenan: tep
Keenan: yep
Brian: you find him sitting among some graves in the back of the main church.
Brian: The sound of your wagon (still the only one of its size in town) reveals you immdediately.
Ico: Good afternoon.
Soveliss Sindel: Hello Ico, thaks for making sure our wagon got retruned to us
Ico: Look, I don't know what motivated those goons, but I assure you any hatred of theirs is not the opinion of this town.
Ico: The past is the past.
Keenan: wait goons?
Keenan: was i aware of any?
Brian: what do you think the wagon was returned from?
Keenan: i didn't even know it was actually stolen, I just thought he meant that he made sure no one touched it
Brian: ohh, well now you know
Sir Hastings: (( I guess the wine is all gone? ))
Brian: no, actually. At least the vast majority is still there
Soveliss Sindel: Thank you. By the way, I'm not accusing you of anyhting, I assure you, but something I should have mentioned earlier is that a dead orc was found in an old elven city and we were asked to ask why he mgiht ahve been there. I'm guessing he might have just been lost.
Soveliss Sindel: Are you aware of any member of the village who mgiht ahve gone missing?
Ico: Many folks have gone missing over my time here.
Sir Hastings: (( how ripped was this orc? ))
Brian: moderately
Sir Hastings: (( good. ))
Soveliss Sindel: Ah, do you have any idea why?
Soveliss Sindel: I've heard about the dangers of the lake? are there other dangers that we should be particularily worried about
Ico: Woods are dark and full of trees. You just found that out yourself.
Keenan: can i sence motive to see if he is trying to hide anyhting?
* Boretos rolls: 1d20+9 => 20 + 9 = 29
* Keenan rolls: d20+6 => 13 + 6 = 19
Keenan: nice
Brian: he's hiding something
Keenan: do we both realize that or only adam?
Brian: only adam
Keenan: ok
Keenan: brb
Keenan: back
Keenan: you ytping somehting adam?
Sir Hastings: We have reason to believe that there may be a lurking threat, and if these missing people have any connection to it, we need to know.
Ico: Belive it or not, most folks don't tell me where they plan to go die before getting lost in the woods.
Sir Hastings: But some do?
Ico: Please tell me Glistar didn't ban jokes...
Soveliss Sindel: Sir, I don't mean to press you, but if you're hiding something, could you please tell us, we only wish to work with you, for the best for everyone
Keenan: diplomacy roll
* Keenan rolls: d20+9 => 11 + 9 = 20
Keenan: and i meant to say that before that last line of his
Keenan: also what was supposed to be a joke just wondering?
Ico: I'm not trying to block justice here.
Keenan: i guess another sence motive roll, or does hastings just still think Ico is hiding somehting from his last roll
Brian: roll it
* Boretos rolls: 1d20+9 => 18 + 9 = 27
* Keenan rolls: d20+6 => 14 + 6 = 20
Brian: still seems to be lieing. You both pick it up that time.
Sir Hastings: (( bluff check to pass a secret message. ))
* Boretos rolls: 1d20+1 => 13 + 1 = 14
Sir Hastings: (( so close. ))
Brian: well, what do you say?
Keenan: i forget, do bluff checks do that
Sir Hastings: (( "Let's drop it for now." ))
Brian: bluff does what inuenndo did in 3.0
Sir Hastings: (( thanks for clearing that up for us. ))
Brian: no problem
Soveliss Sindel: I believe you aren't sir, we just want to do whats best for all, I suppose we should be heading out now, I imagine we'll return soon enough, and then head back home, have a good day.
Ico: I hope you enjoyed your stay
Soveliss Sindel: Thank you.
Sir Hastings: Blessings upon you.
Keenan: I guess we then head out to the other village, once we exit this one i say
Soveliss Sindel: I wonder what he was hiding.
Sir Hastings: I think a bit of discrete observation might shed some light.
Brian: do you actually leave town?
Soveliss Sindel: Definitely, we'll need to perform such later, for now however, lets do as we said we would and check out the toher town, our superiors would proabbly wnat ot know about that as well regardless.
Sir Hastings: (( so be it ))
Brian: Alright, you voyage for a day, and rest somewhere in the night.
Brian: roll listen checks
* Boretos rolls: 1d20+2 => 14 + 2 = 16
* Keenan rolls: d20+7 => 10 + 7 = 17
Brian: Ok, you simultaniously awaken to Sir horse screaming
* Brian rolls: 1d20+5 => 17 + 5 = 22
* Brian rolls: 1d4+4 => 4 + 4 = 8
Brian: roll for init
* Keenan rolls: d20+5 => 6 + 5 = 11
* Brian rolls: 1d20+4 => 5 + 4 = 9
* Boretos rolls: 1d20+4 => 11 + 4 = 15
Brian: ok, your turn hastings
* Boretos rolls: 1d20+5 => 8 + 5 = 13
Sir Hastings: (( spot check ))
Brian: I assume you pop out of your tent too?
