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Adam has connected.
Brian: sorry for the disorganized mess...
Jannik has connected.
Brian: Alright, now or later? Read as: who's eaten the appropriate meal for his local time?
Jannik: I am currently eating the appropriate meal for my local time and I can do both times, I don't care
Adam: Let's just go now then
Brian: Cool. You guys remember where we were?
Brian: I lost the campaign save from last time, so any changes you made aren't here no more
Adam: We jumped out the window and were following the guy to the other orcs
Brian: except that he managed to be the one who got caught, and is now distracting the guards as you escaped
Adam: Distracting the guards doesn't accomplish anything though
Adam: But I guess he's a stupid orc so he doesn' t know any better
Brian: Well, he already failed his sneak check, and I don't want to keep you guys in this building for three sessions.
Brian: They already made the room: the movie
Adam: He doesn't need to sneak, though
Adam: He lives here
Brian: He doesn't live on the roof of the building where the cops are having a standoff with foreign criminals
Jannik: or does he
Adam: I guess we wander out of town and head vaguely east
Jannik: I wouldn't know so I'll follow you and hope you have a plan
Adam: Well, he pointed east and said "go to the lake"
Adam: that's our lead
Jannik: oh
Brian: Fair enough; you aren't in the most well-led situation. Do you do anything particular to try and track down this lake, and how many rations do you have?
Jannik: I've got 4
Adam: I've got 5
Brian: Alright, this is gonna be an adventure. Let's do int checks to decern where the lake is by some intuition.
* Jannik würfelt: 1d20+3 => 4 + 3 = 7
Jannik: west seems good
* Adam rolls: 1d20 => 14
Brian: Neither of you get any good clues. Wherever this lake is, it's a pretty long way off...
Adam: I'm going to look for man-made markings on trees
Adam: maybe some warning posters
Adam: some "do not go to the magic lake" posters
Adam: police tape
Adam: that sort of thing
Brian: see, looking for markings wouldn't be meta...
Adam: Or we could get lost in the woods for a few days
Adam: I think looking for a blazed trail is perfectly reasonable
Brian: That's fair. You do see some warning markings saying you are starting to leave the area protected by the scouts.
Brian: Two days pass as you travel. Roll Wis+Disc checks
Jannik: drains went away?
Brian: Drains from prayers, yes
* Jannik würfelt: 1d20+5 => 15 + 5 = 20
Brian: You hear a rustling in the trees to your north.
Adam: Can we roll to hunt/forage during these days?
Brian: sure. Let's do int+wis to forage, and dex to hunt
Jannik: I'll do foraging then
Jannik: with my recent injuries
* Adam rolls: 1d20 => 18
* Jannik würfelt: 1d20+5 => 6 + 5 = 11
Adam: Int and Wis are the god stats in this game
Brian: for skills maybe. Not so much in combat unless you're a mage
Adam: we lose combat anyway
Adam: I think those orc scouts had 18 tog, dex, and str
Brian: First off, 28, +10 from D&D terms. Secondly, they didn't have very good dex. They just had numbers to ensure lots of hits.
Adam: right yeah 28
Brian: Either way, you have 2 more days of food as a result of your hunt. Aaron gathers enough fruits for variety, and none were poison, but not enough to really go on.
Adam: woo
Adam: You were saying something about a rustling in the bushes?
Jannik: alright
Brian: correct
Aaron: Quiet, I hear something to the north.
Aaron: Something seems to be in the trees ... Maybe it's our orc "friend"?
Adam: I'm gonna look around to the north
Brian: Do you head up there, or just look?
Adam: I'm gonna look before I leap
Brian: cool, roll god stat 2 + disc
* Adam rolls: 1d20+2 => 10 + 2 = 12
Brian: you don't see anything.
Brian: Doing anything else, or just waiting?
