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Brian: want last transcript? a summary?
Jannik: I believe it was some politics stuff with Sir Eryson or someone else in the castle, can't remember the specifics
Jannik: so summary will do
Brian: You three (mostly Cerim and Eryson) conspired after you took a B-line out of Gorewood. They decided Artyom was too dangerous, and needed to be seperated form Eldati in order to keep her from controlling him, and if needed killed. The plan is to kidnap his sister and take her to the edge of Gorwood, so that Artyom needs to leave the south where he is and follow you two (or more, or maybe just Cerim, not clear on that).
Jannik: ahh, I remember
Brian: Do you have anything unrelated to this scheme you want to do, or anything to add to it besides what Boretos said?
Jannik: I think he (?) has a good plan for this, can't really add anything
Brian: Cool. Do you want to play out getting the poison?
Jannik: not really? idk, you decide
Jannik: don't think it's THAT important
Boretos: brb
Brian: I'd kind of like to. I think it will be pretty short.
Jannik: okay
Brian: The training grounds are not the place you would suspect for undercover dealings, but the place tends to have much more commotion and crowds, and there are benches out of the way for sitting where people chat all the time and nobody makes anything of it.
Brian: It is also the place you were directed by a hand-maiden to go to get the poison from Eryson, whom you find sitting and resting from after a spar.
Jannik: do I know who to look out for?
Brian: you do not
Brian: Eldati is weeks away, but who knows who works for her...
Jannik: how well-known am I`?
Brian: a little. Most folks have heard of the crazy guy with the swords who came in and had urgent buisness. Those in-the-know have an idea what that buisness is...
Jannik: would I know anyone else here?
Brian: At the training grounds, not too well. Now that I think about it, this may have been a stupid place for you to meet up...
Jannik: am I looking for poison that knocks people out or that kills?
Brian: this poison is very much fatal
Jannik: alright
Jannik: so I'll look out for the second most shady looking guy and ask him, if he knows someone who has "the means to knock out a bull"
Brian: He starts to respond, when Eryson calls out to you.
Sir Eryson: Aaron! Glad to see you are doing well.
Aaron: *still turned towards the guy* Give me a minute, please.
Aaron: *turns to Eryson and walks over* Hello, friend.
Sir Eryson: Take a seat, please *pats bench*
Brian: as you sit, you feel a bump in one of the rags that you assume are used to wipe knight sweat. It feels like... a glass vial.
Jannik: I'll take it out from under the rags, put it in my bag (or whatever else I'm carrying) and ask Eryson:
Aaron: *whispering* Is that the poison you wanted me to get?
Sir Eryson: *nods* I'm afraid so. I don't think we ever WILL hear word either.
Sir Eryson: *in a quieter voice* You sure you want to go through with this?
Aaron: If it needs to be done, I'll do it. And it certainly seems like it.
Sir Eryson: That's good to hear. Because when you came here, you seemed determined. And I liked that.
Sir Eryson: But sometimes I feel like you're more unsure, and that can be bad for all of us, you know what I mean?
Aaron: I know what you mean, but I can assure you that I'll carry out the task.
Sir Eryson: Very good. These are tricky times. I can't risk people changing their minds.
Sir Eryson: It would be a shame if your family lost two brothers, but that kind of thing can happen when you lose focus.
Brian: He stands up, takes his sword, and goes to spar with one of the knights
Jannik: I'll sit for a while longer, to not arouse too much suspicion, cheering for Eryson, and then bid farewell and leave.
Brian: Cool.

Click here to skip the planning banter

Brian: If you want to RP getting thugs, I'm game, but otherwise I want to at least know what you tell them.
Jannik: hmm, what would I tell them? wait for nighttime, then sneak into the palace, kill/knock out the knights protecting Emita (?) and retrieve her for me?
Boretos: The plan is to wait at the river
Jannik: ohhh, I didn't get that
Brian: Eryson was going to find a reason to send Emita and the knight she is romancing on a busy-work quest to leave them open.
Brian: Totes forgot ot mention that
Jannik: she has a knight she's in love with? didn't get that either
Jannik: would Aaron know?
Jannik: doesn't really matter either way
Brian: He may or may not. I don't think they brought it up
Jannik: alright
Brian: But you do tell them the full plan, and who the target is?
Jannik: if you ask like that, I won't :P I'll just tell them to sneak around the river, wait for a woman and a knight to appear, knock the knight out / kill him and bind up the girl
Jannik: or wait, is Emita on our side?
Brian: Cerim said she wouldn't want to betray her brother
Jannik: okay, yeah, then probably would need to restrict her with rope or something
Boretos: #manacles
Brian: alright, so is the battle plan to wait in ambush positions? You guys mentioned horses, where are those going?
Boretos: I need a horse so I can flee with Emita.
Boretos: They can stay out of sight as well
Boretos: it, rather
Brian: ok, so it's hide in the bushes, jump out, then put Emita on a horse and run?
Boretos: no, it's jump out, kill Ephnyr, restrain Emita, put her on a horse, and run
Brian: Ok, I guess I just kind of skipped over the combat
Boretos: It's an important part
Jannik: Ephnyr? the cool guy who almost brought Garen into this? That's a shame
Boretos: ...
Brian: Yeah, but the shame is that Garen died!
Boretos: Must be a different Ephnyr
Boretos: this one's a tool;
Jannik: I had a feeling that Brian was suspiciously nice with him :p
Brian: you will both get a chance to read the full story once the campaign ends.