Keenan: well yeah
Brian: Darkmantle. Right on its face
Keenan: darkmantle?
Sir Hastings: (( charge ))
Brian: it was at least a move to leave the tent
Sir Hastings: (( what tent? ))
Brian: Do you not have a tent?
Keenan: i imagine we have one
Sir Hastings: (( I never bought one. ))
Brian: still move action to pick a weapon off the ground
Keenan: i just figured we have one with us, unless your character would prefer to sleep underneath the stars
Sir Hastings: (( that's turn, then. ))
Brian: fair nough. mobs turn
Brian: the darkmantle grapples sir horse.
Keenan: what the hell does a darkmatle look like by the way?
* Brian rolls: 1d20 => 9
* Brian rolls: 1d20+4 => 20 + 4 = 24
Brian: the horse pins it
Brian: the token isn't inaccurate
Brian: but then a cloud of inky darkness appears
* Brian rolls: 1d20+4 => 6 + 4 = 10
Brian: I assume that doesn't hit hastings unarmored?
Sir Hastings: (( nope. ))
* Brian rolls: 1d20+4 => 20 + 4 = 24
* Brian rolls: 1d20+4 => 14 + 4 = 18
Keenan: ah, thought it might be some monster that brain or someone made that just i don't know baout
Brian: does that?
Sir Hastings: (( yeah, I have 30 dex ))
Brian: awesome
Brian: I don't know, maybe somehow you feated your way to 19 flat-footed?
Brian: naw, still absure
* Brian rolls: 2d4+8 => 2 + 8 = 10
Brian: 10 damage to your face
Brian: Soveless' turn
Soveliss Sindel: WHAT IS THAT!!
Brian: ohh, you also can't see into the cloud anymore
Keenan: wait, i guess i can't actually see with the darkness
Soveliss Sindel: Hastings? are you in there, what is happening?
Sir Hastings: I can't see anything!
Soveliss Sindel: Try and bring sir horse out of there, I'll go to the toherside of the darkenss to try and see whats attacking us if it comes out that way
Keenan: i grab my rapier and move over here
Brian: awesome. Hastings and horse
* Brian rolls: 1d20+9 => 16 + 9 = 25
* Brian rolls: 1d20 => 12
Brian: horse wins grapple and hooves the thing
* Brian rolls: 1d20+4 => 7 + 4 = 11
Brian: miss
Sir Hastings: (( I'm going to back up to where I was sleeping and throw on my chainshirt. ))
Brian: alright
Keenan: do you say anything
Sir Hastings: (( nope. I'm trying to focus. ))
* Brian rolls: 1d20+9 => 7 + 9 = 16
* Brian rolls: 1d20 => 11
Keenan: i still have no idea whats happening then really besides a quick glimpse of somehting attacking sir horse
Brian: ok, you two can go
Sir Hastings: (( then you know as much as me. ))
Keenan: I don't really want to go in there since i have no idea what is happening and could be attacked unaware with no ability to retaliate since i don't know hwere sir hrose is
Keenan: i guess i just keep watch and ready and aciton to charge and attack if the duskmantle leaves the darkness
Sir Hastings: (( I'm going to reach for the reigns of sir Horse. ))
Brian: uhh, roll dexterity
Sir Hastings: (( not ride? ))
Brian: No, you are trying to rapidly and accurately feel for and grab reigns while the horse is rapidly moving around
Brian: riding has nothing to do with this
* Boretos rolls: 1d20+4 => 8 + 4 = 12
Brian: you fail to grasp them
Brian: Soveless?
Sir Hastings: c'mere you...
Keenan: i really cant do muhc, as i said, i just readied an action to charge and attac the duskmantle if it leaves the darkness
Keenan: attacking in there wuld just risk hitting someone else
Brian: alright then
* Brian rolls: 1d20 => 16
* Brian rolls: 1d20+9 => 19 + 9 = 28
Keenan: go horse
* Brian rolls: 1d20+4 => 5 + 4 = 9
Sir Hastings: (( that wasn't the horse. ))
Keenan: boo
Brian: no, that was the horse
Keenan: yay
Keenan: thought as much
Brian: Alright, you guys can go again
* Boretos rolls: 1d20+4 => 18 + 4 = 22
Brian: you grasp it
Keenan: unless boretos brings it out, its secnd verse, same as the first
Sir Hastings: (( I'll pull sir Horse out of the darkness. ))
Brian: it still has a darkmantle on its leg
Brian: 20 move at half speed
Keenan: well it left then, since my action is supposed to be after the others, does that trigger the readied action technically before my turn?
