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Jaden has connected.
Jaden: I'm hre
Jaden: here
Brian: Cool. Didn't know if you were ready or just loggin on
Jaden: I'm ready
Brian: alright. Do you need any recap?
Jaden: No, I think I'm good
Brian: Alright then. Are you up to anything in your room?
Jaden: He'd probably be writing a letter to send back home
Jaden: Assuming he could write of course
Jaden: And the materials would be allowed him
Brian: The materials are allowed you, and you can read apparently (you read Aema's letter)
Jaden: That is true
Jaden: When he'd finish with that, if he wasn't interrupted, he'd want to see if he could get some form of funds sent to his family
Jaden: As clearly he's not making barrels anymore, and they'd need money to live
Brian: Alright, do you seek out someone in particular, or just wander down the hall?
Jaden: I'd probably be looking for a steward or the person I interacted with before, but other than that he'd probably ask a maid or anyone he randomly met where he could find someone like that
Hand-maiden: Hmm, I don't know who would do that for you...
Hand-maiden: Do you know a knight or something?
Jaden: Refresh my memory, I forgot to take notes last time, who was it I originally talked with and then the person I met in the hallway?
Brian: I'll just reveal tokens for ya
Brian: Eldati was the priest you met first, Sir Eryson you met in the hall.
Artyom Cooper: I originally spoke with Eldati the priestess I believe, but I also later talked to Sir Eryson, though I don't know if they'd be the ones that could help with this
Hand-maiden: Well they're both rich, I'll tell you that.
Hand-maiden: *leans in and giggles* Some say richer than the king.
Artyom Cooper: Is that so?
Hand-maiden: Where do you think all the donations go? Our lord doesn't buy things...
Artyom Cooper: I suppose so. Then, who does handle the money usually? I'd imagine they'd be the person to go to
Hand-maiden: The minister of treasure? That would be lord Phinras. He has an office outside the palace.
Hand-maiden: I don't know just where, but I know a page who does.
Hand-maiden: Who are you, again?
Artyom Cooper: Artyom Cooper, I've only recently arrived here
Artyom Cooper: Would you mind showing me to this page so I may meet with him?
Hand-maiden: I think he's at the training grounds just about now...
Brian: she motions down the hall
Guard: Good day my lady, my lord.
Guard: Afraid I can't let you pass. King's orders.
Artyom Cooper: Oh? I'd planned on seeing Lord Phinras
Artyom Cooper: Is there a way I could send a message to him?
Guard: Should the king allow it.
Brian: The maiden looks at you with suspicion...
Artyom Cooper: Ah. Is there a way I could gain an audience with the king or correspond with him in some other way to gain this permission?
Guard: They don't just let anyone talk to the king. Sir Eryson is in charge of you, ain't he?
Artyom Cooper: I've not really been told much.
Artyom Cooper: As of now I don't know who's in charge of me
Hand-maiden: I'm lord. I don't think this is good buisness for a lady.
Hand-maiden: Good day to you both.
Artyom Cooper: Good day
Brian: she scurries out of the castle.
Guard: Not the best with the ladies I see?
Artyom Cooper: I'm not here for ladies, I'm here for my job, whatever that may be
Artyom Cooper: Where can I find Sir Eryson?
Adam has connected.
Guard: He's in the training grounds, outside the castle.
Adam is disconnected.
Artyom Cooper: So, may I exit to meet with him then?
Guard: No.
Guard: I'm sure he'll visit soon enough.
Artyom Cooper: So, is there anything I can do until he comes by?
Guard: you like to whittle?
Artyom Cooper: How did you know?
Guard: Just a guess, I swear it.
Guard: There's enough spies in this castle with me minding my own buisness.
Artyom Cooper: I suppose so. I'll be headed back to my room then
Brian: so you head back empty-handed?
Jaden: I do
Brian: It's mere moments before you hear a knock on the door.
Jaden: I answer quickly, excited to finally possibly get some answers
Artyom Cooper: Hello? Who is it?
Eldati: Eldati.
Eldati: May I come in?
Artyom Cooper: Ah yes, please do, it's not much, but I take what I can get
Eldati: *closes the door behind her* Trying to sneak out I hear?
