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Adam has connected.
SyRaX has connected.
Brian: One moment, SyRaX is having pussy trouble
SyRaX: all cleared out
Brian: Solid copy. You guys remember where we are?
SyRaX: vaguely
Brian: Do the feast happened (I don't think that much important happened to either of you there), and then shortly after Cerim talked to you about going east to find out where the black swords came from.
Adam: And making a quick pit stop at Tinsboro
SyRaX: why not
Brian: huh, really? I didn't remember that part. Lemme re-read
Brian: ohh yeah, you did say that.
Brian: Any other things I missed?
Adam: That's it
Brian: cool. Any antics before you head off?
Adam: I'm gonna resupply
SyRaX: I guess I have a replacement for my commerce stuff while I'm gone?
Brian: Most affairs can handle themselves. You aren't quite rich enough to have a full staff under you, but you can have an eldest child to manage the family buisness if you desire.
SyRaX: yeah, we'll do that
* Brian rolls: 1d2 => 2
Brian: your eldist is s daughter. As her dad you may name her.
SyRaX: :s
:s: I won't let you down, dad!
Adam: she single?
SyRaX: Yrlissa
SyRaX: Wait, when do elves usually have children?
SyRaX: and how long are they fertile?
Brian: Uhh, I assume double the age that humans are normally doing it, which in this culture would be late thirties.
Brian: But they would be fertile from 30, with men never really dieing out.
SyRaX: ehh is it okay to let a 5-10 year old girl handle a whole business?
SyRaX: or we'll have to adjust Aaron's age
Brian: You know what, you probably have a living wife. Probs a better idea.
SyRaX: alrighty
Adam: Is *she* single?
Brian: Use your upper head for just a little bit, Adam...
SyRaX: btw then her name is Yrlissa
Brian: ok, but do you also have a daughter? Children are much more likely to still be young enough to be adventuring in future campaigns.
SyRaX: sure, why not
Brian: Cool, name her at some point. In the mean time, are you buying supplies Adam, or are you begging someone for them?
SyRaX: Talila
SyRaX: just using names off fantasy name generator
Adam: Does the place I'm staying not offer free trail rations?
Brian: Eryson will give you each 20 days rations, but I wanted to know if you had the sense to ask.
Adam: Yeah. I'd have to ask.
SyRaX: DOes he organize that kind of stuff?
Adam: I've made 0 money since coming to town
Brian: He is in charge of the army, and so has some access to a stock of supplies.
Brian: There might be another official if you want to ask around...
SyRaX: Is it more like "everyone gets it" or "well, if you need it, you can get it"?
Brian: It's, "Hey, I'm sending you on this mission, it would kind of suck if you starved to death on the way..."
SyRaX: alright, then I'll also go to him and ask for some
Brian: cool, you each have 20 days of trail rations
Adam: yay
Brian: alright, to Tinsboro?
Adam: to Tinsboro!
SyRaX: only for a quick stop, don't waste too much time
Adam: I'm just going to pick up a sword.
Brian: it takes 4 days
Brian: Do you just go straight to the guard post?
Adam: Yep.
SyRaX: I#m following Cerim
Cerim Potter: Good day, gentlemen.
Lucas: Well butter my ass and call me a bisket!
Lucas: The young Cerim came back alive...
Cerim Potter: Alive and well, yes.
Cerim Potter: But I'm afaid I can't stay long.
Cerim Potter: I've come bearing a warning.
Lucas: ?
Cerim Potter: Captain, have you still got that black sword under lock and key?
Captain Erwin: I do.
SyRaX: wait, am I carrying mine with me?
Cerim Potter: And has anybody used it since we found it?
Brian: Eryson would have asked that you keep them at the palace just in case.
Captain Erwin: We haven't had an incidents that called for violence yet.
Cerim Potter: That's a relief.
Captain Erwin: But we've heard about the undead.
Cerim Potter: It's believed that swords like that one are what cause the dead to rise. One of the reasons, at least.
Cerim Potter: I would ask that you relinquish it to me for the safety of the town.
Brian: He hesitates for a second, then nods.
Captain Erwin: You've been a good man, Cerim. Never known you to lie.
Cerim Potter: I would never try to abuse your trust, captain.
Brian: He goes takes the sword off the rack (it was never locked up), and hands it back to you
Captain Erwin: What were you up to while you were AWOL?
Cerim Potter: Apparently the Lord Commander of the Army had use for a small town guard. Once he runs out of use for me, I will return home for good. Hopefully then I'll be able to tell you the story in greater detail. With any luck it'll have a happy ending to boot.
Captain Erwin: Hope you're done before the dead come to our town.
Cerim Potter: I hope they never make it so far.
Captain Erwin: Kord's blessings, Mr. Potter.
Cerim Potter: If you find any more swords like this one, I advise you to keep them secured. Send them to the capitol, even.
Cerim Potter: Until we meet again.
Brian: he nods.
Brian: Anything else you up to?
Cerim Potter: (( that's all ))
SyRaX: while we go to the next stop or whatever I want to ask Cerim if Tinsboro is his home town
SyRaX: and to tell me a bit about it
Cerim Potter: Yes, it's my home town. I serve as a lieutenant in the guard there. It's a largely quiet town, so most of the job is patrolling, scouting, and escorting particularly intoxicated individuals home. The only notable thing about the place for an outisder is the fact that it's a mining town. Tin is the chief export, obviously.
