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SyRaX has connected.
Adam has connected.
Brian: Heyooo
Adam: hi
Brian: ready to roll?
Adam: yup
Brian: Alright then, anyone up to any antics after the feast, or do you wait around to be interacted upon?
Adam: Hm.. I would probably see if I can find the lord commander
Brian: Alright. Aaron up to anything?
SyRaX: good that you didn't even wait for my confirmation
SyRaX: I made dinner
SyRaX: but yes, I'm ready
Brian: ohh, whoops
SyRaX: and no, I'm not up to anything
Brian: Alright, well Cerim runs into Eryson in the hallway, unless you make a point of trying to arrange a formal audience
Adam: not if I run into him hin the hallway
Brian: cool.
Sir Eryson: Greetings, Mr. Potter.
Cerim Potter: Hello, Lord Commander. I'm glad I caught you.
Sir Eryson: Me too.
Sir Eryson: You first.
Cerim Potter: So we're going to war, are we?
Sir Eryson: One way or another, it looks like we are. We've been trying to warn the king of the threats the realm faces, but the appearance of this magic elf sealed the deal in the king's mind.
Cerim Potter: And who, exactly, are we going to war against?
Sir Eryson: The church of Nerul.
Sir Eryson: Our high priestess insists that they are the ones raising the dead, and she has Artyom's ear, and the king's.
Cerim Potter: Unless I'm mistaken, they aren't exactly living in their own kingdom. That would make this a much less conventional war.
Sir Eryson: I imagine it won't be.
Sir Eryson: Very few battles, and a lot of burning priests.
Sir Eryson: Unless she's right after all, and an army of dead soldiers comes to meet our magical friend.
Cerim Potter: Perhaps one will.
Cerim Potter: But either way, we'll be burning our own citizens.
Sir Eryson: What do you think? Do you think it's the churches that swear fealty to us that are to be feared?
Sir Eryson: You were there...
Cerim Potter: I think that the number of people who worship Corellon Larethian second is higher than some in command may realize. If those people are to be executed, then so would the death tolls of this war.
Sir Eryson: I don't understand.
Cerim Potter: If it starts with Nerull, people may begin to worry that Pelor is next.
Sir Eryson: Then we might as well admit it justs the elves putting everyone else down.
Cerim Potter: The orcs seemed to think so.
Sir Eryson: You weren't old enough to have met the orcs when they lived in Shavorne, were you?
Cerim Potter: I was not, but I've heard stories.
Sir Eryson: They didn't have a place here. It only makes sense that they saw us as evil.
Sir Eryson: Glistar was merciful when they were banished. They were given enough time to bring supplies, allowed to settle in new lands...
Sir Eryson: ...And now Aaron is finding swords coming back from those lands that can raise the dead.
Cerim Potter: I do not claim to have all the answers.
Cerim Potter: I can only offer warning that this war may be the first step to making the humans feel that they have no place here either.
Sir Eryson: You're a human. You've been in the room when no elf was. Is that the way you all feel about us?\
Cerim Potter: Not usually. The elven influence has been largely benign for simple folk. There are times where resistance is felt. I fear this war will only cause tensions to rise. Who knows how far, though?
Sir Eryson: Not a risk I want to take, but I don't think there's much I can do about it unless we come up with some kind of game-changer.
Cerim Potter: Does anyone even know why the Nerullians are reviving the dead?
Sir Eryson: No. What reason would they have?
Sir Eryson: We've live in peace since the king took power.
Sir Eryson: The orcs though, have every reason to hate us.
Cerim Potter: It wasn't orcs that were killed by the Order in Glenswood.
Sir Eryson: Just the order? You were there as well.
Cerim Potter: I was. I didn't kill any humans, though.
Sir Eryson: And the people saw it?
Cerim Potter: There was a crowd around the church who saw the Nerullians barricade themselves in. I helped the Order break down the church's door until the dead rose. Most of the crowd fled at that time. I'm sure some saw what happened to the congregation.
Sir Eryson: Hmm. If you end up being seen as affiliated with me, I want to make sure people know who's crimes it was.