Artyom Cooper: No, I wanted to see if I could send some money back to my family back home
Artyom Cooper: After all, if there's no barrels to sell there's no money to eat with
Eldati: I see.
Eldati: This is certainly something we need to address. Consider it done.
Brian: She looks out the doorway again, as if to check behind her, despite the door being closed.
Eldati: But I need to ask that you be more careful. Most in the castle don't know why you're here, and I'm sure some wouldn't feel too safe knowing about your gifts...
Artyom Cooper: By gifts I'm assuming you aren't speaking about my extreme skill in making barrels.
Artyom Cooper: Yes, I see your point, I know how to keep things under wraps
Brian: she takes a seat at your desk
Eldati: I'm going to be frank with you. There are those amoung the knighthood that don't want to keep Aema alive in the prison. Too much danger for them.
Eldati: And that's with the secret pretty well kept. The last thing we need to do is feed the fire.
Artyom Cooper: As far as anyone knows I've only recently arrived here and I whittle, and my name is Artyom Cooper
Artyom Cooper: It would be easier to make up a story though if I had some information about why I was actually here
Eldati: Well, there's the thing...
Eldati: The king ordered you here, and he chose to keep his mouth shut about why. If I made up a story, and the king didn't like it...
Brian: she starts to pick up a pen and move it across her neck, but stops, as if deciding it was too over the top a gesture.
Artyom Cooper: Yes, I understand
Artyom Cooper: Perhaps if there wasn't as much a problem with loose lips in the castle you wouldn't have to worry so much
Eldati: Perhaps if there weren't such a problem with gold, you mean.
Eldati: Smart people don't tell secrets if there isn't money to be made. And when they turn from the gods, guess what god they turn to?
Artyom Cooper: The god with an "L" between the "O" and the "D"
Eldati: I...never thought of that.
Eldati: You're quick. That will serve you well.
Eldati: I should be going now, before someone wonders why I spend so much time with my new guest. I will see to your family, but any other requests?
Artyom Cooper: There's a letter at my desk, explaining that I'm in the capitol working, if you could send that to them as well, that would alleviate their worries, I'm sure.
Artyom Cooper: Don't worry, I haven't told them I'm in the castle, nor have I told them specifically why I'm here
Artyom Cooper: I hope they assume I'm making barrels for the wine harvest or something
Eldati: I'll have it sent by one of my finest.
Eldati: Lord's blessings.
Brian: she heads out.
Jaden: I nod at her as she does
Jaden: Then probably try to take a nap or go over the things I've learned in my head
Brian: You are sadly awoken, by yet another knock
Jaden: He heads to the door groggily
Artyom Cooper: Whosthere?
Guard: You're a lucky man!
Jaden: He opens the door
Artyom Cooper: Hm?
Guard: The lord commander told me to escort you to him in the training grounds, and that if the king didn't like it it would be his head not mine!
Guard: And that's good enough for me.
Jaden: I shake the sleep from my eyes
Artyom Cooper: Lead the way then
Brian: it's not too much of a walk to the training grounds, which is a suprisingly small plod of dirt behind the castle. You and Aema practiced in better conditions than this...
Sir Eryson: Well if it isn't the chosen one!
Jaden: I glance at the guard and back at Sir Eryson and raise an eyebrow in the "Should you be saying that in front of him?" sort of eyebrow arch
Sir Eryson: *chuckles* The high preistess doesn't take a body guard who isn't a brilliant swordsman, does she?
Artyom Cooper: I suppose she wouldn't
Artyom Cooper: What did you need me for?
Sir Eryson: I want to see how good her taste is.
Brian: he lifts one of the many wooden swords laying around off the ground.
Brian: the guard then heads off
Sir Eryson: Well?
Artyom Cooper: I have no experience with the sword, I have no doubts you would win if I were restricted to that alone
Sir Eryson: ...a bowman then?
Artyom Cooper: I've used a short bow in the past for hunting, and crossbows are simple enough I know how to work them
Artyom Cooper: But I can't say I'm especially good with those either
Sir Eryson: Interesing...
Sir Eryson: *steps closer* A spearman then?
Artyom Cooper: If I could be considered for any position in the army it would be that of a scout sir, my combat skills are very weak
Brian: he steps closer yet again.
Artyom Cooper: Though my eyes are sharp and I can travel by night, and I can navigate woods with ease
Sir Eryson: Then what...