Aaron: Makes sense ... Do you like it there? Or do you prefer the city life?
Cerim Potter: I prefer the calm of the village. There's no strife. It may not be exciting like the city, but there's more to life than excitement.
Aaron: Wise words.
Brian: you head off then, I assume?
Cerim Potter: (( yes ))
Brian: . Aaron's contact spoke of going to Eastmark as the first stop in finding the swords. It's a small village, mostly used as shelder for the various ranchers in the far eastern hills of Damriel.
Brian: The trip exausts another 9 days of your food
Brian: There are a few folks wandering around the town
Cerim Potter: And I thought Tinsboro was small.
Aaron: Let's just ask around to try and get some information.
Cerim Potter: Uh, sure... okay.
Brian: As you approach, one man, in what would be lowly trader's garb in the capital, but by far the richest-looking man here, approaches you.
Gearic: Are you from the capital?
Aaron: Yes, we are. We came here to investigate some rumours.
Gearic: Ohh, we fear they aren't rumors. We just had a man come through and tell us just how real the walking dead are.
Gearic: We sent word to the Lord Commander a fortnight ago, and I started to fear no knights would come.
Cerim Potter: I'm afraid we're no knights.
Cerim Potter: A simple merchant and a guard.
Aaron: That might be under-selling our value, but yes, we are no knights. However, we are trying to help you get rid of this ... problem.
Gearic: Thank the gods.
Gearic: We only have one knight in town, and he is beyond his better years.
Aaron: You spoke of a man that has seen these creatures, is he still here?
Gearic: No. He left for the south a couple days ago, said he has urgent buisness and won't be back for some time.
Cerim Potter: How unfortunate.
Aaron: Oh, alright. Is there anyone else who can provide us with information about this incident?
Gearic: I've heard that a huge army arose in Glenswood, with many who saw it.
Gearic: We have been lucky so far to have not had a sighting until very recently
Cerim Potter: What's to the south that your man might have gone to?
Gearic: I don't know.
Gearic: You know bards. Always finding some trouble to get into.
SyRaX: what info exactly did I get from my middleman?
Brian: Very little. She just said she knew a guy in Eastmark that might be able to arrange a trade with Gorewood.
Aaron: *to Cerim* What will we do now?
Cerim Potter: What of this knight who's been staying here? What's his task?
Gearic: Sir Regelgien lives here. Has for as long as I remember.
Cerim Potter: Hm. Well, our next destination is Gorewood. Are there any here who can tell us something about the place?
Gearic: If you had caught Frip before he left he would have been a good source.
Gearic: There have been one or two orcs who have visited here. Someone around may have talked to them.
Gearic: With the dead closing in everyone's bringing the flocks back to town.
SyRaX: Aaron is a twitching a little when he hears Gearic talk of orcs
Cerim Potter: Hm. Well, I guess we'll just have to ask around. Thanks for your help.
Gearic: Thank you.
Gearic: And...would you consider aiding us? A single man in armor would be a blessing, knight or no...
Brian: he walks off
SyRaX: alright
SyRaX: I'll go to the knight
SyRaX: maybe he knows stuff
SyRaX: knock knock
SyRaX: or is that not a house
Brian: The structure is something between a barn and an inn. Animals, travelers, and bottles of alcohol are evenly distributed throughout, with the first two categories making appropriate social noises.
Brian: The door is clealy not locked, and the gaps between the planks make it easy to see through.
SyRaX: If no one came after knocking, I just go in
Aaron: Is there a Sir Regelgien in here?
Brian: One man, a somewhat older elf, is wearing a sigil of some kind, and he turns to you and raises his hand.
Aaron: Good day, sir. My name is Aaron, this is Cerim *points towards Cerim*, and we came from Glenwood to investigate the undead problem. Do you know of anything that might help us?
Sir Regelgien: I might be pretty good at that. I've been told that a good sword to the body will still destroy the things.
Aaron: ?
SyRaX: ehh
SyRaX: is he offering to help us or giving us advice to attack the body?
SyRaX: I'm confused
Cerim Potter: (( he's giving us advice ))
Brian: He was also offering to help fight them, but he might not be a perfect communicator
Cerim Potter: We're more in the business of stopping the dead from rising in the first place, sir.
Sir Regelgien: I've heard burning the bodies works well. Tough to find where all the dead are. The goblin wars were very scattered.
Sir Regelgien: You weren't sent here to defend the village though?
Aaron: If there is an attack, we will try to help, but rather than fighting against the waves we want to drown out the sea, methaphorically speaking.
SyRaX: wait is it drown out
SyRaX: or dry out
SyRaX: or nothing of the sort
Brian: lol drown the sea
Cerim Potter: (( probably dry out ))
SyRaX: yeah, dry out or up
SyRaX: that's what I meant to say
Sir Regelgien: A noble goal.
Sir Regelgien: I wouldn't know where to start with that though...
Cerim Potter: We have reason to belive that the source of the problem is something or someone in Gorewood. We'd like to get there and investigate further.