Cerim Potter: As far as I understand, the Order only killed the people who were protecting the priest. The rest of the Nerullians survived to tell the tale.
SyRaX is disconnected.
Brian: He just shakes his head.
Cerim Potter: And the priest was executed without questioning.
Sir Eryson: We need to see this stopped before it's too late. This isn't the king's justice.
Sir Eryson: How would you feel about being sent on another quest from the palace?
Cerim Potter: Just say the word.
Sir Eryson: You remember the man with the swords from a few days ago?
Adam is disconnected.
Adam has connected.
Cerim Potter: I do. Aaron, I believe.
Sir Eryson: He still knows what contacts he spoke to to get those blades.
Sir Eryson: That might be a trail to whoever is really doing this.
Sir Eryson: If I send a knight, someone might complain that I'm trying to get in Eldati's way, but some commoner and a merchant...
Sir Eryson: They could walk right into Gorewood without a second thought.
Cerim Potter: That would be vital information to stopping this war before it begins.
Sir Eryson: And, if it comes to such measures, acting on those who did this crime.
Sir Eryson: We could end two wars at a stroke.
Cerim Potter: I suppose this would be an unofficial mission, then.
Sir Eryson: A quest for the greater good. Not unlike the one that got you wrapped up in all this to start with.
Sir Eryson: I would really be strange for me to be giving you orders before you're a knight, after all...
Cerim Potter: Before?
Sir Eryson: There is no hard-and-fast rule about humans not being knighted, we just always thought it was a bad idea. But I've started to question that.
Sir Eryson: I think some of my elven knights have been...misusing their privilage.
Sir Eryson: Might leave an opening for a young peace maker.
Cerim Potter: You honor me with even the consideration, Lord Commander.
Sir Eryson: I can bestow no honor that you would grant yourself, should your quest succeed.
Sir Eryson: I would like you to talk to Aaron privately about this matter. Best I not be seen meddling too much.
Cerim Potter: And if someone else should ask about this quest?
Sir Eryson: Aaron asked for your assistance, because the Lord Commander told him there was nothing he could do.
Cerim Potter: Very well. I'll coordinate with him immediately.
Brian: With a nod, he is off.
SyRaX has connected.
Brian: Aaron is about doing his own buisness, when a somewhat familiar man approaches...
Cerim Potter: Aaron, good day.
Aaron: Hello, Cerim.
Cerim Potter: I don't suppose you've spoken with the Lord Commander recently.
Aaron: I have not. Should I have?
Cerim Potter: He has informed me that you have requested my company on a trip to Gorewood to find the source of those black blades.
Aaron: Indeed. I want to investigate everything about them.
Cerim Potter: Well, I would be delighted to join you.
Brian: Alright then, you head off? Any further ado or last actions while in the capital?
Cerim Potter: (( I would recommend stopping at Tinsboro first, but that's all. ))
Brian: Aaron is free to take that advice as he will
SyRaX: sure
Brian: Cool. That I'm gonig to wait on though, since Jaden has a pretty important bit to get done now.
Brian: Do you know how late you guys were thinking of?
SyRaX: I can stay up for a lot longer
Adam: I've got a fair bit of work to do today
Brian: Alright, well I think this is session for you two then.
Brian: I promise next time it will be a dedicated session of you two with something other than just talking.
Adam: groovy
SyRaX: alrighty
SyRaX is disconnected.
Adam is disconnected.
Jaden has connected.
Brian: Your hangover is done in pretty short order, and you have the day following the feast to do with what you like.
Brian: Do you do anything of importance?
Jaden: He's going to spend some time in his room sitting on his bed, not looking like he's doing anything, then get up and go see if he can find the lord commander
Brian: The Lord Commander is actually in the guardhouse talking to the sentry.
Artyom Cooper: Excuse me, Lord Commander, may I have a word?
Sir Eryson: Certainly. What about?
Artyom Cooper: You are the one in charge of the prisoners, are you not?
Artyom Cooper: Are there any who would be put to death soon?
Sir Eryson: I can't say I recall off hand.