Sir Eryson: Is all the buzz about!
Brian: Without warning, he swings at your waist
* Brian rolls: 1d20+8 => 20 + 8 = 28
* Brian rolls: 1d6-1 => 6 - 1 = 5
Jaden: Oh
* Brian rolls: 1d6-1 => 2 - 1 = 1
Brian: ...does a 34 hit?
Jaden: That's a 34
Jaden: Yeah
Jaden: It does
* Brian rolls: 1d20+1 => 7 + 1 = 8
Brian: does an 8 wound?
Jaden: That
Jaden: does not
Jaden: 9 is a 0 wound
Jaden: Well 9 is 10 + Toughness for me
Brian: You bend over in pain, but nothing seems broken. The lord commander steps back and laughs
Sir Eryson: A man shows his true strength in danger. You showed me nothing.
Artyom Cooper: Maybe hiding my true strength is my strength?
Artyom Cooper: I'm a perfect bluff
Artyom Cooper: Why else would a peasant be brought in?
Artyom Cooper: It might be that there needs to be something to talk about to root out those who'd talk about it
Brian: What is your int+charm? I'm going to count that classic misdirection as a deciet attempt.
Jaden: 2
Sir Eryson: An interesting idea...
Sir Eryson: Do you know where I could get someone like you?
Artyom Cooper: I'm the only me I know of sir, there are none others like it, but I imagine any peasant would do if you just wanted to stir up talk
Artyom Cooper: Bring them in and don't tell anyone why and I'm sure rumors would abound in less than a week
Sir Eryson: How much were you paid to play the fool?
Artyom Cooper: That would be unwise for me to say
Sir Eryson: Well, you do realize you already said too much. You told me that our lord above can't even keep the little priests from chatting, something I'm sure the crown would like to know if Eldati wants to hide it...
Artyom Cooper: And maybe I've been paid to tell you that exact piece of information
Artyom Cooper: And now I also know that you're suspicious of Eldati
Sir Eryson: Well anyone could have told you that. I don't trust anyone who claims duty only to a god that she just happens to be the most trustworthy voice of. I've said that to her face, in front of the king.
Sir Eryson: I like you though, you know that?
Jaden: rubs the spot where the sword hit
Artyom Cooper: You've got a funny way of showing it
Sir Eryson: Would you rather I be smooth?
Sir Eryson: There's plenty of smooth talkers high up, young fool. It's the assholes who are the only ones you can really trust.
Sir Eryson: Well, if you aren't going to spar with me, I guess I should take you home, hmm?
Artyom Cooper: If you think we're done here then you may gladly take me back to my room
Brian: with a smirk he leads the way
Sir Eryson: This is your room, right?
Artyom Cooper: It is
Artyom Cooper: The door is closed most of the time, but I'd be willing to talk if you could give me a few pointers on who's an asshole around here or not
Jaden: With that, I turn to leave
Brian: he doesn't say anything to stop you, and instead turns around without a word.
Jaden: And with that he goes back in the room to think about what he's done
Brian: After you go into timeout for what somebody else did, do you just sleep?
Jaden: I think I'll be awake
Jaden: Just in a sort of meditative stance
Jaden: Unless it's night time
Brian: sorry, brb
Jaden: Then I'd sleep
Jaden: No problem, take what time you need
Brian: kk
Brian: Most of the next day passes in sheer bordem, which isn't the worst thing, but then a page summons you to the chapel.
Jaden: I go to the chapel
Eldati: How have you been?
Artyom Cooper: I've been fine
Artyom Cooper: Though I can say I don't like this amount of attention following me around the castle
Eldati: Well, that's what happens when the king starts doing strange things.
Eldati: This would be a good time to take a prayer if you haven't today. I'll be seeing a certain sir Ephnyr soon here, and I want you in attendance.
Eldati: It concerns events near your hometown, and your powers might help you see things I cannot.
Artyom Cooper: What is this Sir Ephnyr like?
Artyom Cooper: Have you dealt with him in the past?
Eldati: Never. I normally don't deal with knights outside the Order of Blood.
Artyom Cooper: I've had very few dealings with knights myself
Artyom Cooper: Does he have a high status?