Sir Regelgien: That I could help you with. My family has dealt with orcs before.
Sir Regelgien: They can be nice people, once you get to know them. Just don't challange thier ego.
Cerim Potter: Should we fear arriving unannounced?
Sir Regelgien: The scouts are like our knights. They tend to be wary of strangers. I would advise staying calm, and maybe offering a bribe.
Sir Regelgien: It's rare that someone comes from our side to the orcs', and the scouts know the half-dozen that do it regularly.
Cerim Potter: A bribe? Do that accept elvish coin?
Brian: He chuckles
Sir Regelgien: You'll have a hard time using it here.
Sir Regelgien: Got any nice meats, or a bottle of good ale?
Sir Regelgien: They also value steel, if you're eager to part with that nice armor of yours.
Aaron: Is there a trader anywhere near? Like, trading elvish for orcish currency?
Sir Regelgien: I...I don't think the orcs even use coin. Too savage for that.
Cerim Potter: Perhaps we should go hunting while we travel. I'm sure a few hides would come in handy.
Sir Regelgien: Not unwise.
Sir Regelgien: Why do you think the orcs know?
Cerim Potter: Rumors. Sadly rumors are all we have to go on at this point.
Sir Regelgien: Just up and decided to save the day, ehh?
Sir Regelgien: You're clearly not knights.
Cerim Potter: What do you mean by that?
Sir Regelgien: This one *points to Aaron* isn't wearing armor, and you're not an elf.
SyRaX: leather armour has feelings too :'(
SyRaX: stop the discrimination
Cerim Potter: You're right. We're no knights.
Sir Regelgien: But something made you want to save the world anyway?
Cerim Potter: I happen to be a big fan of the world. It would be a shame to see it destroyed.
Sir Regelgien: The king doesn't have an answer? I'm a fan myself, but I'll need to do my part in it.
Sir Regelgien: Glistar speaks to Correlon Lorathien himself. If anyone would know how to stop this, it's him.
Cerim Potter: The king has his own plan in place. The least we can do is try and help.
Sir Regelgien: Well be careful.
Cerim Potter: We will try. Thank you for your advice, sir.
Cerim Potter: (( guess it's time to go hunting ))
Brian: alright. Do you remember what I made you roll for hunting last time, SyRaX?
SyRaX: nope
SyRaX: probably dex wis?
Brian: let's do dex wis
* SyRaX würfelt: 1d20+5 => 20 + 5 = 25
SyRaX: damn
* SyRaX würfelt: 1d6-1 => 6 - 1 = 5
* SyRaX würfelt: 1d6-1 => 5 - 1 = 4
SyRaX: damn
Brian: DAMN
SyRaX: 34
SyRaX: baby
Cerim Potter: (( I'm just gonna stay home lol ))
SyRaX: I bring a fucking mamooth lol
Brian: I was going to say the rare spicy clawed hellhound.
SyRaX: that's fine I guess
Brian: Either way, you slay so many innocent animals that you are forced to only take with you the choice cuts (you weren't given horses) for the rest of your journey.
Brian: Do you waste any time in getting to Gorewood?
Cerim Potter: (( none more than necesary ))
Brian: Another 3 days transpire in travel montoge, but you have enough meat to feed yourself during the last two.
Gorewood scout: Whodat?
Cerim Potter: Hello there!
Gorewood scout: *pauses, the plants spear* Whodat?
Cerim Potter: *elbows Aaron*
SyRaX: Aaron and Cerim, coming from Glenwood.
Aaron: Aaron and Cerim, coming from Glenwood.
Gorewood scout: I don't hear of Glenwood.
Cerim Potter: It's a faraway village.
Gorewood scout: You bring an elf.
Cerim Potter: We've come to visit Gorewood. We bear a gift for the scout who would bring us there.
Gorewood scout: ...why?
Cerim Potter: We're interested in learning about Nerull.
Gorewood scout: You stay here. I will bring more.
Brian: He points to the ground where you stand, and heads off.
Brian: In time, more scouts show up, and make a simple request that you follow them.
Aaron: *whispers to Cerim* Do you think we can trust them?
Cerim Potter: I don't think we have much choice.
Brian: I assume you just follow, and maybe offer a bribe?
Cerim Potter: (( yup ))
Brian: with no further ado, you are brought up to the great church of Nerul, far larger than those that exist in Damriel, a far larger nation.
Brian: It's early night when you are led in, and they tell you to stay here until a priest can come and decide if you are to be allowed to visit Gorewood.
Brian: four guards also stand watch.
Brian: Eventually, an elderly orc comes into the church
Cerim Potter: (( he is straight outta warcraft ))
Brian: your mom's straight out of whorecraft
Elderly Priest: You come?
SyRaX: ooooooooohhhhhhhh
SyRaX: what is he asking about?
Brian: You don't know. Sometimes it seems like they are only barely speaking common
Cerim Potter: Yes. We come.
Elderly Priest: And what is your comefor?
Cerim Potter: (( I'm gonna pull out my big, black sword ))
Cerim Potter: This, we comefor
Brian: The guards step forward
Elderly Priest: You want to kill us with a man and an elf?!?
Elderly Priest: HAH!