Adam: I'll move in for a closer look
Jannik: I'll stay in a somewhat safe distance but follow
Brian: both of you roll again
* Jannik würfelt: 1d20+5 => 5 + 5 = 10
* Adam rolls: 1d20+2 => 8 + 2 = 10
Brian: alright, that's enough to see the owlbear in the forrest. If you don't think your tokens are accurate, speak now.
Jannik: it's lovely
Adam: take your pick
Jannik: received an invalid image
Brian: glorious. The animal does seem to be stalking you, but it isn't attacking yet.
Jannik: x3
Brian: base init 5
Jannik: I see question marks
Brian: give it a little time to populate, if not we can go back
Brian: any luck?
Jannik: nope, but it's alright
Brian: Cool, question mark monster has 3 init, so I assume you both beat it.
Jannik: yep
Adam: yay
Adam: these woods are teeming with owlbears
Adam: and dire weasels
Brian: yeah, there's been three encounters in 25 years.
Jannik: woah
Adam: what a coincidence
Jannik: Why don't we meet sea creatures in the woods smh
Jannik: worst DM I ever met
Jannik: 2/10
Adam: too much consistency
Adam: literally unplayable
Brian: You laugh, but one time we fought a mummy that had a boat on it's corpse
Jannik: how does that even work
Brian: Fold-up magic boats were a thing in 3rd
Brian: and random treasure tables are odd
Adam: it was for sailing into the afterlife
Jannik: okay
Jannik: I assume I go first?
Brian: So why does Cerim have 15 init?
Jannik: I think he meshes both pools together still
Adam: I'm still fixing my token
Brian: kk. Do you know if Aaron goes first though?
Jannik: I'm at 8, so I'd assume so
Adam: I'm at 5
Brian: Then Jannik can get started while you fix yer shit
Jannik: can I hold a whole turn or only a single action?
Brian: Only a single action, and you have to know what you are readying
Jannik: I move there
Jannik: and will attack the owlbear, if it approaches one of us, I'm in range of it, and it shows intent to attack
Jannik: done
Jannik: and I will motion to Cerim to wait for it to move and not attack preemptively
Adam: I will use my shield
Adam: and do nothing else
Brian: The owlbear stands there and does nothing.
Brian: your turns
Jannik: hmmmm
Jannik: can I do any sort of perception or insight check to see what it's up to?
Brian: Do an empathy check
* Jannik würfelt: 1d20 => 6
Brian: and charm
Jannik: a 9 then
Brian: not enough to tell
Jannik: how much init did that cost
Brian: I'll say 2
Jannik: alright
Aaron: I don't know if it will attack us, I think we should just avoid it, Cerim. Follow me.
Adam: Agreed.
Cerim Potter: Agreed.
Jannik: in which direction were we going?
Brian: east
Cerim Potter: (( weast ))
Jannik: alright
Jannik: done
Jannik: and ready same action
Brian: Turn?
Cerim Potter: (( turn ))
Brian: Some unknown actor takes a turn, and shoots an arrow at the owlbear
* Brian rolls: 1d20+3 => 9 + 3 = 12
* Brian rolls: 1d20+2 => 3 + 2 = 5
Brian: hitting, but the arrow becomes lodged in the matts of feathers.
Brian: The owlbear lets out a cry, and charges you. You may use your readied action, Aaron
Cerim Potter: (( Thank, mr skeltal. ))
Jannik: charges me?
Brian: Charges Cerim
Jannik: then I can't attack
Brian: I'll let it slide if you want, but I won't stop you if you want to be RAW
Brian: also, at 24 your init is split into a 24/2
Jannik: I know
Jannik: idk, let him attack
Jannik: I like RAW
Brian: kk
Brian: I'm gonna try a dash
* Brian rolls: 1d20-2+6 => 15 - 2 + 6 = 19
Brian: alright, saved a little init
* Brian rolls: 1d20-3 => 12 - 3 = 9
Brian: does a 9 hit Cerim?