Brian: triggers right there. Go for it brah
Brian: miss by 1-4 means you hit the horse though
Keenan: ah, grapplemeans flatfooted though right?
Keenan: i forget
Brian: so, flatfooted for grapple, -4 for prone (since pinned), but +4 for sharing square with sir horse
Keenan: ok
* Keenan rolls: d20+9 => 3 + 9 = 12
Keenan: how is that?
Brian: you hit nothing
Brian: actually, no
Brian: you hit sir horse
Keenan: damn
* Keenan rolls: d6+1 => 2 + 1 = 3
Brian: this horse is still alive!
Soveliss Sindel: damn, sorry hastings, i was aiming for the monster
* Brian rolls: 1d20+9 => 4 + 9 = 13
* Brian rolls: 1d20 => 8
Brian: and it wins grapple
Sir Hastings: Don't hurt my horse!
* Brian rolls: 1d20+4 => 14 + 4 = 18
Brian: and it manages to hit
* Brian rolls: 1d4+3 => 2 + 3 = 5
Keenan: really wish the horse would stop grappling so we culd attack the duskmantle, then again, it would then probaly attack the orse
Brian: horses are not the best tacticians
Keenan: yep
* Brian rolls: 1d20 => 10
* Brian rolls: 1d20+9 => 13 + 9 = 22
Brian: ok, your turn
* Boretos rolls: 1d20+7 => 8 + 7 = 15
Sir Hastings: (( sword ))
Brian: you hit sir horse
* Boretos rolls: 1d8+4 => 4 + 4 = 8
Brian: horse is unconciuos
Brian: Keenan?
Keenan: now that its unconsious, is it easier to avoid hitting it, or no since its still int he smae space?
Brian: Still risk hitting the horse
Brian: you can risk a grapple if you want
Keenan: is it posisble to grapple and drag it out of the space?
Brian: yes
Keenan: i guess i do that, how does grappling work in 3.5 again?
Brian: first, it provokes
* Brian rolls: 1d20+4 => 18 + 4 = 22
Brian: does that hit you
Keenan: as i have no armor, yep
* Brian rolls: 1d4+4 => 1 + 4 = 5
Brian: you take 5 damage, and the grapple fails
Brian: for it's turn, it withdraws into the trees
Keenan: so thats how grappling workse
Brian: ok, your turn
Sir Hastings: (( is it high up? ))
Brian: about 20 feet
Keenan: would i have time to retunr to the tent and grab my bow and shoot at it
* Boretos rolls: 1d20+2 => 2 + 2 = 4
Sir Hastings: (( heal ))
Brian: fail
Brian: you may have time, you may not
Keenan: I guess i try to do that then
Brian: I'll count that as full round
Keenan whispers: is it possible to get into an angle where it doesnt see me so i cna try ot sneak attack?
* Brian rolls: 1d10 => 9
Keenan: so, do i get to attack then?
Keenan: oh wait, i tried to grapple
Keenan: nvm
Brian: it attempts to hide in the tree for its turn
* Brian rolls: 1d20+10 => 4 + 10 = 14
Brian: you guy's turn
Brian: and Keenan has the bow now
Keenan whispers: so can i?
Brian: DC 14 spot to just find it
Brian: no sneak attack
* Keenan rolls: d20+7 => 15 + 7 = 22
Brian: it knows you're there
Keenan whispers: didnt want him to be sure i was a rogue yet:(
Keenan whispers: thogh i guess he already knew
You whisper to Keenan: whoops, shit
* Keenan rolls: d20+7 => 8 + 7 = 15
You whisper to Keenan: My bad
Keenan: guess that doesnt hit
Brian: nope
Brian: I'm actually gonna give it a +2 AC for the brances
Brian: Hastings?
Keenan: k
* Boretos rolls: 1d20+2 => 10 + 2 = 12
Sir Hastings: (( heal ))
Brian: nope
* Brian rolls: 1d10 => 4
Brian: this is gonna be close
Brian: the darkmantle tries to hide again
* Brian rolls: 1d20+10 => 12 + 10 = 22
Brian: yalls turn
Keenan: i guess ill try to heal as well
* Keenan rolls: d20+1 => 11 + 1 = 12
* Boretos rolls: 1d20+2 => 10 + 2 = 12
* Brian rolls: 1d10 => 4
Brian: The darkmantle casts darkness and flees
Brian: next turn
* Keenan rolls: d20+1 => 10 + 1 = 11
* Boretos rolls: 1d20+2 => 2 + 2 = 4
Keenan: wow, we have rolled alot of 10s and 11s
* Brian rolls: 1d10 => 4
Keenan: and 4s
Keenan: one more time i guess
Brian: all fours on the stabilizing roll
Brian: -9 hp
* Boretos rolls: 1d20+2 => 19 + 2 = 21
Keenan: nice
Brian: SAFE
Soveliss Sindel: I guess that might have been one of the monsters they talked about
Sir Hastings: *sigh*
Sir Hastings: Get some rest.