Cerim Potter: (( I'm not wielding the sword ))
Cerim Potter: (( just holding it ))
Brian: I know
Cerim Potter: We comefor peace. No killing
Elderly Priest: Peace has no comefor. That makes no sense.
Cerim Potter: Deadman is to life come. Blacksword make curse
Elderly Priest: Give me the sword.
Cerim Potter: (( I give him the sword ))
Brian: He picks it up and gives it a look over.
Elderly Priest: I don't understand.
Cerim Potter: Kill man with blacksword. Man rise again
Aaron: *whispers very subtley* Do you really think this is a good idea?
Elderly Priest: You offer me a gift?
Cerim Potter: (( I nod and hold out one of the many fine hides we have. ))
Brian: He takes it.
Elderly Priest: A fine fleshcoat.
Elderly Priest: How do you hunt in iron?
Cerim Potter: Aaron does hunting. *gestures to Aaron*
Elderly Priest: He is good.
Aaron: Yes, I am good hunter. I can show you good hunting if help us.
Elderly Priest: At what?
SyRaX: right, what exactly are we looking for?
Cerim Potter: (( the source of these swords ))
Aaron: We want find where swords come from.
Cerim Potter: (( and to learn why the dead are rising in droves across the country ))
Elderly Priest: You think we make them?
Aaron: I heard someone in Gorewood make them.
Aaron: Don't know who.
Elderly Priest: We don't make cursed swords. We stay away from evil magic.
Aaron: Good. Do you know evil wizard in town?
Brian: Keep in mind this world doesn't know arcane magic.
SyRaX: I'm just out of ideas
Cerim Potter: You ever seen sword like this before?
Elderly Priest: No. But it does look like an orc sword.
Elderly Priest: Thick and strong, unlike your elf swords.
Cerim Potter: Who makes orc swords?
Elderly Priest: Orc smiths.
Cerim Potter: You have many smiths?
Elderly Priest: No. Maybe a hand, or two hand.
Cerim Potter: You have dead rising in Gorewood?
Elderly Priest: Very rare. We ask our priests not to, for it frightens children and ruins the gift.
Cerim Potter: What gift?
Elderly Priest: The gift to the god.
Elderly Priest: *points to his heart* This gift. It is for him.
Elderly Priest: To bring the dead back steals it back.
Cerim Potter: Do all priests listen when you ask not to?
Elderly Priest: Most do. There are rebels sometimes. Why do you ask?
Cerim Potter: Maybe some rebel make these swords and raise dead armies.
Elderly Priest: That's brave to accuse.
Cerim Potter: We want to find source of evil before more evil happens.
Elderly Priest: *pauses*
Elderly Priest: Find these two a place in the scout house. Watch them.
Elderly Priest: I will pray over this sword.
Church Guard: Follow us.
Cerim Potter: (( we follow ))
Brian: they take you to a large, open building that somewhat resembles an inn, with many orcs hanging about. There are cots on the second floor, and they indicate that two are for you, but you may not leave the building.
Cerim Potter: (( woo ))
Brian: You get a lot of strange looks here.
Brian: Do you just hang out?
Cerim Potter: (( I guess so. ))
Brian: The night passes (I assume you sleep), as does the next day, and you hear no news. Many patrons start to ask you what you are up to here, even as others chastise them for asking.
Brian: do you tell them anything, or stay quiet?
SyRaX: I don't say anything
Cerim Potter: (( I'll humor them and say we're visiting and learning about Gorewood. ))
Brian: alright then, our first upstairs map!
SyRaX: woo
Brian: The sleeping rooms of the place are very spartan, and don't include any doors.
Brian: the next night, as you are sleeping, roll disc+wis checks
* Adam rolls: 1d20+2 => 3 + 2 = 5
* SyRaX würfelt: 1d20+5 => 12 + 5 = 17
Brian: alright then, neither of you hear them coming in time.
Brian: you start at base init 0
Brian: And you awaken to armed orcs right over your bed attacking you.
* Brian rolls: 1d20+0 => 2 + 0 = 2
* Brian rolls: 1d20+0 => 11 + 0 = 11
* Brian rolls: 1d20+0 => 9 + 0 = 9
Brian: does the 11 his Cerim's HAC without a shield, given a -4 for being prone?
Brian: and the same with the 9 and Aaron?
SyRaX: I guess without parrying dagger?
Brian: that would be correct
SyRaX: exactly 9 then
* Brian rolls: 1d20+4 => 9 + 4 = 13
Brian: does a 13 wound?
Cerim Potter: (( 11 misses ))
SyRaX: without armour?!
SyRaX: 13 wounds anyway bt
SyRaX: w
Brian: well, you and I both know that you know how to handle being wounded, SyRaX ;)
SyRaX: by dying?
SyRaX: also, do I have armour on or not?
Brian: I would buy it if you said you slept in leather.
SyRaX: ye, I'm paranoid
SyRaX: alright, wound for 4 then
* SyRaX würfelt: 1d4 => 1
SyRaX: I won't wound anyone
Brian: and roll to stay up, just in case
SyRaX: +*
Brian: yes
* SyRaX würfelt: 1d20+7 => 5 + 7 = 12
Brian: your still up
Brian: also, just realized you don't have defending weapons a this point. They do a second round of attacks
* Brian rolls: 1d20+0 => 13 + 0 = 13
* Brian rolls: 1d20+0 => 4 + 0 = 4
* Brian rolls: 1d20+0 => 12 + 0 = 12
Brian: I know the 12 hits Aaron. Does the 13 his Cerim?