Eldati: No. He's spent a lot of time in the south, doing quests for peasants.
Eldati: But he reports he's seen concerning things. Things that may indicate an upset amoung the gods.
Artyom Cooper: That is very concerning
Artyom Cooper: Then again, I suppose my existence is an upset among the gods as well
Eldati: Is it, or is it a righting?
Eldati: Or...perhaps an upset to one is progress to another?
Artyom Cooper: And then if that is true, perhaps there is a war brewing among the gods
Adam has connected.
Eldati: Do you ever ponder why we have so many gods? Gods of life and death, law and chaos?
Eldati: And why one never just cut another's head off?
Artyom Cooper: Because there was balance I imagine
Artyom Cooper: Law was as powerful as Chaos, Life was as strong as Death
Artyom Cooper: It would be mutually assured destruction to challenge one another
Artyom Cooper: Wouldn't it?
Eldati: Then why is there word that the orcs of the east betrayed a god and tried to slay him?
Eldati: Why are there rumors that Nerul attempted to kill all elves within his domain?
Artyom Cooper: Maybe there is an imbalance now
Artyom Cooper: Maybe that is why there are rumors of Nerul and word from the orcs
They go to Eladi's chapel, and Cerim and Ephnyr approach the entrance
priest: My Lady, Sir Ephnyr and his...
priest: ...Squire?
Artyom Cooper: Ahem
Sir Ephnyr: Just a companion.
Brian: the two walk in.
Jaden: I go quiet and give a glance to Eldati, indicating the current conversation is over
Sir Ephnyr: You requested us, your holiness?
Eldati: I did, sir Ephnyr. And... who are you?
Cerim Potter: I am Lieutenant Cerim Potter of the Tinsboro Guard.
Brian: You recognize the man, now that you think about it, but it took until he said Tinsboro.
Eldati: Never heard of a Lieutenant before. Is that what humans call knights?
Cerim Potter: Not exactly. I lead a squad of militia men to defend our town from criminals and the like.
Jaden: I have a vague recollection of this man and his militia, though I haven't interacted with him much in the past
Jaden: If at all
Eldati: Hmm, a common born then?
Cerim Potter: I'm afraid so, priestess. Still, nobility is not a requirement for pride.
Eldati: Nor should it be. Do I look like a knight to you?
Cerim Potter: A knight, no. Nobility? If your beauty is any indication, then I would say so.
Artyom Cooper: If I may remind you, priestess. It might be best to deal with the matter at hand. Sir Ephnyr has been waiting.
Eldati: I want both of their testimonies, actually.
Eldati: Lieutenant, let us start with you.
Cerim Potter: What's this all about?
Eldati: What were these creatures you saw?
Cerim Potter: Creatures? You mean the walking bones of the dead?
Eldati: Were they? I had heard tales of such beings lurking about, but I wanted to hear it directly before I believed such concerning news.
Cerim Potter: Sir Ephnyr can vouch for their authenticity.
Sir Ephnyr: I can, my lady. We fought them together.
Sir Ephnyr: And he only saw the last of them. on the way back from the village of Ensiph, I encountered many.
Sir Ephnyr: The town there was raided by its own graveyard.
Eldati: Did...anything else happen?
Eldati: Did you see a priest summon the beasts or something?
Sir Ephnyr: I have my suspicions on the church of Nerul, for obvious reasons. I left my man-at-arms to look into the matter, and I intend to return to him as soon as I can.
Sir Ephnyr: A more immediate quest held me up in the last few days.
Brian: Eldati, who had been perfectly serene before, suddenly looks shocked
Eldati: More immediate than an angry god?
Cerim Potter: *mutters under breath*
Sir Ephnyr: I took pains to inform you as soon as I could. I wished to speak to you sooner, but you are hard to get a hold of, being so high and noble.
Cerim Potter: (( Is that sass? ))
Brian: he wasn't trying ot make it sound that way, but it might have been in his heart of hearts...
Brian: actually, yeah, you both sense that
Cerim Potter: (( wouldn't put it past him. ))
Jaden: My gaze towards the two in the room begins to wander, though you get the feeling I'm still paying close attention
Eldati: Well I trust then that we will see what your little side kick will get a visit very soon.
Eldati: I will send one of my own to aid you in getting to the root of this matter.