Brian: So many secrets that nobody revealed...
Boretos: I feel like I've been rather forthright with my intel
Brian: alright, so the green blobs are bushes that allow hiding and are 1/2 movement. The trees are trees. You know how water works
Brian: Adam I know you got a horse token
Jannik: and where's the bridge?
Brian: There is no bridge in this area. Did I mention a bridge?
Jannik: I thought I read about a bridge, but maybe I'm just tired
Brian: If you want a bridge, there's a bridge.
Jannik: nonono, do it how you planned, don't mind me
Brian: Alright then, you know that they will be coming either from the north or south along the Gray river. Stratigize away...
Jannik: 3 thugs?
Jannik: is Sir Eryson also here or should that be me?
Brian: That's the amount of Thugs you know who won't stab you in the back. You can hire more at a risk.
Brian: aww crao
Brian: hold on...
Jannik: so my plan would be to have them make a circle and wait for the two to be inbetween them and then jump out and surprise attack them
Boretos: We should all be wearing bandanas
Jannik: what do you think about that, Boretos?
Jannik: Aaron is a hood kinda guy
Jannik: oh wait
Jannik: yeah, bandanas are fine
Jannik: I somehow thought of headbands
Boretos: I think we should wait for them to let their guard down. If we wait for the right time, we'll be able to catch them with their pants down.
Boretos: literally.
Brian: literally on both accounts. Well played good sir
Brian: also, planning music:
Jannik: my mom told me to never click links on the internet
Boretos: awwww yeah
Jannik: jk my mom is an internet n00b
Jannik: also, good song
Jannik: so are you fine with how I placed the people?
Jannik: and @Brian, can the right guy have a bow?
Boretos: They're really far away
Brian: nope. Thugs always use axes. Thug law.
Brian: In general, you can't hand-pick criminal types.
Jannik: okay
Boretos: leather armor?
Brian: also, is there only one horse?
Brian: yup
Jannik: can we hid ethe horse under one of the trees?
Boretos: Is Aaron coming with me when we run?
Jannik: ehhh
Jannik: I assume he'd care for the corpse and the thugs?
Jannik: btw, are you playing Cerim now or ... ?
Boretos: I've always been Cerim
Jannik: ehhhhhh
Jannik: I'm slightly confused
Brian: who did you think he was playing?
Jannik: so you're Adam
Jannik: ?
Boretos: yeah
Jannik: I thought Jaden0 was Adam
Jannik: I'm so confused
Boretos: Jaden0 is Jaden
Boretos: who is Artyom
Jannik: okayyy
Jannik: gotta remember stuff like that
Brian: also, both of you roll wisdom checks for a free DM hint about your plan.
Brian: DC 15
* Boretos rolls: 1d20 => 18
Brian: If you kill Ephnyr, how does Artyom ever find out what happened?
* Jannik würfelt: 1d20+2 => 20 + 2 = 22
* Jannik würfelt: 1d6-1 => 1 - 1 = 0
Brian: Aaron realizes the same thing, but moreso
Jannik: bam
Boretos: I was planning on sending a letter
Boretos: but I have a better idea now
Boretos: Cut off his hands
Jannik: man I wouldn't wanna be your enemy
Boretos: Well, we can't leave him whole lest he come after us
Boretos: we just want Artyom to give chase alone
Boretos: Also this guy sucks
Jannik: Aaron doesn't know him much, so he wouldn't know
Brian: Just let me know if you're finished planning or if I need to play another B.A. song
Boretos: We need a location name to drop when retreating so Ephnyr knows where we're going
Brian: You happen to know of Eastmark offhand...
Boretos: Excellent
Boretos: So we'll run there
Boretos: How much did you tell these thugs?
Brian: They currently were told to wait until Emita shows up (Aaron did mention her by name), kill any guards she has, and tie her up.
Boretos: Hm. Do they know who we are?
Brian: They know Aaron. You are a mystery unless you chose to be otherwise
Boretos: Mystery sounds good
Jannik: did i?
Jannik: I said a woman and a knight
Brian: It's not too late to correct if you want to.
Jannik: as far as i remember
Jannik: "I'll just tell them to sneak around the river, wait for a woman and a knight to appear, knock the knight out / kill him and bind up the girl"
Brian: ohh, nvm
Brian: also, you never answered the one horse question
Jannik: I think I did
Boretos: there
Jannik: or whazever
Brian: ok, so you brought two horses?
Jannik: how would the thugs get back?
Boretos: We shouldn't have a problem with slinging Emita over the rump of a horse, right
Boretos: The thugs have to pay for their own transportation
Boretos: like they do their own weapons and shiz
Boretos: they're going to go home after this anyway
Jannik: fair enough
Brian: Alright , give the thugs two more horses collectively.
Boretos: tada
Brian: Cool. Need more planning time?
Boretos: to recap
Boretos: step 1) wait for the couple to get jiggy
Boretos: step 2) approach the couple menacingly
Boretos: step 3) incapacitate them
Boretos: step 4) cut off Ephnyr's hands
Boretos: step 5) "accidentally" let slip that we're going to Eastmark
Boretos: step 6) ride off with Emita
Boretos: step 7) wait for Artyom
Boretos: step 8) sup with Artyom
Boretos: step 9) poison his butt
Boretos: step 10) profit
Boretos: any questions?
Jannik: how are we getting Artyom to eat with us after napping his sister and chopping off his sister's lover's/guard's hands?