Cerim Potter: (( yep ))
* Brian rolls: 1d20+4 => 3 + 4 = 7
Cerim Potter: (( nope ))
Brian: but sadly they are shit with axes
Brian: ok, that's turn for them
Cerim Potter: (( what kinda axes? ))
Brian: the battle kind
SyRaX: whose turn?
Brian: what are your inits now?
SyRaX: 0?
Brian: + wis or int
Cerim Potter: (( yeah, 0. ))
SyRaX: ah
SyRaX: 3
Brian: Then it looks like Aaron's turn
SyRaX: I grab my short sword
SyRaX: 2 init points?
Brian: yes
SyRaX: okay
SyRaX: I stand up
Brian: that procs, for what little it matters here
* Brian rolls: 1d20+0 => 17 + 0 = 17
* Brian rolls: 1d20+0 => 19 + 0 = 19
SyRaX: ehm
SyRaX: pardon
Brian: wait, nvm
Brian: it doesn't I checked the rules
SyRaX: alright
Brian: 6 points to stand though
SyRaX: okay
SyRaX: does picking up both short sword and parrying dagger cost 2 or 4?
Cerim Potter: (( oh, that first attack would've hit ))
Brian: I'll compromise and say 3
Brian: alright, retroactive hurting adam time!
* Brian rolls: 1d20+4 => 5 + 4 = 9
SyRaX: that's good then
Brian: or not
SyRaX: I activate divine shield on me
SyRaX: now get at me
SyRaX: placing trap card face down and end turn
Brian: Alright Cerim, on you.
Brian: also, roll for bleeding
SyRaX: ugh
* SyRaX würfelt: 1d20-3 => 19 - 3 = 16
* SyRaX würfelt: 1d4 => 3
Brian: and another roll to stay for the damage.
* SyRaX würfelt: 1d20+7 => 5 + 7 = 12
Brian: cool, your fine
SyRaX: my fine what
SyRaX: ;)
Brian: Actually, you take 300 damage
SyRaX: oops
Cerim Potter: (( stand (6) + grap knife and shield (3) + use shield (2) = 11 ))
Brian: Cool. I assume that nobody has more than 12 init now?
SyRaX: nop, still 3
SyRaX: oh wait divine shield only gives WAC *facepalm*
Brian: cool. two focus on Aaron this time around...
* Brian rolls: 1d20+0 => 12 + 0 = 12
* Brian rolls: 1d20-4 => 20 - 4 = 16
* Brian rolls: 1d6-1 => 6 - 1 = 5
* Brian rolls: 1d6-1 => 1 - 1 = 0
SyRaX: 12 doesnt hit
SyRaX: but thanks for wasting that nat20
Brian: np.
Brian: I don't want to kill you here. Just the orcs do
* Brian rolls: 1d20+4 => 17 + 4 = 21
Brian: I'm gonna assume that's a woundin'
SyRaX: was that the hit roll?
Brian: the nat 20 was the roll to hit from the guy around the corner
SyRaX: ohhhhhhhhhhh
Brian: I gave him a -4 in honor of old D&D rules
Brian: which caused the confusion I see
SyRaX: so you didnt waste the nat20
SyRaX: that sucks
Brian: ...and they have the init to attack again this round!
SyRaX: spoiler: we die
* SyRaX würfelt: 1d20+4 => 10 + 4 = 14
SyRaX: test of faith passed
SyRaX: but still wound for 5
* SyRaX würfelt: 1d4 => 3
Brian: And a standing roll
* SyRaX würfelt: 1d20+7 => 16 + 7 = 23
Brian: alright. now a strike on Cerim
Brian: actually both at the same time
* Brian rolls: 1d20+0 => 9 + 0 = 9
* Brian rolls: 1d20+0 => 7 + 0 = 7
Brian: wow
SyRaX: but hey thanks for always hitting me I guess
Brian: the second attacks of the guys going after Aaron...
* Brian rolls: 1d20+0 => 19 + 0 = 19
* Brian rolls: 1d20-4 => 16 - 4 = 12
Brian: I assume just one hit?
Cerim Potter: (( we are defending ))
Cerim Potter: (( so no double attacks, if you are ))
Brian: No, this is two actions
SyRaX: I think it's within SPd cost limits
Cerim Potter: (( okay ))
Brian: they really should have gone double when they had the chance, and gotten quad attacks off.
Brian: missed golden opportunities
Brian: but yeah, I assume 19 hits but 12 doesn't?
SyRaX: I'd say crimson red opportunities, but hey, you're the boss
Brian: alright then, I'll take that as a yet
* Brian rolls: 1d20+4 => 4 + 4 = 8
Brian: but this time you don't get hurt!