Brian: wait, I can see your HAC
Brian: turn
Cerim Potter: (( roll a toughness check ))
* Brian rolls: 1d20+4 => 11 + 4 = 15
Cerim Potter: (( coo ))
Brian: thanks for the reminder
Jannik: I hope we don't get into trouble for hunting someone else's game on their property
Jannik: whatever
Jannik: this is in range right?
Jannik: don't quite see it with the ?
Brian: it is
Cerim Potter: (( press ctrl + G ))
Jannik: okay
Jannik: I activate righteous fury
Jannik: and attack
Jannik: twice
* Jannik würfelt: 1d20+11 => 13 + 11 = 24
* Jannik würfelt: 1d20+11 => 16 + 11 = 27
* Jannik würfelt: 1d20+11 => 15 + 11 = 26
Jannik: oops
Jannik: only the first two
Jannik: does a 24 hit
Brian: all hits (I put my HAC on the token as well)
* Jannik würfelt: 1d20+5 => 15 + 5 = 20
* Jannik würfelt: 1d20+5 => 18 + 5 = 23
Brian: (Good practices are good, thanks Adam)
* Brian rolls: 1d4 => 1
* Brian rolls: 1d4 => 2
Cerim Potter: (( my pleasure ))
* Brian rolls: 1d20-6+2 => 14 - 6 + 2 = 10
* Brian rolls: 1d20-6+2 => 14 - 6 + 2 = 10
Brian: and it's down
Jannik: ehhhhhh
Aaron: Huh, it was probably already wounded.
Brian: not unconcious, but mostly curled up crying over it's wounds.
Aaron: We should talk to the hunter or whoever shot it.
Jannik: targeted north
Cerim Potter: (( I'm gonna take the arrow out of the feathers and observe it's craftsmanship ))
Brian: roll int
* Adam rolls: 1d20 => 10
Jannik: I'll go hide under a tree actually
Brian: and both of you roll wis+disc
* Jannik würfelt: 1d20+5 => 11 + 5 = 16
* Adam rolls: 1d20+2 => 16 + 2 = 18
Brian: neither of you see or hear anything
Cerim Potter: Guess he doesn't want to chat.
Cerim Potter: Shall we carry on?
Aaron: I'm kind of intrigued to know who is hunting owlbears around here and maybe they know the way to the lake?
Cerim Potter: Could be more scouts from Gorwood. They may have run off to alert the town to our whereabouts
Aaron: Hmm, that might be it ...
Cerim Potter: If they had any intention of helping us, then they'd make themselves known. Our best bet is to keep moving and reach the lake before the scouts catch up with us.
Aaron: Alright, let's do that.
Brian: Another day goes by, and you make camp for the night. Roll disc+wis again
* Jannik würfelt: /r 1d20+5 => Ungültiger Ausdruck: /r 1d20+5.
* Adam rolls: 1d20+2 => 12 + 2 = 14
* Jannik würfelt: 1d20+ => 17
Jannik: 5
Jannik: so 22
Brian: Jannik, you notice while getting some tinder that some wood is sitting with the wet side down. Someone else has set up a camp in this area within the last couple hours.
Aaron: Cerim, did you see this wood? Someone must've been here not too long ago.
Cerim Potter: Strange. Perhaps we should search the area for tracks.
Brian: wis+int for each of you
* Jannik würfelt: 1d20+5 => 14 + 5 = 19
* Adam rolls: 1d20 => 15
Brian: rolling to see how wet the ground is right now
* Brian rolls: 1d6 => 1
Brian: nope, neither of you see anything.
Cerim Potter: Drat. Another dead end.
Aaron: Hmm, can't see anything. Maybe I'm just tired. Let's sleep for the night.
Cerim Potter: Yes, maybe a bit of rest will do us some good.
Brian: alright, are you up to anything special the next morning, or just more walking as usual?
Jannik: walking sounds good
Brian: After a while, you hear a voice from behind you...