Artyom Cooper: Also, the black swords you said you tested on the pigs
Artyom Cooper: How long did you say it took?
Sir Eryson: It was about a day.
Artyom Cooper: Very well, I might wish to procure some prisoners for my own experiments on the matter
Artyom Cooper: We have no assurances the swords work the same on humans as they do on pigs
Artyom Cooper: And those that are to be put to death anyway are the perfect subjects for such an experiment
Sir Eryson: I assume you intend to borrow a sword as well?
Artyom Cooper: I have one of my own
Sir Eryson: These sword trees are popping up everywhere...
Artyom Cooper: I happen to have an interest in magic items, given my own condition
Sir Eryson: *grins* I think you're more than a magic item.
Sir Eryson: I'll talk to the prison keeper, and see what I can do.
Artyom Cooper: If you could, have them send me a list or some such, I trust you know where my room is?
Sir Eryson: Sure thing.
Artyom Cooper: Good, I'll be going then, there are some other things I need to arrange
Artyom Cooper: Actually
Artyom Cooper: On second thought
Artyom Cooper: Where did you test the swords the first time?
Sir Eryson: In the sparring ring out back, where we were.
Artyom Cooper: Which do you think would be more suitable, tying the prisoners to poles embedded in the ground then testing the swords on them out there, or just using the place they keep the prisoners now?
Artyom Cooper: I imagine if they did turn it wouldn't take long to dispatch them, given my ability
Artyom Cooper: However I'd like to keep it as safe as possible
Sir Eryson: Dungeons are an awful place to clean blood. Do that outside.
Artyom Cooper: Sure thing
Artyom Cooper: I'll be seeing you then
Jaden: And now I'd like to go hunt down wherever the priests of Palor would be hanging around
Brian: There's a church somewhere outside the palace
Palor Priest : Greetings.
Artyom Cooper: Hello
Artyom Cooper: I hear that you know much of the human body
Artyom Cooper: I'd love to have your services in an upcoming test I must conduct
Artyom Cooper: This does have to be very discreet, however
Palor Priest : ...what kind of test are we talking about?
Artyom Cooper: I need to know your lips are sealed first
Palor Priest : No. I have no idea who you are or what you are up to.
Artyom Cooper: I am on urgent business which involves the state of our land, the country itself
Artyom Cooper: If you must know it involves the incidents from Ensiph and Glenswood, if you've heard of them
Artyom Cooper: However I can't tell you more unless you agree to stay silent
Palor Priest : Hmm, alright.
Artyom Cooper: What do you know of what happened there?
Palor Priest : I have been told the dead rose from the ground.
Artyom Cooper: Indeed, that is what happened
Artyom Cooper: And we may have found the cause of this
Artyom Cooper: However we can't be sure unless we conduct some tests, an experiment if you will
Palor Priest : Alright...
Artyom Cooper: The cause of these incidents may be enchanted swords
Artyom Cooper: Those slain by the sword rise from the dead, or at least, that's how it appears
Artyom Cooper: Due to our lack of knowledge, we can't be sure if those cut aren't effected
Artyom Cooper: We know not how serious a wound must be to cause them to rise
Artyom Cooper: Nor do we know if the killing blow must be from one of these swords
Palor Priest : And you have royal permission to chop people up?
Artyom Cooper: Prisoners who were to be executed anyway
Palor Priest : Take me to the palace and show me who gave you the order, and I'll assist as best I can.
Artyom Cooper: I'm afraid I don't need your services for a few days yet
Artyom Cooper: Mind waiting till then to be ready?
Palor Priest : I'll be right here.
Artyom Cooper: Great
Jaden: And with that, he'd go back to the castle to make sure they have sturdy chains and ropes and sticks that can be stuck in the ground
Brian: At some point as you are investigating, Eldati finds you.
Eldati: Great news.
Artyom Cooper: Yes?
Eldati: The king has given the blessing to take the order south, and gain control of the Nerullian situation.
Artyom Cooper: That is great indeed
Eldati: I hope I can get the knights together by the day after tomorrow.