Eldati: Speak to your commanders about getting knights to assist you, and to talk to me if they don't belive...
Eldati: Actually, nevermind. I can send the order of blood to aid you.
Sir Ephnyr: You have my word, my lady.
Brian: Ephnyr turns and leaves in haste.
Cerim Potter: I'm glad to have finally found you, Artyom. Your sister was worried.
Artyom Cooper: I'm sure she was
Cerim Potter: I've come to bring you and the Smith girl home.
Artyom Cooper: Sadly I can't go, I'm on business here
Artyom Cooper: A letter explaining the situation should arrive soon
Cerim Potter: I see. And the Smith girl?
Artyom Cooper: She is here on the same business
Cerim Potter: And what business would that be?
Eldati: It might just relate to this issue, in fact. Looks like a whole village got caught up in this mess.
Artyom Cooper: Eloping
Artyom Cooper: Personal business
Brian: Eldati glares at you.
Jaden: I smile at Eldati
Cerim Potter: (( glares at who? ))
Brian: Artyom
Cerim Potter: What does a young couple running off together have to do with your skeleton problem?
Eldati: Some matters are private, Lieutenant.
Cerim Potter: So be it. I suppose I cannot force you to return, but now that I at least know where you are, then my mission is complete. I will return to Tinsboro and alert your family.
Artyom Cooper: Thank you
Cerim Potter: Next time leave a note, please.
Artyom Cooper: Ah, we left too quickly for that, I did send a letter though
Artyom Cooper: It should be arriving shortly
Cerim Potter: Farewell, Artyom, High Priestess.
Eldati: I don't suppose you want to aid us in this quest? Clearly you are skilled against these creatures...
Cerim Potter: I thought the matter was private.
Eldati: That is largely because of this danger we are facing. The boy's involvement is why he came to me, after all.
Eldati: Lieutentants look after their citizens, no?
Cerim Potter: Are you saying Tinsboro isn't safe?
Eldati: Two of her villagers aren't.
Cerim Potter: Through their own youthful recklessness, no doubt.
Eldati: Is that what brought you here?
Eldati: Or was it monsters?
Cerim Potter: I came here to find an eloped couple. The monsters were but a bump in the road.
Eldati: Then to home it is for you?
Cerim Potter: What of these monsters?
Eldati: What of them? They are dangerous, and more importantly they are a troubling omen. Someone needs to go forth and see that they are dealt with, and learned about.
Cerim Potter: And you would send a cooper and a smith?
Artyom Cooper: And if I remember correctly Ensiph isn't too far from Tinsboro, perhaps Tinsboro's will be the next graveyard to rise up
Eldati: A cooper and a guard. And I don't expect the cooper to fight.
Artyom Cooper: I'm not a fighting man, but I've got skills suited for a scout from my time spent in the woods around Tinsboro
Cerim Potter: Hm. I can't very well let Emita's brother go get himself killed.
Cerim Potter: I suppose you have a plan, priestess?
Eldati: Not at the moment, to be entirely honest with you. I didn't expect the situation to be so grave before it reached my ears.
Eldati: And you may need to do a lot of thinking on the road besides. But I trust Mr. Cooper, I trust the Order of Blood, and this knight friend of yours seems to be a smart man.
Eldati: And what I know for sure, is that the church must act before angry villagers do.
Cerim Potter: So you're getting Sir Ephnyr involved.
Eldati: It's his man-at-arms who has been gathering information.
Eldati: Why wouldn't he be involved?
Cerim Potter: I don't mean to question your judgement, priestess.
Eldati: I am glad to hear it, but I would love to question yours.
Cerim Potter: Then by all means. I would love to hear your wisdom.
Eldati: Do you think the knighthood can't be trusted with this task?
Cerim Potter: Quite the contrary. I have the utmost respect for the knighthood.
Cerim Potter: Surely one knight has the strength to quash the graveyards of a dozen towns.
Artyom Cooper: I fear in this one the dead may outnumber the living
Artyom Cooper: And if the dead are attacking, we may be at a severe disadvantage
Eldati: And that may not be the end of our worries...
Eldati: What do you know about the orcs?
Artyom Cooper: They tried to slay a god recently, from what I hear, though I imagine it didn't succeed
Cerim Potter: I know they were exiled years ago.