Boretos: old fashioned villanous charisma
Jannik: I feel like we should have more solid means than charisma, if we want to make this plan work
Boretos: He'll be so full of himself that he won't think twice about it
Boretos: If you have any suggestions, I'd love to hear them
Jannik: I'd rather fortify myself somewhere and poison arrowheads and stuff
Jannik: I really don't think he will just eat wiht us, but I might be wrong
Brian: the poison you have right now is ingested only, just a heads-up
Boretos: We won't be able to best him in combat
Jannik: I feel like this'll fail terribly, but let's try anyway
Boretos: Is there enough poison to pull a Princess Bride?
Boretos: cuz that's the script I'm pulling from
Brian: There sure isn't enough time to develop a poison immunity.
Boretos: I know
Brian: I'll say there is.
Boretos: sweet
Boretos: nothing like a good bit of MAD
Brian: In more ways than one...
Brian: Anyhow, more vengeful planning?
Boretos: I think that about covers it
Brian: Alright then...
Brian: Your disguises ready, you take your hiding places in the trees by the river. Eryson gave you a spot where he estimated that they would be patrolling around as night fell. As great as it might have been to catch them in the sunset, dusk passes over the other side of the river without a sign of them. Now only the moon lights the night, casting all the trees and water in that uniform silver glow that makes the world look like it's a simple place. A few months ago, this would have been a beautiful night. But not now. Now, you await Emita in tense fear. You know full well the deed you need to do, and that you very well could die on this night. The silence isn't serene to you. It's death.
Brian: But it doesn't last forever. Soon, you hear footsteps and distant talking from the south. A squell erupts that you can make out that Cerim recognizes is Emita.
Emita: Kord's cunt!
Emita: You knew he was here, and you didn't tell me?
Jannik: I'll slowly walk towards the southern end of the tree I'm hiding under
Sir Ephnyr: Well, it wasn't a good idea to...
* Boretos rolls: 1d10+2 => 10 + 2 = 12
Sir Ephnyr: I don't think that he wanted anyone to know. I only found out by accident really.
Emita: What?
Sir Ephnyr: I don't know. I didn't ask. He just...wisked them into his office and Cerim stormed out. I assume it was some errand that Eldati wasn't supposed to spy on.
Emita: Of course. Those two need to just do it already, right?
Brian: they laugh as they walk closer. They will have a chance of seeing you guys soon...
Emita: What's it like working with such evil people?
Sir Ephnyr: I should ask you that. You just showed up in court one day and started impressing everyone. I...grew up with this.
Emita: Hate it.
Emita: But you're here, so I stick around.
Jannik: aww, that's cute
Emita: *grabs his arm* I'm glad I have guys like you two who I can trust though. I would kill myself otherwise...
Sir Ephnyr: Aww, thanks. Poor Cerim, you know? He just got swept up in all the plotting, and he wouldn't even let me make him a knight.
Brian: ok, stealth rolls time!
Brian: dex+int-size-1
Brian: you all have size 0
* Brian rolls: 1d20+4-2 => 6 + 4 - 2 = 8
* Jannik würfelt: 1d20+5 => 14 + 5 = 19
Jannik: 4* so 18
Brian: Let's wait for adam to return so he can roll for Cerim.
* Boretos rolls: 1d20 => 9
Boretos: why do we all get a -1?
Brian: because two people might see you. It's fairer to the hider than both spotters getting checks
Brian: in NeRP only the best spotter matters
Emita: Well, I can't say he liked you after you were...ya know, a drunken ass.
Sir Ephnyr: Yeah, well I don't know how to make it up to him now. I think he'd be a good knight.
Emita: Well, maybe you guys need a second chance. He's always been a fan of telling his guard stories, and if we all survive the dead I'm sure you'll both have a lot!
Emita: Thanks for thinking about him.
Sir Ephnyr: It's not all kindness. I think we need human knights.
Sir Ephnyr: The elves just run everything ever since the king took charge, you know? And weak people get to be important just because of their ears.
Emita: Careful. You could get in big trouble for that.
Sir Ephnyr: Exactly. That's the problem. Which is why the people need to see good people like him as knights again. This kingdom has problems.
Sir Ephnyr: Can you try to convince him?
Brian: they stop, amazingly close to you guys, but too distracted by eachother to actually be patrolling.
Boretos: thanks for the guilt trip
Brian: gotta drop my plot hints somehow
Jannik: I still like Ephnyr
Emita: I...I don't know. I used to want to, but now I feel bad about him. He's such a good guy. I really want him to get him out of all this danger. I don't even know if I should be here.
Sir Ephnyr: I'm here. You're not in any danger.
Boretos: #irony
Jannik: oh the irony
Emita: That's bullshit and you know it!
Boretos: Just a little bit closer...
Jannik: I feel like we should take the surprise round before an unlucky roll screws us over
Boretos: you're the one who the thugs listen to
Boretos: it's your call
Emita: I haven't just been gossiping with hand-maidens! I've learned about what crazy shit they've been doing.
Jannik: one more step and I'd be fine
Emita: They send Cerim off to who knows what, and now you get sent out here just in case bodies crawl out of a river? Doesn't that seem suspicious?
Sir Ephnyr: No, actually. I talked to Eryson about something, and I think I know why we got sent on this stupid "mission".
Emita: Really? Why didn't you tell me before we went out here?
Sir Ephnyr: Well, because...I...
Emita: Actually, did you know about the letters too?
Sir Ephnyr: Uhh, what?
Emita: I didn't bring it up yet, but I found out a few days ago. When I was writing to my mom?