Artyom Cooper: Okay
Eldati: Good job at the feast. It's about time people heard the truth.
Artyom Cooper: Ah? About what?
Artyom Cooper: The feast is a bit fuzzy for me
Artyom Cooper: Had a bit too much drink afterwards
Brian: She looks somewhat stunned for a second.
Eldati: You remember your speech I assume? About the evil we face?
Artyom Cooper: It was a bit spur of the moment
Artyom Cooper: But yeah, I remember the gist
Jaden: He's clearly distracted thinking about something, either wondering if he left the fireplace burning or thinking of the task ahead of him
Jaden: It's probably not the fireplace
Eldati: I think that was what did it, Artyom. I have been able to convince the king to stop listening to those mad ideals of an invasion of Gorewood.
Eldati: Now we can focus on actually bringing peace.
Artyom Cooper: Oh, great.
Eldati: Unless you had anything else, I'll need to be off to organize.
Artyom Cooper: Sorry, would you know where I could find big sticks in the castle?
Artyom Cooper: Like, ones you put in the ground
Jaden: He's making hand motions approximating the size of the sticks to show her
Eldati: Umm, the quartermaster?
Eldati: I'd ask him.
Artyom Cooper: Ah the quartermaster
Artyom Cooper: Exactly
Artyom Cooper: Thank you
Eldati: Ohh, one more thing.
Eldati: Did you ever manage to get one of those swords?
Artyom Cooper: I did
Eldati: Good.
Eldati: Do you have it with you?
Artyom Cooper: I do not, it's locked in my room, under the bed, wrapped in one of my spare cloaks
Eldati: Good hiding spot.
Eldati: You should pass that to the Order of Blood headquarters before we head off. They should experiment with it and see what it really does.
Artyom Cooper: I would, but I'd rather keep it on me
Jaden is disconnected.
Jaden has connected.
Artyom Cooper: I might be able to learn some things others can't
Eldati: Hmm, we might not have time.
Eldati: And if there are commonfolk with us, they might not be as understanding when they see you messing around with this stuff on the road.
Artyom Cooper: That may be true, but nonetheless, I'd like to keep it on me
Artyom Cooper: I can keep my talents hidden
Artyom Cooper: I can keep a sword hidden
Eldati: Very well.
Eldati: I suppose I'll see you in two days then.
Artyom Cooper: I'll see you in two days
TL;DNR is provided below if you don't care to read details...
Brian: alright, anything else you're up to?
Jaden: I'd visit the priest of Palor and tell him that I may have to leave on business in a few days and it could be a while before I'm back
Brian: noted
Jaden: That's about it
Jaden: I can talk to the quartermaster later
Jaden: Actually wait
Brian: ...
Brian: ?
Jaden: There's training grounds
Jaden: He's going to go receive basic lessons in shortswords from the knights and such who are training
Jaden: Or find someone who could teach him
Jaden: Not with the black shortsword of course
Jaden: But a training one, or something like that
Brian: ok, makes sense.
Jaden: And he'd be learning the basics until they had to leave
Jaden: Pretty much devoting all his time there
Brian: Alright then.
Brian: Right on schedule, a party is assembled, with a small group of knights, along with a band of peasants carrying supplies.
Jaden: I gather up my spare cloaks, including one with a sword wrapped inside
Jaden: And he'd pick up a third spare cloak on the way
Jaden: Just to be sure
Jaden: Of course his bow and arrows are with him as well
Brian: I will always assume you take your own equipment
Brian: It's explained to you as you set off that the plan is to build a base of operations in the southern woodlands to fall back to in the event of attack, and that can be known for sure to not have traitors in it.
Jaden: Sounds like a good plan
Brian: It's weeks of travel before you arrive and ground-breaking begins at the site.
Jaden: Hm
Jaden: Groundbreaking
Brian: :|
Jaden: Would the peasants be doing the groundbreaking?
Jaden: And what exactly is entailed?
Jaden: Because Artyom'd offer to help if he didn't reveal himself
Jaden: I mean, he'd offer to help anyway, it's just a question of if he uses magic or not
Brian: The structure underway is a pretty simple wooden fort, with walls of timber and an array of lookout towers.