Soveliss Sindel: I will, I imagine you'll be staying up to take care of Sir Horse?
Sir Hastings: Aye.
Soveliss Sindel: Very well, Since we won't really be moving tommorow, I'll try and go hunting tommorow to see if we could get a bit more food.
Soveliss Sindel: warn me if you see it again.
Sir Hastings: *nod*
Keenan: anyhting happen this night?
Keenan: anymore i mean
* Boretos rolls: 1d20+2 => 9 + 2 = 11
Brian: Nothing beyond this
Keenan: I guess I go hunting the next day, while adam will be trying to help horse heal up
Keenan: so should i roll move silently, hide, adn search for hutning?
Brian: just do survival
Brian: 90% of hunting is small game
Keenan: i'd rather do what i said, but oh well
* Keenan rolls: d20+1 => 19 + 1 = 20
Keenan: nice
Brian: You manage ample food
Keenan: what's healing rate again?
Brian: 1 per hit die per day
Keenan: + con right?
Brian: A light warhorse has 3 hit did
Brian: nope
Sir Hastings: no
Keenan: damn, so it only heals 1 d8, that's pretty slow
Brian: no, it heals three per day
Brian: unless you pass the DC 15 heal check to double it
Keenan: oh, that's even worse
Sir Hastings: (( which I failed. ))
Brian: in 3rd being wounded in the wild without a cleric takes you out of the fight for a while
Brian: Do you guys want to pause here and pick up later, or press on?
Sir Hastings: (( in 5th, you heal up to full at dawn. ))
Keenan: just looked up the hela skill and it said you get 2 hp per complete rest for a day
Keenan: and yeah, sure
Keenan: meant 2 hp per hit die
Sir Hastings: (( "If your heal check is successful" ))
Keenan: nah, 4 if succesful
Keenan: just 8 hours is 1
Keenan: or 2 if successful
Boretos: right
Keenan: as the horse is out, im guessing it would rest the whole day
Brian: fair enough
Brian: 3 more hp for sir horse
Keenan: how about we just continue till the horse is consious? what happens this night if anyhting
Brian: Well there are more attacks
Brian: so this will be a good bit more gameplay.
Keenan: ah, what does not sleeping do again?
Brian: I'm not having the horse get hurt just to waste time
Brian: exsaustian
Brian: essentially -4 to everything
Boretos: An exhausted character moves at half speed and takes a -6 penalty to Strength and Dexterity. After 1 hour of complete rest, an exhausted character becomes fatigued. A fatigued character becomes exhausted by doing something else that would normally cause fatigue.
Keenan: skips past fatigued?
Brian: yup
Brian: fatigued is when you force march
Keenan: damn, thats nasty, in that case i tell hastings to rest after i finsih hunting in the morning so we can guard the horse at night
Keenan: does he do such?
Boretos: yeah.
Brian: So do you guys want to stop the session or not?
Keenan: im fine with what adam wnants
Boretos: (( let's keep going. We've been losing this whole session. ))
Keenan: fair enough
Boretos: gotta turn it around at some point.
Brian: ok, so on the second night who is sleeping?
Keenan: since hastings just woke up i will be
Boretos: yup
Keenan: i sleep with bow and rapier right enxt to em
Brian: ok
* Brian rolls: 1d10 => 6
Brian: nothing attacks the first night
Keenan: nice
* Boretos rolls: 1d20+2 => 16 + 2 = 18
Boretos: (( long term care ))
Keenan: and horse gets 12 hp:)
Brian: Do you press on with that much horse health?
Keenan: Though that means we'll have to spend the day ehre again since that took the whole day to heal that much
Brian: ohh true.
Keenan: so we'll experience one more night, also i go huntign again
* Keenan rolls: d20+1 => 20 + 1 = 21
Keenan: nice
Brian: who is sleeping on night number 2?
Keenan: i assume same schedule, so me again
Boretos: yup
Brian: ok
* Brian rolls: 1d10 => 7
Brian: nothing, actually
Keenan: huh, and i guess just do a heal check with 8 hours for horse rest adam
Keenan: before we finsih and ehad off
* Boretos rolls: 1d20+2 => 19 + 2 = 21
Keenan: another 6 hp
Keenan: and i guess as we go, adam can sleep in the wagon?
Brian: sure
Brian: you make it to the village uneventfully
Keenan: nice
Keenan: that it adam? or more?
Boretos: seems like a good place to stop.
Brian: awesome
Keenan: good night guys:), gald sir horse didnt die
Brian: me too
Brian: pity he healed so fast :P
Boretos: what a train wreck.
Keenan: yeah, that hitting sir horse really screwed thigns up