Eldati: A human generation ago. They were led by a Kordite of all people, but it was the faith of the god of the dead that dominated in time, according to the few traders who interact with such creatures.
Eldati: I am amoung the few in this castle who think that the Nerulians of the east pose no threat to us, but that doesn't mean that a few haven't wanded to their old home to cause evil.
Eldati: Or maybe it's nothing to do with that at all. Perhaps the other faiths want to try their own hand on the throne. If that's the case, refer them to me, and I can tell them it's too much work, alright?
Cerim Potter: So it's the orcs who have learned to raise the dead?
Eldati: I can't claim to know. But you will need to keep your eyes open, you hear?
Eldati: But I think that's enough for now. I will need to inform the king himself about this.
Eldati: Brother Elwin!
priest: Aye?
Eldati: See the Lieutenant to his quarters.
priest: Aye, my lady.
Brian: the priest gestures
Eldati: Anything else you need, Artyom? It might be a while talking with the king.
Artyom Cooper: No, I'm fine, I believe I've got to examine what I've learned here
Artyom Cooper: Anything you'd like to speak to me about?
Eldati: Yes, once I've collected my thoughts.
Artyom Cooper: Oh no, that's a bad sign
Eldati: Right now, I'm just angry nobody told me about this earlier, and angry is a good way to get what you want from his majesty.
Brian: she winks and heads off.
Jaden: I go back to my room
Brian: Any antics from either of you two?
Jaden: I'm clearly up to no good, that is if anyone could see me
Jaden: No, I'm just thinking
Cerim Potter: (( whenever I can check in with Emita. ))
Brian: hmm, do we want to do this secretly?
Cerim Potter: (( do you feel lucky, punk? ))
Brian: Do you think you're dropping any spoilers? I don't think I am.
Jaden: I can leave if you'd like me to
Cerim Potter: (( I don't know what he knows? ))
Jaden: Just message me when you want me to come back
Brian: ehh, fine. I'll call you back in time. You can always read the full story once I publish it after the campaign
Cerim Potter: (( this shouldn't take long. ))
Jaden is disconnected.
Brian: You rin into Emita a bit outside the castle, buying some fruit.
Cerim Potter: Emita!
Emita: Cerim?
Emita: What is it?
Cerim Potter: I found Artyom.
Emita: What?
Emita: Where?
Cerim Potter: He was speaking with the High Priestess.
Emita: What...
Emita: What did he do?
Cerim Potter: He wouldn't say. Apparently the two of them running off has something to do with the sk- I mean... he said he wasn't coming home.
Emita: Like...a good not coming home?
Emita: Or like a "I'm in trouble" not coming home?
Cerim Potter: He said that he sent a letter home explaining everything.
Cerim Potter: I guess we left too quickly to catch it.
Brian: She laughs a far more stress-free laugh than you've heard from her in a while.
Cerim Potter: (( feelsgoodman.jpg ))
Emita: Bet it's full of dumb excuses.
Emita: Where's Aema?
Cerim Potter: I didn't see her. He said they were together, so she can't be far.
Emita: Ok.
Emita: But did he seem alright?
Emita: Nothing, concerning going on?
Cerim Potter: Does he ever seem alright?
Brian: what's your int+charm?
Cerim Potter: (( +2 ))
Emita: Yeah, when he had to run off in the woods and do random "chores"!
Cerim Potter: "chores", "chasing skirt" What's the difference?
Emita: Do you know where he's staying? I want to talk to him as soon as I can.
Cerim Potter: So you can give him a black eye?
Emita: ...maybe
Cerim Potter: Luckily for him, I don't know where he's staying.
Emita: Bullshit
Cerim Potter: I wouldn't lie to you.
Cerim Potter: er..
Emita: You would. You'd totally lie if it's what you thought I wanted to hear.
Cerim Potter: If I would tell you what you want to hear, then why would I withhold his location from you?
Emita: You know what? Good point.
Emita: I'll just have to twist Ephnyr's arm for it.
Cerim Potter: What makes you think he knows?
Emita: He knows a lot of stuff. *leans in* and he tells me all of it.
Emita: Like how you two are going off on a quest?
Cerim Potter: Wait, so you already knew about Artyom?