Emita: They were faked. Eldati's little spys were just telling me bullshit they made up. I have no idea if my mom's okay, or if she knows where I am.
Sir Ephnyr: What? That's terrible!
Emita: She's a Nerulian, Ephnyr. You know what could happen.
Emita: Please, we need to go south and find her.
Sir Ephnyr: South?
Sir Ephnyr: I don't know. That would be against Eryson's orders. That would draw attention...
Emita: It's. My. MOM.
Jannik: they're close enough for me now, Adam
Sir Ephnyr: Hey, there are a lot of moms here, okay?
Jannik: lol
Emita: How dare you! You're seriously just going to let her go away?
Sir Ephnyr: There's bigger shit in the world than one family to just go questing off-
Emita: They told me she's going with the rest of Tinsboro to that castle where they killed all the priests!
Boretos: I'm starting to think they're not going to bang
Boretos: I'm ready when you are, I suppose
Jannik: I feel like we should go now
Brian: just tell me when you two do it
Boretos: althought all this plot is cool
Jannik: it really is
Sir Ephnyr: I'm sorry, but no!
Emita: Why?
Sir Ephnyr: Why? I told you-
Boretos: By your command, Aaron
Jannik: alright then
Emita: You rescued me for no reason. What about Garen and all that-
Brian: ok, you jump out?
Jannik: Aaron screams "Attack!" and jumps out
Brian: ok, you all get 10 base init
Brian: +int or wis as always
Jannik: what are the thugs stats? or will you play them?
Brian: I'll play them.
Jannik: awesome
Brian: but they are pretty much commoners with sticks
Boretos: bullet sponges
Brian: Aaron opens
Jannik: i run up to Ephnyr
Jannik: or first I activate righteous fury
Jannik: then run up to him
Jannik: then try to stab him with my short sword
Brian: go for it.
Brian: You know the rules by now
* Jannik würfelt: 1d20+12 => 1 + 12 = 13
Jannik: wow
* Jannik würfelt: 1d6-1 => 5 - 1 = 4
Jannik: okay then
Brian: turn
Jannik: need to succeed on the test opf faith
Boretos: +12 to hit?
Jannik: yeah
Boretos: dang
Jannik: +6 from dex, weapon, enchanted
Jannik: -1 because i have a dex injury
Brian: ohh yeah, I have you hella gold...
Jannik: +7 from righteous fury
Jannik: (3 disc, 4 pass
Jannik: )
Brian: Palidin rouge. Nobody sees it coming
Jannik: what was test of faith again?
Brian: Loy + disc I wanna say?
Jannik: loy+pass
Brian: yeah, that
* Jannik würfelt: 1d20+4 => 12 + 4 = 16
Jannik: phew
Jannik: okay, turn
Brian: Cerim, the turn you've been waiting 10 sessions for
Boretos: aww yea
Jannik: I'd really like to know what made you hate Ephnyr that much
Jannik: all I've seen till now (on two characters) is him being a good guy
Brian: survive this battle and you might ask him...
Jannik: yep, we'll see
Boretos: let's see. move is 4
Brian: that's... that's it?
Boretos: hang on
Boretos: I got a phone call
Boretos: let's see
Boretos: that brings me to 5
Boretos: actually...
Jannik: brb real quick
Boretos: I'm going to do something stupid and change that move to a dash
Brian: YEAHHHHH!!!!'
* Boretos rolls: 1d20+2 => 10 + 2 = 12
Boretos: WHEW
Boretos: dashing is dangerous, dude
Boretos: oh boy here we go
* Boretos rolls: 1d20+4 => 14 + 4 = 18
Boretos: whew
Boretos: so that brings me to... 3
Jannik: DASH HYPE!
Boretos: use shield is 2
Boretos: and lastly a stab
* Boretos rolls: 1d20+2 => 7 + 2 = 9
Boretos: gr8
Brian: clink
Boretos: okay. gotta go clean up a small amount of leaves. brb. You can put me on autopilot if need be
Brian: no, you aren't going to miss this fight. You're still good on time, right Jannik?
Jannik: yup
Boretos: I'm back
Brian: glorious
Brian: Thug turns!
Brian: this one grapples
* Brian rolls: 1d20+2 => 8 + 2 = 10
Brian: jsut misses Emita
Brian: he goes for another
* Brian rolls: 1d20+2 => 7 + 2 = 9
Brian: two moves and an attack
* Brian rolls: 1d20+0 => 10 + 0 = 10
Brian: miss
Brian: this one just moves here
Brian: Emita's turn
Brian: She draws a dagger, and attacks
Emita: Die, bitch!
Boretos: sheesh
* Brian rolls: 1d20+3 => 15 + 3 = 18
Brian: on thug, btw
* Brian rolls: 1d20+3 => 17 + 3 = 20
* Brian rolls: 1d20+3 => 19 + 3 = 22
Brian: 3 hits
Jannik: waow
* Brian rolls: 1d20-2 => 1 - 2 = -1
* Brian rolls: 1d20-2 => 14 - 2 = 12
* Brian rolls: 1d20-2 => 19 - 2 = 17
* Brian rolls: 1d6-1 => 6 - 1 = 5
* Brian rolls: 1d6-1 => 2 - 1 = 1
Jannik: WOW
Brian: the -7 doesn't wound
Unknown command: "roll1 d4". Try /help for a list of commands.