Orc: You're going the wrong way.
Cerim Potter: (( I'm getting a real cheshire cat vibe from this guy already ))
Brian: ((I like cats)))
Cerim Potter: Who are you?
Neek: Name is Neek.
Aaron: Why are we going the wrong way? Do you know where we are headed?
Neek: I have a good guess.
Cerim Potter: Let's hear it
Neek: Daysriver. Only other town we have here.
Cerim Potter: River? Does it lead to a lake?
Neek: I... I have a empty thought about that.
Neek: Nobody ever scouted that far.
Cerim Potter: Surely someone has.
Aaron: Why? Is it a dangerous area?
Neek: The Gorwood forest is big.
Neek: If you haven't noticed.
Cerim Potter: Yes, that much is clear.
Aaron: Why did you approach us? Just out of goodwill to show us the way?
Neek: You tell me what you are here for, and I'll return the favor.
Aaron: We are searching for a lake east of Gorwood, to meet our friend.
Neek: Where did you get a friend in Gorwood, elf?
Aaron: Who said he is from Gorwood?
Neek: Are from some eastern land?
Jannik: are you* or ?
Brian: there should be a you
Jannik: ehh is Shavorne east of Gorwood?
Brian: no. Gorwood is the easternmost known land.
Jannik: why would he ask if we are from the east then
Jannik: if there's nothing there
Brian: he's being sarcastic
Jannik: ahhhhh
Aaron: You could say so, yes.
Neek: Ahh, so you're going home to your buddy to the east of our country.
Neek: I will assume you know the way then.
Aaron: Sure. So what are you doing here?
Neek: Picking flowers.
Aaron: Lovely.
Neek: Any news from your homeland, or should I be off?
Cerim Potter: I think we're wasting our time here.
Brian: who was that to?
Cerim Potter: (( Aaron ))
Aaron: You're right, let's just go.
Brian: Neek doesn't react as you leave.
Brian: This would be a good time to roll for more hunting/foraging btw
Jannik: dex+int, was it?
Jannik: or dex wis?
Jannik: oh, int wis
* Adam rolls: 1d20+1 => 4 + 1 = 5
* Jannik würfelt: 1d20+5 => 1 + 5 = 6
Jannik: great
* Jannik würfelt: 1d6-1 => 4 - 1 = 3
Brian: no food for you!
Jannik: good thing we have rations
Brian: at 4, at least you still didn't eat something poisonous
Brian: Later that day though, you stumble on a stream, flowing to the north-east
Jannik: hmm
Jannik: so the lake is probably at one end of the stream
Cerim Potter: Finally. Something we can work with
Aaron: Do you think the lake is at the top or foot of the stream?
Aaron: Or do we want to let a coin decide where to head first?
Cerim Potter: I imagine the water is flowing into the lake. That's why there's a lake.
Aaron: Yeah, but a lake can also have a stream flowing off of it.
Cerim Potter: The streams is flowing to the north east. We're supposed to go east.
Aaron: Let's follow the stream then.
Cerim Potter: Agreed.
Brian: The sun sets, and you camp, and it's another half day until you see it, but then you finally do. The lake is the largest body of water either of you have seen in your lifetime.
Aaron: Wow. What I imagined would look like a small puddle besides this.
Cerim Potter: That's... certainly a lake.
Brian: the water looks alluring. Almost...irresistably so. Roll disc MINUS passion
Jannik: bad
* Jannik würfelt: 1d20-1 => 20 - 1 = 19
Jannik: OH BABY
Jannik: good
* Jannik würfelt: 1d6-1 => 4 - 1 = 3
Brian: Aaron has discovered that he is out of fucks to give
* Adam rolls: 1d20-1 => 17 - 1 = 16
Brian: And Cerim is fine.
Jannik: Did we notice this "influence" on us?
Brian: Yes. It's a very strong feeling, unlike anything you've felt in a long time.