Emita: He didn't tell me about Artyom. Was he there when you found him?
Cerim Potter: Yes, it was the priestess who gave us the... quest. I guess Sir Ephnyr didn't tell you everything.
Emita: Ok, he would have told me if he found my brother. Did he say who he was?
Emita: It's not like Ephnyr knows what Arty looks like...
Cerim Potter: The only reason we went there was because we heard Artyom was there.
Cerim Potter: It seems strange that he wouldn't tell you something so important.
Emita: Yeah, it does...
Cerim Potter: You've been... spending a lot of time with him?
Emita: I mean, yeah.
Emita: I know he was kind of an idiot before, but he's a really noble man.
Cerim Potter: I'm aware of his blood.
Cerim Potter: I'm also aware of his actions.
Cerim Potter: One of them is noble, certainly.
Emita: You sure you're not just judging the man too fast cause you don't want to like him?
Emita: You should have seen him with the commoners. He treats people so much better than any knight I've ever seen.
Cerim Potter: I think you underestimate how excited I was to first lay my eyes on him. To be joined by a real knight in battle? There is scant few I have wished for greater.
Cerim Potter: I want to like him for the sake of every knight and every common boy who plays with a stick in the woods.
Emita: Well, maybe you will finally get a chance. Please, give him a second chance, I swear he's a safe guy.
Emita: Do it for me at least?
Cerim Potter: For you? What choice do I have, in that case?
Emita: Nobody can tell you what to think.
Emita: Look, just be safe, ok?
Cerim Potter: I will.
Cerim Potter: I guess you don't need to stay here any longer.
Emita: I'm not leaving until I found Arty.
Cerim Potter: Alright. I'll make sure you two get reunited once more. I'll leave out the black eye when I mention you.
Emita: Thanks.
Emita: Thanks for everything. Did I ever say that when we first went out here?
Cerim Potter: No thanks necessary, my lady. *bows*
Emita: And Cerim?
Cerim Potter: Mm?
Emita: Keep the knight away from ale, would ya?
Cerim Potter: I'll do what I can.
Jaden has connected.
Brian: Alright, time to skip to the start of our quest?
Cerim Potter: (( Is that the next time I see Artyom? ))
Brian: yes. You aren't normally allowed in the same part of the castle that he seems to spend all his time in...
Eldati: ...I wish I could give you more clear instructions. I wish I could promise victory, or that this shall be the end of the matter. But the truth is, I cannot. I am sending you to be the spear and torch of our lord, illuminating and protecting in dark woods of unknown evil. But what I can say is that our lord watches over us all, and the day you doubt that, you fail.
Brian: Ephnyr, who is late to the rally, comes out of the castle now
Cerim Potter: (( hungover, no doubt. ))
Eldati: There you are! Starting to get concerned.
Sir Ephnyr: *quite sober and perky, thank you very much* I'm sorry my lady. I had one knightly vow to uphold before I left.
Brian: he takes his place at your sides, and Emita emerges.
Emita: Arty?
Artyom Cooper: Eh, hello
Emita: Where have you been this whole time?
Artyom Cooper: It was a matter of business
Emita: Well, you're coming back soon, right?
Artyom Cooper: I'm not sure if I can
Emita: Well keep in mind that if you don't, I'm killing all the rest of these knights, you got that?
Artyom Cooper: Remember what I said about empty threats, sister
Emita: Just promise you will try to be safe?
Artyom Cooper: I will, but I fear I may have to stay here for a bit longer
Eldati: He does a great service to our kingdom. I'm sure he will be rewarded with good health.
Brian: Emita looks at her, but doesn't seem consoled.
Emita: Ohh, and Cerim?
Cerim Potter: Yes, Emita?
Brian: Emita walks up to him, leans in, and whispers something the rest can't hear.
Emita: I read the offical summons. Why did you lie to me?
Brian: Then she walks back to the castle.
Cerim Potter: (( /w command helps ))
Brian: Alright, this is actually all I had planned. If anybody had stuff in mind they wanted to do during the first part of the journey we can keep going, otherwise this is a good breaking point.
Jaden: I'm fine stopping here
Cerim Potter: (( I've got nothing to do before the quest. ))
Brian: Cool. Another happy session, this time with literally no non-secret rolls
Jaden: Awesome