Boretos: it heals
* Brian rolls: 1d4 => 4
* Brian rolls: 1d20-1 => 8 - 1 = 7
Brian: Ephnyr's turn
Brian: he also draws, and swings at Aaron
* Brian rolls: 1d20+4 => 2 + 4 = 6
Jannik: nope
Brian: k, end of round
Brian: Thug 1 goes first, and just waits
Jannik: what the hell
Brian: Aaron
Jannik: 3 attacks
* Jannik würfelt: 1d20+12 => 15 + 12 = 27
* Jannik würfelt: 1d20+7 => 9 + 7 = 16
Jannik: wound?
Brian: nope
Brian: WAC 20
Jannik: waow
Boretos: You made rules for overkilling HAC yet?
Brian: no :(
Brian: I keep putting it off, and there have been several good ideas
Jannik: we should brainstorm tomorrow
Jannik: if you have time
Brian: I am likely to
Brian: until then, you have two more attacks
* Jannik würfelt: 1d20+4 => 12 + 4 = 16
* Jannik würfelt: 1d20+12 => 17 + 12 = 29
* Jannik würfelt: 1d20+7 => 16 + 7 = 23
Jannik: wound!
Jannik: haha
* Brian rolls: 1d4 => 3
Jannik: finally
* Brian rolls: 1d20+2 => 16 + 2 = 18
* Jannik würfelt: 1d20+12 => 9 + 12 = 21
* Jannik würfelt: 1d20+7 => 2 + 7 = 9
Brian: hit
Jannik: dang
* Jannik würfelt: 1d20+4 => 1 + 4 = 5
Jannik: dang
* Jannik würfelt: 1d6-1 => 5 - 1 = 4
Jannik: so no magic for me anymore, correct?
Brian: correct
Jannik: this is gonna suck
* Jannik würfelt: 1d20+5 => 1 + 5 = 6
Jannik: tsk
* Jannik würfelt: 1d6-1 => 2 - 1 = 1
Brian: what was that?
Jannik: my attack roll
Brian: I thought you alread did three?
Brian: doens't matter now, but...
Jannik: oh
Jannik: my bad
Jannik: end turn
Brian: Cerim
Jannik: wanted to get the nat1s out of the way, yknow
Brian: ...Mr. Potter?
Boretos: yea
Boretos: I'm just
Boretos: looking at grapple rules
Brian: It's kind of like banished grapple, if you ever played that.
Boretos: never
Brian: cool, then it's gonna seem super random to you
Boretos: how many hands does one need to grapple?
Brian: one
Boretos: so you accumulate grabs?
Boretos: to win
Brian: yes, and debuff the hell out of your target until they can't move.
Brian: Like you grappled them or something
Boretos: huh
Boretos: Well, let's try it out
Brian: It's designed to be messy and brutal, like real ground-fighting
Boretos: Withdraw weapon (4) + Use Shield (2) + Gapple( 6) = 12
Brian: Roll to hit (who?)
Boretos: the knight
Brian: k. Roll to hit as if you had a weapon with +2 to hit
* Boretos rolls: 1d20+2+1 => 19 + 2 + 1 = 22
Boretos: gotcha, slut
* Boretos rolls: 1d20+3 => 10 + 3 = 13
Boretos: ehh
Brian: you enter his square, and have one grab
Brian: you may continue with your turn if you have more stuff to do
Boretos: I am out of stuff
Brian: Cool. You have -2 speed, he has -4 speed
Brian: And it is Thug's turn. He goes for Emita
* Brian rolls: 1d20+2 => 11 + 2 = 13
Brian: for a hit, and nothing else to do.
Jannik: by the way, you might wanna specify that righteous fury doesn't work with grappling
Brian: ehh, I might let it.
Brian: the other thug tries first aid on self...
* Brian rolls: 1d20-3+1 => 3 - 3 + 1 = 1
Brian: takes one damage
* Brian rolls: 1d4 => 4
Brian: Ephnyr's turn. He will try to break free. Opposed STR checks
Brian: hold on.
Boretos: HOLDING
Jannik: literally
Brian: ok, now
* Brian rolls: 1d20+4 => 10 + 4 = 14
* Boretos rolls: 1d20+3 => 11 + 3 = 14
Boretos: I rolled higher
Brian: uhh, attacker wins draws, but who is attacker?
Brian: ehh, fine
Boretos: yay
Brian: he does it again
* Brian rolls: 1d20+4 => 13 + 4 = 17
* Boretos rolls: 1d20+3 => 11 + 3 = 14
Boretos: balls
Brian: Cool, no longer grabbed. You guys get the speed back next round
Brian: He spends 4 to leave the grapple
Boretos: Does he take passion drain now?
Brian: he did, but it wears off when you leave the grapple
Boretos: oooh
Boretos: I misread
Brian: and that's round, so time for him to try and not bleed
* Brian rolls: 1d20+3 => 14 + 3 = 17
* Brian rolls: 1d4 => 1
Boretos: I thought it said the drain STARTS once you leave the grapple lol
Brian: top of round, the waiting thug goes in
* Brian rolls: 1d20 => 16
* Brian rolls: 1d20 => 4
* Brian rolls: 1d20+2 => 1 + 2 = 3
* Brian rolls: 1d6-1 => 5 - 1 = 4
Brian: it's super ineffective!
Brian: Aaron's turn
Jannik: did you implement rules for small movement yet?