Brian: alright, that's turn for them
SyRaX: whats your init Adam
Cerim Potter: (( hover over my token ))
SyRaX: ah cool
SyRaX: I go first then
SyRaX: activate righteous fury
SyRaX: wait a sec, gotta bleed first
* SyRaX würfelt: 1d20-3 => 12 - 3 = 9
* SyRaX würfelt: 1d4 => 3
Brian: you can bleed at the end of the turn
Brian: since it might matte
SyRaX: k
SyRaX: two attacks
SyRaX: against Orc
* SyRaX würfelt: 1d20+10 => 17 + 10 = 27
* SyRaX würfelt: 1d20+10 => 4 + 10 = 14
Brian: two hits
* SyRaX würfelt: 1d20+5 => 10 + 5 = 15
* SyRaX würfelt: 1d20+5 => 16 + 5 = 21
Brian: two wounds
* Brian rolls: 1d4 => 1
* Brian rolls: 1d4 => 3
* Brian rolls: 1d20+2 => 8 + 2 = 10
* Brian rolls: 1d20+2 => 5 + 2 = 7
Brian: and that's all it took to knock him out of the fight
SyRaX: good
Cerim Potter: (( what a wimp ))
SyRaX: should I roll again for bleed or take the other roll?
Brian: take what you had. I'm a creul god
Cerim Potter: (( saving rolls is canon. let it be known. ))
SyRaX: im done btw
SyRaX: init 4
Cerim Potter: (( right then. ))
Cerim Potter: (( use shield (2) + attack (3) + attack (3) = 8 ))
SyRaX: do you have to use shield every turn?
Cerim Potter: (( yep ))
Brian: Think of it as an init penalty, really
* Adam rolls: 1d20 => 8
* Adam rolls: 1d20 => 15
Cerim Potter: (( one more attack ))
* Adam rolls: 1d20 => 9
Brian: so 12 init
Brian: 2 hits, btw
Cerim Potter: (( oh, add +1 to each for accuracy ))
Brian: damnit that brings you to three.
Brian: you hit every time
* Adam rolls: 1d20+1 => 9 + 1 = 10
* Adam rolls: 1d20+1 => 10 + 1 = 11
* Adam rolls: 1d20+1 => 16 + 1 = 17
Brian: only one wound though...
* Brian rolls: 1d4 => 2
* Brian rolls: 1d20+3 => 7 + 3 = 10
Brian: and he doesn't go down like a bitch
Cerim Potter: (( too bad. that's all for me. ))
Brian: he attacks bac against you twice
* Brian rolls: 1d20+0 => 16 + 0 = 16
* Brian rolls: 1d20+0 => 3 + 0 = 3
Brian: but your HAC is 20 somehow...
Cerim Potter: (( tower shields yo ))
Brian: and one attack on Aaron
* Brian rolls: 1d20+0 => 19 + 0 = 19
* Brian rolls: 1d20+4 => 10 + 4 = 14
Brian: that was the roll to wound, btw
SyRaX: WAC is 16
Brian: cool
Brian: bleeding time
* Brian rolls: 1d20+2 => 14 + 2 = 16
* Brian rolls: 1d20+2 => 17 + 2 = 19
* Brian rolls: 1d4 => 2
* Brian rolls: 1d4 => 1
* Brian rolls: 1d20+3 => 1 + 3 = 4
* Brian rolls: 1d20+2 => 19 + 2 = 21
Brian: ok, turn
SyRaX: ok
SyRaX: 3 attacks, pls check for down after each one
* SyRaX würfelt: 1d20+10 => 8 + 10 = 18
* SyRaX würfelt: 1d20+5 => 13 + 5 = 18
SyRaX: on Orc 2
Brian: kk
* Brian rolls: 1d4 => 3
* Brian rolls: 1d20+2 => 3 + 2 = 5
Brian: still up
* SyRaX würfelt: 1d20+10 => 2 + 10 = 12
SyRaX: hit?
Brian: yes
* SyRaX würfelt: 1d20+5 => 19 + 5 = 24
* Brian rolls: 1d4 => 1
* Brian rolls: 1d20+2 => 9 + 2 = 11
Brian: down
SyRaX: ok
SyRaX: Orc 1 is -4 to hit?
Brian: yes
* SyRaX würfelt: 1d20+6 => 2 + 6 = 8
SyRaX: shit
SyRaX: no hit right?
Brian: hit
SyRaX: damn
* SyRaX würfelt: 1d20+5 => 4 + 5 = 9
Brian: speed penalty
Brian: but no wound
SyRaX: :/
* SyRaX würfelt: 1d20+4 => 14 + 4 = 18
SyRaX: test of faith succeeds
* SyRaX würfelt: 1d20-3 => 4 - 3 = 1
SyRaX: bleed
* SyRaX würfelt: 1d4 => 4
Brian: and a roll to stay up
* SyRaX würfelt: 1d20+6 => 17 + 6 = 23
Brian: splendid
SyRaX: done
SyRaX: init 5
Brian: which brings us to young Cerim
Cerim Potter: (( use shield (2) + Attack x2 (6) = 8 ))
* Adam rolls: 1d20+1 => 17 + 1 = 18
* Adam rolls: 1d20+1 => 16 + 1 = 17
* Adam rolls: 1d20+1 => 7 + 1 = 8
* Adam rolls: 1d20+1 => 19 + 1 = 20
Brian: two hits
* Brian rolls: 1d4 => 4
* Brian rolls: 1d20+3 => 18 + 3 = 21
Brian: but he's still up
Brian: orc turn
Brian: He's just gonna run. Roll AoO if you have the init
SyRaX: I do
* SyRaX würfelt: 1d20+6 => 20 + 6 = 26
SyRaX: hm
* SyRaX würfelt: 1d6-1 => 4 - 1 = 3
SyRaX: any big hit rules yet?