Aaron: Did you ... did you feel that? There's definitely something off about this lake.
Cerim Potter: Yes, it's certainly unnatural.
Cerim Potter: The way it pulls at the mind
Aaron: The orc would've known that, right?
Aaron: Maybe we've been tricked ...
Cerim Potter: We've come too far to back out now.
Aaron: Let's just be on guard for now. Maybe he's already here and has an explanation.
Brian: alright, yer at da lake. What do you do now?
Brian: There are two islands in the center, btw, and several small rivers flowing into it
Cerim Potter: (( Anybody living on the islands? ))
Jannik: Are there any boats at the coast?
Brian: Not that you can see, although it does look like something is on one of them.
Brian: And no, no boats.
Cerim Potter: I thought there would be a town here or something.
Cerim Potter: I see something on the island...
Aaron: What is it?
Brian: It's so faint, almost a speck...
Cerim Potter: It just look like a generic thing. You know, it has all those qualities that things have.
Aaron: ...
Cerim Potter: We'll have to get closer if you want more information.
Cerim Potter: Fancy a swim?
Aaron: In the mind-eating lake? After you, Mr. Potter.
Cerim Potter: Fortune favors the bold.
Cerim Potter: (( I'm gonna make with the doggie paddle. ))
Brian: it's twelve hundred feet if you have the sense to go to the narrowest point
Cerim Potter: (( Sounds good. ))
Brian: Cool. We will roll for each hundred feet. Below 10 no progress, below 5 you start to drown. -1 for each check you've already done for being tired.
Brian: and -1 per point of armor you have on, and -2 more if you are carrying all your other stuff
Jannik: which modifiers?
Brian: ohh, right. Str
Aaron: You should probably take your gear off, if you don't want to meet the fishes at the bottom of the sea, Cerim.
Cerim Potter: Right.
Cerim Potter: Let's do this.
All the swim checks were redacted, and Cerim made it across by rule of cool and because the DC was total BS.
Brian: On the island, you see an old wooden structure and a fountain, spilling two pools on the ground.
Adam: I will approach the structure
Brian: So the secrets are actually kind of important here. Which one of you wants to go first?
Brian: Yes, Aaron has an adventure on the shore.
Jannik: let Cerim go first
Brian: Cool. Get lost.
Jannik is disconnected.
Brian: alright, so you approach the structure
Brian: It seems paradoxicly both half-finished, and old. The wood has started to rot pretty bad.
Brian: No signs of life here.
Adam: the structure is a building?
Brian: yeah. A small one.
Adam: What's inside?
Brian: Nothing. There are less plants in here because there's some of a roof that blocks the sun, but no floor of any kind
Adam: I'll check out the fountain next
Brian: The fountain has two openings, each pouring a liquid into pools on the ground. To the west is a lighter green liquid, and above it there is an inscription that reads "Passion". The other pours a dark purple, and reads "Virtue"
Brian: The fountain itself is very plain, and unmarked.
Brian: But it looks very old, and is slightly cracked.
Adam: Is there anything else around of note? Anything swordlike?
Brian: Nothing that you can see, no.
Adam: And no signs of intelligent life anywhere...
Brian: Not current.
Brian: The place almost looks like an exibit of a time long ago: utterly untouched since whatever this is was set up.
Cerim Potter: Whatever this is, it's beyond my paygrade. Where's that orc? I thought there was supposed to be some sort of clue here.
Brian: Do you do anything else, or just wait and think?
Adam: I'm going to take a nap.
Brian: Cool. Get out, I'm getting Jannik back
Adam is disconnected.
Jannik has connected.
Brian: Alright, so as you wait on the safe side of the shore, are you up to anything?
Jannik: can you remove the owlbear? I think it doesn't let me load it
Jannik: I'm on a blackscreen
Brian: alright, try to reconnect
Jannik: And no, I'm not up to anything. Just looking around to make sure nothing ambushes me.