Brian: The construction goes on for several days before a good wall is built, during which time various traders make links to you, offering wares.
Jaden: Oh, what do they offer?
Brian: Mostly turnips...
Jaden: Delicious
Brian: They also tell you word of the undead continuing to rise, and now sometimes leaving the towns rather than attacking. Scouts report them forming larger groups, as if preparing for a greater assault.
Jaden: Perfect, undead hordes
Jaden: Exactly what I wanted to hear
Brian: Do you spend any of this time trying to experiment?
Jaden: No he's helping make the fort
Jaden: Either with his hand or his magic
Jaden: He'd ask Eldati if he can use magic here
Eldati: I think it would be alright.
Eldati: They know you are a blessed one now.
Artyom Cooper: Great, I'll get to work immediatly then
Jaden: He'd first go around and smooth the ground with earth magic
Jaden: And then he'd ask for a small wall to be put up for him to practice
Jaden: And then practice precisely pulling up earth around it, to reinforce the wall with earth
Jaden: If that's possible
Brian: roll a few channeling checks to see if you hurt yourself doing it.
Jaden: Eh, he's not channeling much each time
Jaden: What should I roll to beat?
Jaden: And how many times?
Brian: Really as much as you want, depends on how fast you want this up
Brian: I would say a 5ft section of wall would take some 3-4 Nature
Jaden: Let's go for 8 each time then
Jaden: Hm
Jaden: It's essentially an 11x13 wall
Jaden: So that would be 48 times?
Jaden: 48 five foot sections that is
Brian: yeah, about.
Brian: If you want to magic all of it
Jaden: So, since I get 2 sections each summon
Jaden: Just roll 25d20 and see if I get any ones?
Jaden: How would I do that?
Brian: yup. I would advise 25d20s20, then we treat nat 20s as nat ones
* Jaden rolls: 25d20s20 => 0
Jaden: It's fine
Brian: lucky bastard
Jaden: My bonus is +12 now anyway
Brian: You get the fort set up suprisingly fast, and soon become a champion of the workers around you.
Brian: The Order knights start going on Forays after just a couple days, coming back with Nerullian priests. Some are tied as prisoners, some seem to have come quite willingly. All are given quarters outside the fort, and are put to work improving it.
Brian: Eldati asks you to stay back, and be ready should they try to rise up.
Jaden: I agree
TL;DNR They go into the southern woodlands with the knights from the Order of Blood, and start construction of a fort to use as a base camp to fight Nerulians from. They gather some peasants to help with the castle, and imprision some Nerulian priest from nearby villages.
Artyom Cooper: What's this fort called anyway?
Eldati: Have an idea for a name?
Artyom Cooper: Well
Artyom Cooper: Fort Dirtyom would make sense
Artyom Cooper: As I did use dirt to make it
Artyom Cooper: And contributed quite a bit
Artyom Cooper: Or name it after you
Artyom Cooper: Fort Eldirti
Artyom Cooper: After all
Artyom Cooper: It is mostly still dirt right now
Brian: She is chuckling though most of this.
Jaden: He has a serious expression on his face
Jaden: The most serious
Eldati: Are you concerned? I ordered a wooden fortification since it seemed too soon to try and quarry stone.
Artyom Cooper: No, thick packed earth as I've pulled up over the foundation is as good as stone for most things
Artyom Cooper: It may be the difference between an arrow embedded in the dirt or shattered on the ground, but it will still stop the arrow
Eldati: Then I say we name this one after you. I'm sure you will have much finer things named after you once you save the world, but fort Dirtyom is a good start.
Artyom Cooper: Then that sounds great
Jaden: He grins
Brian: A couple more days pass, and grave news befalls the camp.
Brian: The dead have formed a proper army, and are headed this way.
Jaden: Oh good
Brian: Soon all the troops are gathered.
Eldati: This is what we came here for. The undead that shatter on our walls are those that will not slay the innocent of Damriel.