Brian: No, because I'm garbage. But I'll let you be creative.
Brian: what super awesome hit do you want to accomplish
SyRaX: can I choose what stat I'm wounding?
Brian: sure!
SyRaX: speed
* SyRaX würfelt: 1d20+5 => 3 + 5 = 8
SyRaX: damn
SyRaX: fail?
Brian: yes, fail
* SyRaX würfelt: 1d20+4 => 7 + 4 = 11
SyRaX: test of faith passed
Brian: he then uses his next action to run down the stairs.
Brian: Aaron's turn
SyRaX: can I do non-lethal damage with a shortsword and what modifiers does that have?
Brian: No such thing as non-lethal. Getting hit with a piece of metal is always dangerous. You may chose to self-impose a wound penalty if you want though, and trust you won't kill
SyRaX: ok, screw that then
SyRaX: is he still upstairs?
Brian: no. TO THE OTEHR MAP!
SyRaX: ok
Cerim Potter: (( Are the other orcs still sleeping up here? ))
Brian: if you look around, they seem to be hiding in place rather than getting involved.
SyRaX: whatever
SyRaX: I attack once
* SyRaX würfelt: 1d20+10 => 8 + 10 = 18
* SyRaX würfelt: 1d20+5 => 1 + 5 = 6
SyRaX: fuck
SyRaX: me
SyRaX: in
SyRaX: the
SyRaX: .
* SyRaX würfelt: 1d6-1 => 3 - 1 = 2
* SyRaX würfelt: 1d20+4 => 3 + 4 = 7
SyRaX: lost that then
* SyRaX würfelt: 1d20+3 => 20 + 3 = 23
* Brian rolls: 1d20-1 => 11 - 1 = 10
* Brian rolls: 1d4 => 2
SyRaX: ???
Brian: forgot to bleed last round
SyRaX: ah
* SyRaX würfelt: 1d6-1 => 5 - 1 = 4
SyRaX: 27 to hit
Brian: very much hits
* SyRaX würfelt: 1d20-2 => 13 - 2 = 11
Brian: that wounds, actually
SyRaX: cool
SyRaX: I scream upstairs
Aaron: CERIM! Tackle him and pin him down!
SyRaX: end turn
SyRaX: init 2
Brian: Cerim's turn
Cerim Potter: (( how much init to tackle? ))
SyRaX: oh
SyRaX: bleed
* SyRaX würfelt: 1d20-3 => 6 - 3 = 3
* SyRaX würfelt: 1d4 => 4
Brian: ohh, we both have to roll to stay up
* Brian rolls: 1d20+3 => 18 + 3 = 21
* SyRaX würfelt: 1d20+7 => 12 + 7 = 19
Brian: and Cerim's turns
Cerim Potter: (( how much init to tackle? ))
Brian: I'm going to give it 6
Brian: God I still have a lot of work to do on this ruleset
SyRaX: oh can I step aside for 2?
Brian: no, but you can let him pass for free
SyRaX: ok
Cerim Potter: (( so move (4) + tackle (6)? ))
Brian: if you can get all the way to the bottom right corner then 20ft past the stairs in one move
Cerim Potter: (( how far is that? ))
Cerim Potter: (( 55? ))
Brian: I count 50
SyRaX: should be 50 yep
Brian: you don't have your armor on, which is nice!
Cerim Potter: (( guess I'll drop defense and move twice. ))
* Adam rolls: 1d20 => 9
Cerim Potter: (( miss ))
SyRaX: shouldn't that be like a strength roll
Brian: I'm confused
SyRaX: or smth
SyRaX: or what're you doing
Brian: two moves don't need a roll, and it would be pretty useless to try and dash
Cerim Potter: (( tackle. ))
Brian: ohh, you have init?]
Cerim Potter: (( Drop defence (-4) + Move x2 (8) + Tackle (6) = 10 ))
Brian: huh
* Brian rolls: 1d20+2 => 2 + 2 = 4
Brian: roll an attack to hit with +2 to make sure you catch him
* Adam rolls: 1d20+2 => 17 + 2 = 19
Brian: ok, you grabbed him
Brian: the orc tries to break free right off the bat
* Brian rolls: 1d20+2 => 20 + 2 = 22
SyRaX: ...............
* Brian rolls: 1d6-1 => 4 - 1 = 3
Cerim Potter: (( I didn't say I wanted to grab him. ))
Cerim Potter: (( I said I wanted to tackle him. ))
Brian: is there much of a difference?
SyRaX: after tackling both are prone?
Cerim Potter: (( I'm not interested in holding his hand. I want to use my momentum to send him to the ground. ))
Brian: ok, then that was his check to crawl out from under you.