Jannik: Yeah, works now
Brian: cool
Brian: Eventually, you see Neek walking up the coastline towards you.
Aaron: Are you done picking flowers?
Neek: Are you home yet?
Aaron: Nope, still waiting for my friend.
Neek: You really shouldn't be here. It's not safe.
Aaron: What do you mean?
Neek: You've seen what the lake does.
Aaron: True. I'll atleast have to wait for my partner to come back though.
Aaron: Also, what are you doing here? And why are you following us?
Neek: I'm from here.
Aaron: What can you tell me about the sea?
Aaron: lake*
Neek: This is where Torg's rebellion took place, and it's been restricted by Gorwood ever since. I assume they told you not to go here?
Jannik: Do I know of Torg?
Brian: Yes, your informats told you pretty much everything you know as a player
Aaron: No, we weren't told any of what you said.
Neek: Did they tell you to come here?
Jannik: can I make any check at all that lets me know if I can trust that guy?
Jannik: or do I have to go with gut feeling
Brian: I wrote rules for this, one sec...
Brian: roll int+wis
* Jannik würfelt: 1d20+5 => 5 + 5 = 10
Brian: he doesn't seem shifty to you
Jannik: should've maybe been a DM roll
Brian: shoulda
Brian: my bad
Aaron: Someone told us to go here, yes.
Neek: Who?
Aaron: Umrat.
Neek: Never heard of him
Aaron: Okay then.
Neek: Do you really want to be upsetting Gorwood? If Ico found out about this there could be consiquences.
Aaron: You know Ico?
Neek: I've...met him once.
Brian: This time he seems suspicious
Aaron: Alright then.
Jannik: I'll just sit here, enjoy the view, and wait for Cerim to come back
Jannik: If Neek doesn't do anything fishy
Brian: He stands around impatiantly, wishing you weren't here.
Brian: After about an hour, he stops leaning on a tree and speaks again.
Neek: There are patrols around this lake! It's only a matter of time before they see us!
Aaron: Why are YOU scared? Didn't you say you live here?
Neek: And I don't want to tell them I let trespassers in and didn't kill them!
Aaron: Then why don't you kill me?
Neek: I've heard of what war is like. You're on some kind of mission from the Elf King, right?
Aaron: Why do you want to know?
Neek: And if I were to kill the men on that secret mission, what do you think the king might do in response?
Aaron: Suppose, I was on a secret mission and suppose the king heard that an orc killed me, he might take that as a hint towards the orcs behind behind all this.
Aaron: And start a war.
Neek: Exactly. Maybe everyone else in the world wants us to kill each other just as the next wave of goblins is due, but not me.
Jannik: do I think he's serious about this?
Brian: He doesn't show any signs of lieing on his face, but you are allowed to guess to his true thoughts however you wish.
Jannik: alright
Aaron: Then tell me when the patrol is coming our way and hide me somewhere. But I can't go now.
Neek: They will see us before we see them.
Neek: Look, if you want to die here, I can't stop you. But remember the fool of a man you're sending father death.
Brian: He walks off
Jannik: alright
Jannik: I'll hide in a bush or something
Brian: Cool.
Brian: Roll wis+disc to keep an eye out
Adam has connected.
* Jannik würfelt: 1d20+5 => 19 + 5 = 24
Brian: Alright, when you wake up, what do you do?
Adam: swim back
Brian: as you return, you notice that Aaron is nowhere to be found
Adam: Is my stuff?
Brian: your stuff is untouched
Adam: okay. I'll get dressed
Adam: and look for signs of a struggle
Brian: You don't see one
Jannik: as he is setting up camp, I approach him from the bush and just sit down behind him and watch him setting up camp until he notices me
Brian: Adam, roll a senpai check
* Adam rolls: 1d20 => 19
Brian: You notice Aaron rustling the crap out of a bush as he steps out of it
Cerim Potter: Oh. There you are.