Brian: I'm going to stick to my guns for now and say that that's still a full 4 point sidestep action (that's what the NPCs have been doing)
Brian: Another thing to talk out later
Jannik: alright
Jannik: 2 attacks on Ephnyr
* Jannik würfelt: 1d20+5 => 16 + 5 = 21
* Jannik würfelt: 1d20+5 => 8 + 5 = 13
* Jannik würfelt: 1d20 => 16
Jannik: nope
Jannik: oh, another one
* Jannik würfelt: 1d20+5 => 8 + 5 = 13
Brian: armor is win
Jannik: nope
Jannik: done
Brian: top thug!
Brian: top thug grabs again
* Brian rolls: 1d20+2 => 14 + 2 = 16
* Brian rolls: 1d20 => 12
Boretos: top thug best thug
* Brian rolls: 1d20-1 => 9 - 1 = 8
Brian: second grab on Emita
Brian: Thug 2 tries to self heal
* Brian rolls: 1d20+1 => 16 + 1 = 17
* Brian rolls: 1d4 => 1
Brian: Emita lays down and capitulates.
Brian: Ephnyr swings at the formerly waiting thug.
* Brian rolls: 1d20+2 => 1 + 2 = 3
Brian: and again
* Brian rolls: 1d20+2 => 7 + 2 = 9
Sir Ephnyr: You bastards!
* Brian rolls: 1d20+3 => 6 + 3 = 9
* Brian rolls: 1d4 => 3
Brian: top of round
Brian: Aaron starts
Jannik: alrighty
Jannik: seeing as Emita surrendered to us and it's basically a 5 on 1 now, I'm going to do the following
Boretos: dogpile
Brian: ohh wait
* Brian rolls: 1d20+2 => 9 + 2 = 11
Brian: yeah, he stays up
Brian: go ahead and dogpile
Aaron: Sir Ephnyr, I'm sorry that it has come this far. We ... I don't want you any harm. We overheard your conversation and we might be on the same side here.
Jannik: I'm going to look at Cerim and see if he approves of what I'm doing / if I can continue
Boretos: very much no
Brian: 1 init per line
Brian: I'm charging you 1 to say that
Boretos: I would be saying it with an expression, but okay
Jannik: 1 init cost for me or for cerim?
Brian: no, just Aaron get's charged
Jannik: alright
* Jannik würfelt: 1d2 => 1
Jannik: shit
Aaron: Nevermind ...
Boretos: lol
Jannik: and I'll attack thrice again
* Jannik würfelt: 1d20+5 => 13 + 5 = 18
* Jannik würfelt: 1d20 => 9
* Jannik würfelt: 1d20+5 => 14 + 5 = 19
* Jannik würfelt: 1d20 => 12
* Jannik würfelt: 1d20+5 => 18 + 5 = 23
* Jannik würfelt: 1d20 => 19
Jannik: hmmmmmmmm
Jannik: I have a 5% chance to wound
Jannik: awesome
Jannik: end turn
Brian: waiting thug tries to do a better job at smacking
* Brian rolls: 1d20 => 10
* Brian rolls: 1d20 => 2
Brian: and fails
Brian: Dogpiling Thug is effectively out of the combat, so Cerim
Boretos: shield + grapple
* Boretos rolls: 1d20+3 => 8 + 3 = 11
Boretos: that's all, follks
Brian: you hit, because I just realized Ephnyr has forgotten to use his shield this whole time
Boretos: yay!
Brian: you got yerself a grab
Brian: thug 2 tries to not die
* Brian rolls: 1d20-2 => 6 - 2 = 4
* Brian rolls: 1d4 => 2
Brian: Ephnyr talks
Sir Ephnyr: Please, I have everything of value. Just let her go!
Brian: and headbutts you with a special grapple attack
Boretos: wat
Brian: everyone in grapples gets a special attack representing a cheap shot only avalible in close quarters.
Jannik: "Representing a wide array of elbows, headbutts, and cross-hilt strikes, or just pushing a guy, this “weapon” has +2 to hit, -4 to wound, and drains 1 initiative point (min 0) from the target on a hit."
Boretos: yeah, I know
Brian: Sadly, I didn't write down the init cost
Brian: so I'm gonna say 2, cause I feel like that's what I was going for
Boretos: a fist is 4
Jannik: ehm, isn't that sort of very strong? 2 init cost to impose a 1 init drain on the enemy?
Brian: You're right, let's go with 3
Brian: I want it a little smaller than a proper fist, and it's not going to wound often
* Brian rolls: 1d20+3 => 1 + 3 = 4
* Brian rolls: 1d6-1 => 3 - 1 = 2
Brian: does a 2 hit?
Boretos: mmmm... close
Boretos: but no
Brian: well he does it one more time
* Brian rolls: 1d20+3 => 2 + 3 = 5
Brian: and end of round
* Brian rolls: 1d20+2 => 9 + 2 = 11
* Brian rolls: 1d4 => 2
* Brian rolls: 1d20+2 => 6 + 2 = 8
Jannik: how high is his HAC now that he is shieldless and -6 spd?
Brian: he's only -4, isn't he?
Boretos: -4 from the grab
Jannik: oh, right
Boretos: unless he's taken damage
Brian: 1 spd damage
Brian: so he's HAC 7 right now
Jannik: that makes things easier
Boretos: -4 spd is not -4 HAC
Boretos: just in case
Boretos: you were doing htat
Brian: uhh, hold up...
Brian: 12 without sheild, -5 equates to -3 hac...
Brian: 9. The answer is nine.
Brian: Aaron's turn
Jannik: I feel like gtrappling would be good, but I'll lose most strength contests
Jannik: I guess I'm gonna try
Jannik: can you grapple diagonally?