Eldati: Have a messenger ride with our situation, and arrange to bring relief food in a week's time. That's how long we have now, but I don't expect them to seige.
Eldati: Sir Vilrays, after night falls kill the priests. Artyom will watch over to make sure nothing happens, but I want it quiet and quick.
Eldati: They should have time for anything to happen.
Brian: Sir Vilrays nods.
Artyom Cooper: Do we have any bright clothing?
Artyom Cooper: Even a small strip of cloth would do
Sir Vilrays: There's some bright parts of my banner.
Sir Vilrays: Why?
Artyom Cooper: This sword worries me
Artyom Cooper: Leave one priest alive longer than the rest, I will cut him with it, then you kill him as well
Artyom Cooper: If he rises we will see the birght colors and know that even a cut from these swords are dangerous
Sir Vilrays: Understood.
Artyom Cooper: Good
Brian: alright, do you proceed with execution that night then?
Jaden: Yep
Brian: roll dex to not step on a twig or something and be super loud.
* Jaden rolls: 1d20 + 2 => 17 + 2 = 19
* Brian rolls: 1d20+1 => 15 + 1 = 16
Brian: alright, Vilrays commences butchery.
Brian: one wakes up in time, but Vilrays gets him.
Brian: The last two are sharing a tent. No good chance of getting them seperately.
Sir Vilrays: Alright, I stab one you stab the other?
Artyom Cooper: If I kill him with this sword he'll surely rise again
Artyom Cooper: I can pin him by stabbing him in the shoulder and occupy him until you can kill him though
Artyom Cooper: Just swing your sword quickly
Sir Vilrays: Alright then, let's do that.
Brian: alright, you guys start with 10 init in this combat.
Brian: Vilrays seems to be waiting on you.
Jaden: I get my sword ready and try to aim it before plunging it into the left one's shoulder
Jaden: Number 6 that is
Jaden: What do I need to roll?
Jaden: I am not proficient with shortswords
Brian: roll normal attack, with -4
Brian: It will be +4 to hac to not be too bad of a wound
* Jaden rolls: 1d20 + 2 - 4 => 4 + 2 - 4 = 2
Jaden: I'm bad with swords
Brian: roll dex to stay silent
* Jaden rolls: 1d20 + 2 => 10 + 2 = 12
Brian: good enough
Brian: Vilrays takes position, but hesitates to swing, looking at you.
Brian: The prisoners are still asleep.
Jaden: I whisper this
Artyom Cooper: Let's try that again
Artyom Cooper: On, 3, 2, 1
* Jaden rolls: 1d20 + 2 - 4 => 2 + 2 - 4 = 0
* Brian rolls: 1d20 => 6
* Brian rolls: 1d20 => 7
Sir Vilrays: *whispers* Seriously?
Brian: roll dex again to stay quiet
* Jaden rolls: 1d20 + 2 => 1 + 2 = 3
* Jaden rolls: 1d6 - 1 => 1 - 1 = 0
Jaden: A 3
Jaden: Great
Brian: The blade misses his shoulder, but stabs deep into the dirt, causing a loud rip.
Nerulian Prisoner 6: What the?
Nerulian Prisoner 6: OHH FATHER!
Brian: sir Vilrays then swings
* Brian rolls: 1d20+5 => 5 + 5 = 10
* Brian rolls: 1d20+4 => 6 + 4 = 10
Brian: and manages to wound for 0
Brian: prisoners' turn
Jaden: Does my init go up by my unused actions?
Jaden: Or do the previous attacks count
Jaden: Or what's up?
Brian: let's say this is first "real" round of combat
Brian: so you start at ten, then spent 4 to strike
Brian: you actually get a bonus strike though if you want to go for it.
Jaden: I'm going for it
Jaden: He's going to pin this guy down like he said
* Jaden rolls: 1d20 + 2 - 4 => 8 + 2 - 4 = 6
Jaden: No he's not
Jaden: Hm
Brian: actually, a 6 hits a prone guy
Jaden: Oh?