Aaron: *greets him by holding up one hand* Yo.
Cerim Potter: There was nothing over there but some old shack and a little fountain.
Aaron: Hmm ... Well, I just met our little orc friend Neek a while ago. He told us to look out for an orc patrol of Gorwood and that they would "see us before we see them". And apparently he knows that we are on a secret mission of the elven king and he supposedly wants to help us because he doesn't want a war to happen.
Cerim Potter: Did he say anything about the swords?
Aaron: Nope, he didn't say more than that.
Cerim Potter: How did he say he was going to help us?
Aaron: Well, he didn't exactly say it that way, but he said he doesn't want to be caught letting trespassers go here without killing them and he refused to kill us. Oh, did I already mention that this area has something to do with Torg and that it has been closed to the outside by Gorwood?
Cerim Potter: Who's Torg?
Aaron: Someone from Gorwood, supposedly an orc, who became some sort of hero and a god to some. He mostly stands for freedom. That's pretty much all I heard of him, besides some rumours.
Cerim Potter: Orcs and their folktales. So what's our next move? Seems like this lake is nothing but a dead end.
Aaron: You don't want to wait for Umrat?
Cerim Potter: (( is that the guy who helped us escape? ))
Jannik: yes
Brian: yes
Cerim Potter: Yes, that might be worth doing. I was just working on setting up camp here.
Aaron: I'll help you with that.
Jannik: can we maybe use the environment to our advantage? Like, have the camp between bushes so it's more difficult to spot?
Brian: sure. Roll dex+int to sneakily hide the camp
* Jannik würfelt: 1d20+4 => 4 + 4 = 8
* Adam rolls: 1d20+1 => 4 + 1 = 5
Jannik: also, when do I get to heal more dmg?
Brian: Ohh crap, that's every day.
Jannik: it's every day, bro
Jannik: nice
Brian: Roll toughness
* Jannik würfelt: 1d20-3 => 4 - 3 = 1
Jannik: cool
Brian: alright, pick one point of your physical damage that is now a drain
Jannik: drain or permanent damage?
Brian: permanent drain. It doesn't come back when you sleep
Brian: In NeRP terminology, damage is defined by being healible
Jannik: okay
Brian: and once you done that, go ahead and roll for the next day, since it's been like a week
* Jannik würfelt: 1d20-3 => 9 - 3 = 6
Brian: No healing
Brian: keep in mind you have have had healing light this whole time too if you want to try that
Jannik: I don't, Cerim maybe does
Cerim Potter: (( I do ))
Cerim Potter: (( are you injured? ))
Jannik: yeah
Jannik: 6 damage
Cerim Potter: (( lemme see... ))
Cerim Potter: (( what's your empathy bonus? ))
Jannik: 0
Cerim Potter: (( so that'll take 3 casts ))
Cerim Potter: (( if I had been doing those, you'd be up to full now ))
Brian: ...if you pass tests of faith
* Adam rolls: 1d20+6 => 19 + 6 = 25
* Adam rolls: 1d20+6 => 20 + 6 = 26
* Adam rolls: 1d20+6 => 4 + 6 = 10
Brian: jsut passed the last one
Brian: so your good. You still had prayers when you guys broke out, right?
Cerim Potter: (( I did. ))
Brian: ok, then undo that drain
Brian: you are just fully healed
Jannik: doesn't really help, because I still have another drain from before and I'm at an odd number now :P
Brian: well, maybe if you buy it with XP...
Jannik: yeah
Adam: Speaking of XP, this seems like a good stopping point
Brian: Fair.
Jannik: I'd be good to go for more, but sure
Adam: Some of us have our educations to worry about
Brian: I'm going to give Aaron 5 and Cerim 5. Nobody did that much.
Brian: But I swear to God you guys are close to advancing the plot...
Jannik: I have a feeling we skipped out on 10 plot hooks today
Brian: I think you missed just 3