Brian: yes
Jannik: and can 2 people grapple the same person?
Brian: yes
Brian: plenty of room for more
* Jannik würfelt: 1d20+5 => 6 + 5 = 11
Jannik: now strength contest?
Brian: not when entering a grapple.
Brian: I think that was a mistake on my part.
Brian: free grab
Brian: you're -2, he's -8
Jannik: and I'll attempt another
Jannik: btw does the speed penalty already apply for this turn's action pool?
Brian: it does not
Jannik: awesome
* Jannik würfelt: 1d20+5 => 7 + 5 = 12
* Jannik würfelt: 1d20-2 => 2 - 2 = 0
Jannik: xd
* Brian rolls: 1d20+4 => 18 + 4 = 22
Jannik: and another one
* Jannik würfelt: 1d20+5 => 8 + 5 = 13
Sir Ephnyr: Get off me cur!
* Jannik würfelt: 1d20-2 => 3 - 2 = 1
Jannik: pffff
* Brian rolls: 1d20+4 => 5 + 4 = 9
Jannik: done
Brian: Cerim
Boretos: shield+grapple
* Boretos rolls: 1d20+3 => 20 + 3 = 23
* Boretos rolls: 1d6 => 6
* Boretos rolls: 1d6 => 5
Boretos: I think I win
Brian: I'll call that an auto win. If you want a special kind of grab, just say so.
Jannik: "At 0 Speed, you can't move, and are paralyzed on the spot."
Jannik: almost there
Boretos: nah, a regular grab is fine
Brian: kk
Boretos: I can't think of any special grabs lol
Brian: turn?
Boretos: ya
Brian: Alright, so with a glorious -13 speed...
Brian: He does nothing and saves init
Brian: Aaron and Cerim are tied for the lead in the next round
* Brian rolls: 1d20 => 16
* Jannik würfelt: 1d20 => 13
* Brian rolls: 1d4 => 2
Brian: sorry, this is just bleeding
* Brian rolls: 1d20+2 => 9 + 2 = 11
Jannik: oh, lol
Boretos: Aaron can go
* Jannik würfelt: 1d20+5 => 5 + 5 = 10
* Jannik würfelt: 1d20-2 => 18 - 2 = 16
* Brian rolls: 1d20+4 => 9 + 4 = 13
Jannik: ayy
Brian: you got another
* Jannik würfelt: 1d20+5 => 16 + 5 = 21
* Jannik würfelt: 1d20-2 => 3 - 2 = 1
Jannik: lovin it
Brian: you got another
* Brian rolls: 1d20+4 => 15 + 4 = 19
Brian: lol repeated the wrong messag
Jannik: hahaha
Brian: so you now have your second grab
Brian: Cerim?
Boretos: Ephnyr is still up?
Brian: yes
Brian: standing, actually.
Boretos: and each grab gives me -2 spd?
Brian: yes
Boretos: I'll grapple
* Boretos rolls: 1d20+3 => 1 + 3 = 4
Boretos: aww
Brian: turn?
Boretos: ya
Brian: Ephnyr will do a normal unarmed attack on Aaron
* Brian rolls: 1d20+1 => 5 + 1 = 6
Brian: and miss
Emita: Let him go!
Brian: bleeding time
* Brian rolls: 1d20+1 => 4 + 1 = 5
* Brian rolls: 1d4 => 4
* Brian rolls: 1d20+2 => 15 + 2 = 17
* Brian rolls: 1d4 => 2
* Brian rolls: 1d20+@ => Invalid expression: 1d20+@.
* Brian rolls: 1d20+2 => 7 + 2 = 9
Brian: barely up
* Brian rolls: 1d20-1 => 7 - 1 = 6
Brian: but Thug 2 went down
Brian: top of round, Aaron
Jannik: that must've been hilarous
Boretos: Emita shrekt him
Jannik: he is hit once, and goes down after a few rounds
Jannik: or tweice, I don't remember
Jannik: anyway
Jannik: grappling
* Jannik würfelt: 1d20+5 => 17 + 5 = 22
* Jannik würfelt: 1d20-2 => 15 - 2 = 13
Brian: I mean, a guy got stabed, and spent about a minute trying to close the wound before passing out from blood loss
* Brian rolls: 1d20+3 => 1 + 3 = 4
Jannik: yaaay
Brian: you got the 5th grab
Jannik: is that enough to bring him to 0?
Brian: nope, you need one more
* Jannik würfelt: 1d20+5 => 16 + 5 = 21
* Jannik würfelt: 1d20-2 => 20 - 2 = 18
Jannik: promising
* Brian rolls: 1d20+3 => 8 + 3 = 11
* Jannik würfelt: 1d6-1 => 2 - 1 = 1
Brian: okay, he's stuck
Brian: I think that ends the combat...
Boretos: perfect
Brian: Thug 1 will try to heal thug 2, but nobody cares if he pulls it off
Jannik: I will also help
Jannik: or eh
Jannik: do we need to maintain the grapples?
Brian: if you want him to stay pinned, yeah
Jannik: right, makes sense
Boretos: Can we cut his hands off first?
Boretos: and slap manacles on Emita
Jannik: please only his non-dominant one
Boretos: If we're only doing one, it HAS to be his dominant one
Jannik: you really are determined
Boretos: This dude will come after us, you realize
Jannik: I do
Boretos: We want Artyom to come, not Ephnyr
Brian: also, first Emita begs you not to. roll wisdom+disc+arbitrary bonus of 4
* Brian rolls: 1d20+3 => 10 + 3 = 13
Jannik: who?