Jaden: Great
Jaden: Let's see
Brian: roll to wound. You still need at least a 0
Brian: and a minus 4 on this too
* Jaden rolls: 1d20 - 5 => 10 - 5 = 5
Jaden: He's not strong
Brian: jesus
Jaden: That was only 4 init though
Jaden: He's still got quite a bit of speed
Brian: go for it
Jaden: Same thing
Jaden: In the shoulder
* Jaden rolls: 1d20 + 2 - 4 => 15 + 2 - 4 = 13
* Jaden rolls: 1d20 - 5 => 8 - 5 = 3
Jaden: Nope
Jaden: No wound
Jaden: It's two versus unarmed for each strike, right?
Brian: try again, no defending weapon
* Jaden rolls: 1d20 + 2 - 4 => 4 + 2 - 4 = 2
Jaden: No
Jaden: And let's use another 4 init
Jaden: For two more attempts
* Jaden rolls: 1d20 + 2 - 4 => 4 + 2 - 4 = 2
* Jaden rolls: 1d20 + 2 - 4 => 3 + 2 - 4 = 1
Jaden: No and no
Jaden: He now goes up by one
Jaden: Having failed completely
Brian: Well prisoner 5 casts divine shield on prisoner 6
Brian: Prisoner 6 stands up, which provokes if you want to spend init on another attack
Jaden: Fuck it yeah
* Jaden rolls: 1d20 + 2 - 4 => 5 + 2 - 4 = 3
* Jaden rolls: 1d20 + 2 - 4 => 4 + 2 - 4 = 2
Jaden: No
Jaden: Not one bit
Brian: then he withdraws
Brian: out the other side of the tent
Brian: ok, you two's turn
Brian: Vilrays just trys to kill 5
* Brian rolls: 1d20+5 => 16 + 5 = 21
* Brian rolls: 1d20+4 => 15 + 4 = 19
* Brian rolls: 1d20+2 => 5 + 2 = 7
Brian: ok, 5's down
Brian: your turn
Jaden: Hm
Jaden: He drops the sword
Jaden: And then gets some lightning
Jaden: Two times trying for ten each
* Jaden rolls: 1d20 + 12 => 12 + 12 = 24
* Jaden rolls: 1d20 + 12 => 5 + 12 = 17
Jaden: And now he's going to follow through the tent
Jaden: Chase him
Jaden: And let's see
Jaden: 4+4+4
Jaden: 12
Jaden: Perfect
Jaden: That means he's still got 1
Jaden: So he can dip to use that lightning
Jaden: He's going to reach out and try to touch this man with a lightning ball hand
* Jaden rolls: 1d20 + 2 => 13 + 2 = 15
Brian: hit
Jaden: And he's mad
Jaden: All that lightning is going into him
* Jaden rolls: 1d20 + 21 => 15 + 21 = 36
Brian: that wounds for only 26
Jaden is disconnected.
* Brian rolls: 1d4 => 2
* Brian rolls: 1d4 => 1
Jaden has connected.
Brian: So that went into speed, then rolled over into strengh
Jaden: I feel like a Sith Lord
Brian: even if he was able to stay up, he lost all ability to move and falls to the ground anyway
Jaden: Oh, so he's still alive?
Jaden: Great
Brian: Most of them will probably live for a minute or two longer
Jaden: Artyom's going to walk back, get the sword, give this one a small cut on his shoulder with it, then have Vilrays kill him
Sir Vilrays: It is done.
Artyom Cooper: Now, the cloth
Artyom Cooper: Tie it around his arm
Brian: he does so
Artyom Cooper: Good
Sir Vilrays: Should we burn the others?
Artyom Cooper: Yes, do
Artyom Cooper: Except for one
Artyom Cooper: Not this one though
Brian: alright, so you have a slashed and a control outside.
Brian: I PRAY you leave them outside the fort...
Jaden: They are
Jaden: Artyom's not dumb
Jaden: Also, he's planning to see if the sword can raise those it hasn't killed with the current control
Jaden: But only after the ongoing experiment
Jaden: But, it's almost 5, and I've got something I've got to do, mind if we stop here?
Brian: Sure thing