Cerim Potter: (( shouldn't that wait for his turn? ))
Brian: is it still your turn?
Brian: wait, but he's at init 0!
Brian: ohh yeah this orc is fucked
SyRaX: ha
Brian: It's Aaron's turn then
Aaron: *bends down* Listen here, you greenskin son of a bitch! You have exactly 5 seconds to tell us who sent you here or I'll slit your throat right here and now!
Orc 3: I'll never tell!
Brian: I'm going to count that as one init from each of the two talkers
Aaron: *turns around to the Scout Servent* Do you know this guy?!
Scout Servent: I...he just came in here moments ago.
Aaron: Fine!
SyRaX: I attack
* SyRaX würfelt: 1d20+3 => 19 + 3 = 22
Brian: hit
* SyRaX würfelt: 1d20-2 => 4 - 2 = 2
SyRaX: srtigon
Brian: still failing to wound
SyRaX: another one
* SyRaX würfelt: 1d20+3 => 11 + 3 = 14
* SyRaX würfelt: 1d20-2 => 3 - 2 = 1
Brian: git gud
SyRaX: I think I can take one more
* SyRaX würfelt: 1d20+3 => 1 + 3 = 4
SyRaX: wef
* SyRaX würfelt: 1d6-1 => 4 - 1 = 3
SyRaX: cool
SyRaX: I'm done
Brian: you furiously stab the floor in an attempt to kill your prisoner
* SyRaX würfelt: 1d20-4 => 8 - 4 = 4
* SyRaX würfelt: 1d4 => 3
* SyRaX würfelt: 1d20+7 => 3 + 7 = 10
SyRaX: and pass out
Brian: alright Cerim, you're up
Cerim Potter: (( +2 to attack fro being prone? ))
Brian: yes
Cerim Potter: (( is he defending? ))
Brian: yes. He still has the axe
Cerim Potter: (( can you use battleaxes while prone? ))
Brian: to defend at least.
Brian: I'll say you can't attack with it
Brian: but it's still a stick
Cerim Potter: (( attack ))
* Adam rolls: 1d20+3 => 10 + 3 = 13
* Adam rolls: 1d20+1 => 12 + 1 = 13
Brian: hit, and wound
* Brian rolls: 1d4 => 2
* Brian rolls: 1d20+3 => 2 + 3 = 5
Brian: and he's out cold
Cerim Potter: (( excellent. ))
* Brian rolls: 1d20-1 => 2 - 1 = 1
* Brian rolls: 1d4 => 1
Brian: and he bleeds some more
Brian: we'll just go round by round now, since order doesn't much matter
Brian: The scout servant tries to do first aid on Aaron, giving him a +2 on his next bleeding check
Brian: your turn, Cerim
Cerim Potter: (( Healing light on Aaron ))
* Adam rolls: 1d20+6 => 7 + 6 = 13
Cerim Potter: (( that's 4 points from me. ))
Brian: and he aint bleeding
* Brian rolls: 1d20-1 => 3 - 1 = 2
* Brian rolls: 1d4 => 2
Brian: who am I kidding, this guy would totally know some prayers
* Brian rolls: 1d20+2 => 11 + 2 = 13
Cerim Potter: Call the scouts
Cerim Potter: (( I'm gonna shoo him away before he heals the guy that just tried to murder me. ))
Brian: He's gonna make a strength check to try anyway
* Brian rolls: 1d20+2 => 11 + 2 = 13
* Adam rolls: 1d20+2 => 14 + 2 = 16
Brian: For the record, a few scouts are in the room, and were sipping on some orcish brew when you poured down the stairs
Scout Servent: He's going to die!
Cerim Potter: He'll be fine for a moment. He needs to be restrained first.
Brian: He looks to the scouts, who storm upstairs without another word
Scout Servent: What is going on here?
Cerim Potter: Three orcs walked right past you all and just tried to murder me in my sleep.
Scout Servent: There are always scouts coming in here to sleep. How do I know you didn't start it?
Cerim Potter: If I did, then why are their bodies laying by my bedside and why am I still in my nightclothes?
Brian: He grunts.
Scout Servent: I'm checking the scouts' packs for a rope. If I tie him can I heal him?
Cerim Potter: Yes.
Brian: He does so.
Cerim Potter: (( Did Aaron not get up from my healing? ))
Brian: rolling to get up from incapacitation is a different thing
Brian: since you have no connection level with Aaron, and are not his leader, his next roll is in an hour
Cerim Potter: (( oh. then healing these fools will be alright. ))
Brian: Cool. They will definitely get healed before they bleed out all the way.
Brian: And the scouts report just like you said it.
Brian: Upon brief disussion, they decide you two should stay here under a proper guard, letting nobody in or out, until word can be sent to the church.
Brian: Do you voice an objection?
Cerim Potter: (( we weren't allowed to leave anyway, so no. ))
Brian: Alright.
Brian: Also, I'll leave it up to you guys on if you want to call this a stopping point or carry on.
SyRaX: I wouldn't mind carrying on, what about you?
Adam: This is about all I have time for today
Brian: Alright then
Brian: Good news is we can keep a faster cadence now that the party is split again.
Brian: If it ever was a party...
SyRaX: when's the next session?
Brian: not sure yet