Brian: sorry, add 3 to that, for 16
Brian: Cerim
Brian: or you, if you're going to hand chop, but I assume Cerim is doing the deed himself
Jannik: yeah, I wouldn't want to
* Boretos rolls: 1d20+6 => 1 + 6 = 7
Boretos: k
Jannik: although, isn't just the thumb enough? you can't really hold a weapon without a thumb
Jannik: unless you get very creative
Boretos: you make a good point
Brian: Cerim, either leave him unharmed, or you will need to roll for possible mental damage for doing this to Emita.
Brian: and this drops your empathy by 1 either way.
Jannik: I still love this systeeeem
Boretos: alright, what do I roll?
Brian: wis+disc, vs DC 13 in this case.
* Boretos rolls: 1d20+2 => 17 + 2 = 19
Brian: Alright, you suck it up
Boretos: w00t
Brian: now what horrible things do you do to Ephnyr?
Boretos: Do you need a thumb to wield a bow?
Brian: on the bow-holding hand
Boretos: what about a crossbow?
Brian: ...I feel like you could use a crossbow without it?
Brian: Still, you're not a doctor. Make a guess
Jannik: cut off both thumbs -> best compromise?
Boretos: yeah. both thumbs will do nicely
Boretos: make it so!
Brian: A thumb isn't like cutting a torso or a steak. The bone is thicker than you would think, particularly when you can't get a good swing in, and the tendons really start to go in strange places when you continue to try to cut while holding down a squirming man.
Brian: In the end, the left thumb ends up just snapping off after most of the flesh is gone.
Brian: Both Ephnyr and Emita screem, but Emita's seem to be actually in the form of words. You can't make them out though, and eventually the man on top of her just covers her mouth.
Brian: Ephnyr starts to calm down after a few seconds, and begins to just breathe, staring at you to see what you do next.
Thug: Brutal.
Boretos: I clean my blade and put it away.
Brian: while still holding him down?
Boretos: Once his thumbs are gone, I let him go.
Brian: Does Aaron?
Jannik: sure
Brian: he starts to crawl away on his back
Boretos: Next, I run off to grab the horses
Thug: Nice girl...
Brian: He takes a greedy gaze of her.
Aaron: Don't even think about it.
Thug: *to Cerim* Youre a smart man.
Jannik: Aaron looks away disgustedly
Boretos: I shove the thug away and take hold of Emita
Emita: I'm sorry!
Brian: the thug laughs
Boretos: I toss her over the back of the horse.
Boretos: and climb on myself
Thug: You don't want the pretty boy's armor?
Aaron: No, we don't. Take it if you want to. But if you kill him, we won't pay you.
Boretos: I thought we already paid them
Jannik: I was guessing half-half
Thug: Where are we catching up with you after to get the pay?
Boretos: Toss 'em the purse now?
Jannik: should I tell them Eastmark?
Boretos: oh
Boretos: yeah
Boretos: do that
Aaron: We'll meet up in Eastmark
Jannik: how far is it to there by horse?
Brian: a week or so
Brian: depends a lot on weather
Jannik: did we already plan in what house we would wait for Artyom?
Boretos: Not really
Jannik: alrighty
Jannik: is there a famous inn or something memorable we know of?
Boretos: There's only one inn
Boretos: and like 2 other buildings
Jannik: that makes things easier
Aaron: We'll wait meet up in the inn in the afternoon or evening, whenever all of us arrived, which should be about a week's ride, depending on the weather.
Thug: First drink's on me. Thanks for bringing me into this!
Boretos: I give the thug a nod
Aaron: No problem, and take care of your friend!
Thug: Good luck Aaron!
Boretos: lol
Jannik: Aaron is still disgusted by them and doesn't like these guys, it's fake niceness
Jannik: and he is really bummed out that he said his name but won't answer or flinch
Jannik: actually ...
Brian: You knew this guy wasn't the best dude, which is why you took him along to do not the best things. What you get, I suppose...
Jannik: okay
Jannik: I'ma do a thing
Jannik: I go up to him and whisper loud enough that Ephnyr can hear me
Boretos: If you're gonna be a spymaster, you're gonna have to get used to dealing with this sort of stuff
Boretos: also learn to use a fake name
Jannik: give me a random elf name, please
Brian: Aust
Boretos: Eldrin
Aaron: Thanks for still using my codename, but my real name is Eldrin, don't you forget that.
Jannik: and I walk off
Jannik: did you notice how I SPECIFIED being loud enough for Ephnyr and Emita to hear?
Jannik: I hope this works lol
Boretos: real smooth
Boretos: 10/10
Jannik: aren't I? 8)
Jannik: dc 5 int check I suppose
Jannik: whatever
Boretos: I'm ready to ride into the night when you are
Brian: I'll deal with that. After all, you won't have a chance to know when the bluff worked
Jannik: I'm also ready
Brian: so you do
Thug: Alright then.
Brian: he turns to Ephnyr, but what happens next slips into the calm silver night...
Boretos: sounds like a good stopping point
Brian: I'd say so
Brian: I assume that the general plan is to go straight to Eastmark and avoid the roads?
Boretos: ya
Brian: Cool. I may bug you about trying to get tiny solo sessions in in the next 24 hours.
Brian: Until then, if possible I would love to see you guys tomorrow when Jaden becomes avalible.
Jannik: the usual time?